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Everything posted by DaveK

  1. Oh dear. So I happen across this topic and find our Mr Personality spouting his usual testicles. KENT. Stop Googling and go out and do some shooting. The only person you're impressing is yourself. Wake up and realise that the more you spout, the more you show yourself up.
  2. Couldn;t have put it better. If you use it and like it why change it? Just get a variation for another .22 and buy the CZ.
  3. Still wouldn't hurt to let David have a look though. West Yorkshire aren't renowned for being the most proactive licensing people in the country. They've always been pretty good with me but I know of people who've had run-ins and had to get their shooting organisations to undig their heels. I'm tempted to ask for AOLQ and quote them the ACPO guidance when they say no ------ which they will.
  4. Well spotted that man. Classic
  5. So where's the mod reminding members to stop bickering on this thread then? Oh, sorry, no-one's BASC bashing.
  6. DaveK


    If you fancy selling I would be interested
  7. My my. Doesn't god smile on the self righteous. You pay for a service, you should get the service you expect. It's no problem at all to restrict staff but to impose policies and management team values on paying customers is out of order
  8. That numpty is correct. But it's not an offence to prevent you getting onto it. Currently, the law only allows police intervention when cars are stuck inside garages and on driveways due to parked vehicles blocking them in - not allowing access to the Queen's highway I believe is the law. Any other parking offence is now down to local authorities unless the vehicle is causing an obstruction.
  9. Yep 101 it is. I find North Yorks call handlers very good when calling in.
  10. But you didn't start the topic - unless you have an alter ego And the OP didn't ask a question. Strange folk in Doncaster. Big boys guns eh? 105mm Pak howitzer? Honest John nuclear battlefield missile? 40/70 Bofors? Like wot I did?
  11. Put it on ebay it will sell on there no problem.
  12. Peacemaker P3 http://www.altberg.co.uk/product/peacekeeper-p3-vs/
  13. Something that is no longer enforced now that Natural England is in charge.
  14. Welding rod of the right diameter did it for me.
  15. Is that the Effin that Matt McGinn wrote a poem about? THE BEE FROM THE OLD TOWN OF EFFEN (Matt McGinn) He kept bees in the old town of Effen An Effen beekeeper was he And one day this Effen beekeeper Was stung by a big Effen bee Now this big Effen beekeeper's wee Effen wife For the big Effen polis she ran For there's nobody can sort out a big Effen bee Like a big Effen polisman can The big Effen polisman he did his nut And he ran down the manin Effen street In his hand was a big Effen baton He had big Effen boots on his feet The polis got hold of this big Effen bee And he twisted the Effen bee's wings But thes big Effen bee got his own back For this big Effen bee had two stings Now they're both in the Effen museum Where the Effen folk often come see The remains of the big Effen polis Stung to death by the big Effen bee That's the end of that wee Effen story 'Tis an innocent wee Effen tale But if you ever tell it in Effen You'll end up in the old Effen jail
  16. DaveK


    You're catching up Rob. Keep 'em coming.
  17. Topgunners has helped a lot of people on here with outings over the years and long may he continue to do so. That's what shooting's about. Signed DaveK ( the original original)
  18. They'll have to wait. It was done online and (like tax disks done this way) will be processed, posted and should be with you within 5 working days
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