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Posts posted by ryle

  1. Hmr is nice. It certainly outshoots the .22lr. The hmr ammo prices are a more than compared to the .22lr, but if all you are shooting is rabbits, it shouldnt matter.


    The other guys are right, hmr does quite a bit of damage indeed. If you do wanna eat your bunnies, head shots are a must. A moderated Hmr is nowhere near as quiet as a moderated .22lr with subs though.

  2. al4x is right. Dont get caught with a dead buzzard in your pen. Even if you intended to aid the bird, the tables may be turned on you.


    I once found a dead kestrel near a pen on mine. I was very cautious about approaching it and looked around a but first incase somebody was filming me (it does go on) and trying to frame me.


    Upon picking it up there was not a mark on it. It was the closesr id been to a kestrel and could not believe just how small it was! I then buried the bird away from the pen. Same thing happened last year, I found a dead tawny owl in the garden, he was right underneath the electric cables, dead and unmarked. The only thing I could put his death down to was electric shock, if thats possible. Again I buried this bird.

  3. Try covering the cage with near by foilage. Yes country foxes wont like walking on the bare mesh floor, but I've personally found that some of them dont like the mesh sides either.


    In my opinion snaring is much more effective, although not always suitable in every situation.


    I would imaging that maybe charlie has a taste for the living chicken now and is maybe ignoring your bait for the 'livelier' option!

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