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Everything posted by DaveK

  1. Go on then what doesn't fit me may fit a mate. PM on way
  2. ............... and he should know, he's had a few. Don't mention the Belgians
  3. So it couldn't reply to the PM then? Never tried coconuts but melons make good targets.
  4. Oh dear. I'm a member there as well. back in a mo. Been.
  5. Any takers before it goes on Ebay?
  6. Was trying to be nice No doubt his brother in arms JonathanL will be along in a bit to give us the accurate answers.
  7. Oh go on then. Someone's got to say it so it might as well be me. Land is neither safe or unsafe.
  8. Thanks, and if you can get an illuminated one at that price get me one as well
  9. Mint condition scope boxed with paper work. £460 posted Can upload pic please email me and I will send
  10. Except for those of us that get the same for cheaper elsewhere.
  11. You drive a house? I heard it was a shed.
  12. Sidetracking slightly ...... my opinion on safety catches for what it's worth is if you are considering making the rifle safe, then why not REALLY make it safe and unload it?
  13. April Fools day then. It'd be nice but do you really think that FLO's are going to give up their control of it?
  14. Fri - Mon 12 hour nights then one day off and back to work. Lifes a bitch.
  15. Dunno about supermarkets but any local tobacconists will have it.
  16. So what exactly changes on 1st? Apart from it being April Fools Day?
  17. I like foxing wen there's loads of snow on the ground. Hardly any need for a lamp and they're hungry as hell.
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