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ste eibar

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Everything posted by ste eibar

  1. I would save up for a while longer.If you can stretch to £350-£450 you will get somethink that you will realy like. AA 410 would be my choice for a multi in this price range.
  2. Look's good. How big is it? Did it self heal or will it be like swiss cheese after a session?
  3. I bet he can't sleep tonight. Good luck to him.
  4. I think semi auto lee did a vid. Try a search for that.
  5. I would give them a ring just to see it's all in order. Mine took 13 week's in all,that was with northumbria police. Give's you more time to save the money that you can spend on gun's
  6. Another cracking shot. There it was gone. :blink:
  7. My FEO did the same. I was disappointed also, you would need C4 to get mine of the wall.
  8. Thank's for the reply's. I'll have a scout around the rape field's on friday for some short bit's that are near flight line's and give it a go on sunday. I'll let you know how i get on.
  9. Our shoot is mostly rape field's. A lot of the rape is in flower now. The question is when are they cut? Is it worth decoying after they are cut? I can't wait for some decent pigeon shooting
  10. I would give the FUDS a miss i got some and they are more blue than black. I was thinking of covering them with black tight's.
  11. I've been out tonight and saw another one about 100y from where i shot the female so it could well be the other half. Never got a shot at it
  12. Ill be interested to see how it turn's out. Keep us updated
  13. They are lovely looking animal's. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  14. Yes a shotgun,i was on my way to do some roost shooting but i always have a look around the pen's first.
  15. That's what i thought.She was using the rat hole's that run in and out of the pen's. We are sorting out some ratting shortly as they are all over at the mo.
  16. I shot this stoat at our pheasant pen's no tuesday. I probibly would have left it if it had been anywere else.
  17. I never got to try these on our night's rabbit shooting as i had 23 blue tip's left, that was plenty as it turned out. I tried the hollow point's on the range, didn't groop well at all. Used them up shooting rat's that seem to be running riot in the field's at the mo. £16 per box for rat shooting, i won't be getting these again.
  18. Don't look back. the libertien's. Got crow call's for my message tone, drive's the missus mental.
  19. Another cracking shot. Keep the vidio's coming.
  20. I've had 4 out of 5 but Jay's are pretty rare around here.
  21. Enjoyed that, keep them coming.
  22. Well done I shot my first left and right partridge and first woodcock on one drive on the last day of the season. Ill never forget it.
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