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Everything posted by graiglearn

  1. I heard the reason the cull was stopped was Brian May (badger cuddle) and Bill Oddie (foot in mouth) are going to pay for all the cattle that have to be culled !!!!! Let people like these Pay for the untold damage to farming and see if their views remain the same ? .
  2. Buy a old Remmy 1100 and Tony Morris Guns will tune it to even lower loads ,open up the gas holes ,He has told me he has boys that shoot 21g by the 100s in practice at DTL ,He does love his Remmys and is a real gent
  3. Browning GTS - ask Ban guns will it just be White vans ,? maybe get them for racist actions ?
  4. What I meant was lunatic or not there will be no mention of the 'weapon' but if the idiot had a even an air pistol in the van he would have been branded as a 'legitimate gun holder gone mad'
  5. Are the anti weapon lobby now going to ask for a VAN ban ,Cant say he only wounded , He was clearly meaning to kill.?
  6. Even any info on front brakes -working on r/ only- Back brake- needs reassembled ,carb adjustment? cuts out on idle.Cheers
  7. Anyone out there got a old Suzuki Quadrunner Manual 250cc approx 1984 ,Need to fix brakes so that section of manual would do ,All downloads for manuals are outside uk and flash warnings that may be infected , Photo copy or manual if not needed .will send stamped addressed envelope if you have something ?
  8. Oh Back again ,Come on slag another company of in public ,you never seem to be able to stop !Remember I never slated the product you did !
  9. Well said sir ,with you all the way , but I really must stop answering , At least I have done my bit to bring there attitude to 1,000s I knew I could not do it through the shooting press as you say marketing budget = glossy adverts ,no publication would risk loosing the revenue .Now I really must put this one to bed ,birds due see you in sept .
  10. You and your mate have served your purpose well 'opinion should state a personal liking not rubbish others by inferring as inferior' ,amazing what you will believe ,but it all has had the desired effect, Hope Burris don,t take your slagging to heart .I am getting bored with you now you have served your purpose as has this thread as I said .
  11. Fair enough ,pal I do think there is such a thing as bad publicity, Hell been there before with a bank and it worked,if this works it works if it don't I am no worse off than I was ,but whether you use GMK or not ,ask your retailers about them first.It may surprise you,but a lot are afraid of the big bad wolf,me I don,t really care.I got someone else to do the slagging I just kept asking Questions
  12. Sorry but that looks like a bit of a backtrack ,what happened to the any scope will do syndrome ? you have slated Burris in a post , I have told you repeatedly the scope was a present , in its time this was top of the range and price compared with top Europe scopes at that time, so pricing is not an issue ,your statement was that the burris was inferior even new to a second hand scope of the same period and price ,sorry stick to your stated position, but thanks for the post again -back up there and over 2000 views and you slated Burris & GMK as title
  13. Hello again Lads, forgot to thank you 'fister' for doing what I would never dream of ,Stating Burris were inferior ( tut tut)scopes Don't think you should say things like that ,also by association as GMK dont do German, so must be supplier of those type of goods! , you are doing all the slanging I require , Many thanks you are doing exactly what I need .Might have slipped that one in sooner,sorry , but keep on going the more you post the more people will see your slagging of the related company's Hell I was just after C/S you have done the whole company,s
  14. Good , Keep going till middle of month ,I can hardly wait to thank you all for keeping it going , Ever felt used ?
  15. Did you know them?If you look back it was mentioned that I 'must be from scotland or up north 'Think that includes racist remarks to your part by your own ,they started the wit !
  16. Fister If you check the first page it was a present ,That was the new price , never seen a 8x32 Quality scope at that price Hell a second hand nightforce with that mag is nearer £800-900 . As I have stated it is GMK I am after, and by agreeing on a good German scope seemingly you exclude GMK ,they dont do German so you are agreeing not to use them ?
  17. There you go again rising to the bait like a good thing,I might buy something German if GMK would consider what value was the burris £700 as new ? But we all dont have 2 grand lying about to spend like you boys down south,as for others,doing the job, can you not read ,Oh we did have some guys from south of the border who no doubt would have been interested ,but were too busy catching badgers for baiting and poaching deer- until caught -you must be so trusting to allow strangers who would answer such an advert to roam your patch - then come back and clean you out .How about taking off the rose glasses and be realistic or are you so alone any company will do - Got some Ayrshire Ex mining lads if you need a hand ?
  18. Back again boys ,why do you never actually answer a question for once instead 'I think you ramble too much' , As for inviting 'who' ,other reliable people have their own vermin worries and it would appear you have cornered the cowboy market,and as for a entry level scope afraid our foxes are not townies ,that come to hand for a big mac.
  19. can you guys with the neg comments not use your pea brain to see every time you post- I reply -keeping the thread alive ,you only seem to reply to keep you average of posts up , either that or you are all on crack. but just to show no hard feelings come on up for a days driven partridge ,if the foxes have not got them all by then ,and oh you may have to go walking gun with some Scottish beaters then you can express your racism to them .We have one English beater but he is becoming trained abet never to a top standard ,its not there in the breeding,
  20. if the dog could not be trusted not to chase anything ,it should have been on a lead ,if it had been trained right it would stop on command,then the unfortunate incident would not have happened
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