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ste eibar

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Everything posted by ste eibar

  1. Just a pic from last week 4 of us shooting in 2 different location's on our shoot. Not sure of the count, the fox was from one of the trap's. Cassie the lab did all the hard work.
  2. Sorry it's been a while but here's a pic of it painted. Not a very good pic but the trooper look's great.
  3. Shooting with a mate off here yesterday, we set up with a magnet, 2 floater's and 13 shell's. Set up at 11:30 my mate wanted a couple of woodie's for his dinner i thought this should be possible even for us two rank amateur's. Anyway 51 feral's and 1 woodie in three and a half hour's later, his dinner was one woodie short when we packed up. The farmer was happy all the same.
  4. satuday 5am fox watch on the pheasant pen's. satuday 9am pigeon shooting on rape stubble. satuday 2pm shopping with the other half and kid's. satuday 9pm rabbit shooting. sunday 5am fox watch. sunday 12 noon bbq at cousins. sunday 4pm out on the drink with the lad's. sunday 11pm p***ed. monday hangover or pigeon shooting.
  5. Our lass still think's 500 cart's are £40 quid.
  6. Welcome to the watch. Chris if your budget is around £3oo I would look at some pre charged air rifle's. They are easier to shoot than a springer. You should be able to get something like a AA s200 with a pump for £300.If you can get a s400 or s410 all the better. Good luck with whatever you get.
  7. Trooper is now painted nato green. I'll put a pic on after next weekend when i've had time to do the black.
  8. Bunch of nutter's. :wacko: I've never done any of these thing's.
  9. I'll try some photo's but i'm afraid more lack of talent might let me down again. I've tried for month's to put some pic's on here, the only one i,ve managed is the one at the side here. In fact i've been trying since boxing day last year when i shot my first fox.
  10. Cracking job that' We just want to tidy the trooper up a bit. It's been sprayed green before but it's gone a bit yellow and has a few rust spot,s now. Like i say lack of talent with a spray gun let's me down. It's only cost me £60 up to now.
  11. I ordered the same paint because i've seen your jimny. How many roller's do you reckon I've got 8 ?
  12. Thank's for the advice, I'll get some rust treatment but the spray is beyond my budget and talent.
  13. I'm doing a nato green roller job on a Isuzu trooper. Ordered 5 Ltr of paint, masking tape, wet and dry, roller's, primer for the rust spot's and those wipe's. Do i need anythink else? Question's. Do i need to thin the paint? Do i need to use a rust inhibitor on the rust spot's they are only small at the moment? How long is the painting likely to take, there's two of us doing the work, all the prep will be done the day before and we were going to start at about 5pm painting in the hope there's less bug's about in the evening. I,ve read most of the post's on paint job's on here where i got some good info, just looking for more help. Thank's for any help.
  14. It's my first year as a member of a shoot. I've been beating for a few year's on this shoot. We pay £500 a year that's for 1000 pheasant's , 500 partridge , and duck's not sure how many. We also get to shoot pigeon, corvid's, fox, and for me i shoot rat's and squidger's with the airrifle. I could'nt beleive some lad's moaned because it went from £400 to £500 this season. I think £500 for year round shooting is great value.
  15. Welcome to the watch. I've taken lot's of good advice from the good member's of PW. Can decoy the bird's in. Just not very good at hitting them.
  16. Cracking bag mate. Bet that hatstand for sale on here next week.
  17. Have a look at a pajero jnr (Import's). My mate has just got one and say's he get's double the mpg of the shogun he had. I think they are 1100cc or 600cc.
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