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Everything posted by DaveK

  1. DaveK

    Guns at work

    Didn't they recently make that illegal in Germany? :whistling: :whistling:
  2. me got one. V warm in winter, don't wear it in summer. Best smock I own .................... and i own a few
  3. Because it's their game played by their rules.
  4. Why? They're on general licence. They're vermin. Same as pigeons.......................... and you don't hear all this guff about pigeons
  5. DaveK

    Guns at work

    Vipa, you make the mistake of comparing a pseudo militaristic service to a military one. The fire service bears no resemblance to how it used to be. They're just highly skilled technicians in a uniform these days. Superior officer? Chain of command? Even your reference to Station Commander is out of date, they're Station Managers now. Deputy and Assistant Chiefs are directors now (cos directors get paid more). So if you want an example of something going to the dogs apply it to the whole fire service system. You suggest the OP may be putting lives at risk with his attitude> I doubt it, there are too many types of risk assessment put in place.
  6. DaveK

    Guns at work

    So you're not allowed to have a sporting implement at work. Make sure he does the same for other sporting implements. Start with the volleyball (that'll not go down well).
  7. DaveK

    Gun control

    Because they will need scapegoats and the police can't be seen to be at fault. That's why.
  8. And the beastie has been posted
  9. Sorry for late reply, I'm on shifts and just got home. Sold to you then.
  10. CJP and NS, thanks for the plug am in contact with Luke.
  11. As I don't sell them on I cut from sternum to groin and fold it head to tail. The innards hang out so they can just be pulled. I tried the squeezing method and it wouldn't work for me.
  12. Read and actioned. Thanks Chris.
  13. Yup, kill it, cook it, eat it. I love hare in a casserole (posh stew) done in a slow cooker. Or curried. Nom Nom Nom. The only times I won't shoot one is when I've no room in the freezer or if I've just shot a couple I'll leave the rest for another day. Unfortunately leaving them alone is not an option due to dogmen poaching the land. It's the usual no hares=no dogmen.
  14. Here we have a little used Hawke Panorama scope with MAP 6A BRC compatible reticle, 1" tube, red/blue illumination and fast focus eyebell. I had it on my .22 Hornet for a couple of weeks where it accounted for several foxes then replaced it with a Pulsar as a dedicated NV rig. End caps included. Condition can be seen on the photo. Looking for £100 posted
  15. Selling for a friend as i already have one: Pulsar N550 kit including additional IR (comes with the kit) and remote switch. Dr Bobs doubler and PVR recorder with 40 gig hard disk. The Pulsar is around 15 months old but hardly used due to work commitments My mate is asking £800 posted. I have it here (Wakefield) if anyone local wants to view it.
  16. A long shot and probably not the problem but take the stock off and try cycling it. Check the bolt is actually cocking. Check the safety catch. Also check the front scope mount screws are not fouling the bolt.
  17. You sure he hasn't got a cartridge stuck? Did the bolt get stiff trying to chamber a bullet and if so did it extract? I'm asking this from experience.
  18. My 110 has a removable sunroof behind the cab. Ideal for someone to stand out of and a superb platform.
  19. What colour and do you have pics please
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