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Everything posted by DaveK

  1. Trev, There are quite a few people in the area with NV, including me. See if you can get a look through several different units and make your mind up from there. If you're not sorted in the new year, when I'm off (which isn't often) you're very welcome to have a peek through mine. Come on guys, identify yourselves to Trev. I know it's difficult to come out from the dark side but I managed it.
  2. Never was on this thread. Damp squib. Me and Welsh1
  3. I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH THE ABOVE. And after double checking found I'd had a spanking and admitted it. If you think that was a ****** contest you've not obviously never seen it when PW really gets going..
  4. Having just had a look at the ICO's code of practice, I have to fess up and admit I'm wrong in some of what I've said. Shops and other premises are covered. I'll bet my bottom dollar though that there are a hell of a lot that aren't registered as data controllers though. Sooooooooooo .......... I'll be having a damned good read of the Code of Practice over the next few days, it's a need to know not a nice to know. That's what you get for concentrating on licenseable activities and forgetting the bigger picture. "Falls on sword smiley inserted here". The happy new year bit still applies though I wasn't wrong about that. Getting ready for work now.
  5. I'd agree about the cloakroom if the meaning was extended to that of toilet. That would be a gross violation although it can be done in some circumstances such as vandalism provided it's not pointing at the actual business bits The CCTV code of practice is very ambiguous about anything other than public space surveillance to the extent that it even leaves what really constitutes public space open to interpretation. I'd love to debate this to death but I have to get ready to go to work (in the control room). I'll think of you and re-read the code of practice, Happy new year to you all. Unfortunately I'll be working - as I was over christmas. Bah Humbug.
  6. And they had cctv in 1936? Public place includes sat in your car. An uncovered firearm in your car is classed as being in a public place. YET it is contravening the various Acts if you zoom in cctv under normal circumstances on the occupants of a car. And the powers of seizure quoted are for the seizure of items in relation to the investigation of an offence - from whoever is being investigated by the looks of it. Not exactly information being obtained from a third party now, is it.
  7. Several of you are way off the mark. The police cannot just walk in and demand CCTV footage from anyone, they can request it but not demand it. They are bound by RIPA (Regulation of investigatory power act) which has clear guidelines as to how and what they have to do to get the information. The data controller can then decide whether it is feasible to check back for it and is entitled to say no. I've known of police officers demanding access to a cctv control room and threatening to arrest the operator who refused either entry or to provide the footage on demand. said officer, if he had carried out his threat, would have been abusing his authority and open to the force being sued for wrongful arrest. Entry to a control room can be requested under normal circumstances by a superintendant and if needed for ongoing operational needs by an inspector. The important word here being requested. They can demand nowt. DPA and HRA only apply to public space surveillance. A private system does not have to be registered with the information commissioner, nor have a nominated data controller. The cctv of a cloakroom in a night club is in no way public space. The public may be allowed in but only certain sections and normally they'd pay for the privelege. A system with cameras covering the immediate vicinity of the premises with fixed cameras on entrances etc, is still not public space. Take the system? They'd be committing theft themselves and they'd be contravening RIPA and in circumstances of major crime (not in this case) risk screwing up any prosecution involving POCA. It's a bit of a minefield but there is a clear difference between public space and private cctv systems. Most likely the owner of a private system would just burn off footage or stills and give them to the police but they're not obliged to and the police can't just demand it. The phrase they use is siezing the footage but they're not literally siezing it, they're actually collecting it with the owners consent. The owner is also entitled, if they wish, to let anyone see what they have recorded. Once collected, the police become the owner of and data controller for that data and can still only work with copies of the original data they siezed to maintain the chain of evidence. It would be a far clearer situation if the differences between private and public space systems was removed and a single law applied to all.
  8. And you are the only one? Good for you. So do I (in fact I've just renewed my CCTV license) Your turn?
  9. Elcan Digital Hunter scope and Knoxx Axiom stock. Hmmmmmm. Anyone fancy either of them? Not sure what the rifle is though.
  10. Isn't that how some parts of the forum work? hanging's too good for him. Keelhaul him. Bring back the birch. ................................................ then find out if he did it.
  11. Rouge? You gone all gay on us kent. It'd explain a lot. happy new queer.
  12. Bull. That only applies to public space surveillance.
  13. Dunno about rabbits but if you're out after foxes, they already know there's something there. Putting the lamp on just helps them pinpoint it. Then it becomes a battle of wills and that's the main attraction I think. You're trying to persuade them to come closer and they're trying to come closer without putting themselves at risk. Unless they're released in which case they'd hold the lamp while you shoot them. I'd suggest there's a lot of skill in that. I find the lamping more satisfying than taking the shot. Anyone can look down a scope and pull a trigger bit not everyone can drive over rough ground, watching where they're going, operating the lamp, watching the lit area, finding the quarry and very importantly KEEPING IT THERE. to be shot. I'd also suggest there's a lot of skill in that. .Can I ask you a question? What's the difference between lamping rabbits and decoying pigeons? You've not mentioned decoying as being unfair.
  14. I've done my share of whingeing about BASC in the past but some of what I've just read is getting a tad personal against David, who does his best to say it as it is in my opinion. So a picture was taken off a website? Whoopee Doo. 5 pages. if you want a BASC logo PM me and I'll send you one. I may not be a member any more but even I can see the good work that David and his colleagues are doing. just my 2 pennorth. Zapp, keep the tinfoil it's bound to come in useful sooner or later.
  15. Council noise team? (inconvenience them at that time of the morning) Environmental health. Pooping in your garden, bringing carcases in? Expand on the truth. How many of your pets have they eaten? Failing that get a pair of ear plugs.
  16. Why not? I have a WTC 6.5-20x50 that's been on a .223, a .22h, a .243 and a .22rf and it's still going strong. Oh! and they beat the kerrap out of Redfields for what it's worth
  17. DaveK


    Oh dear. Did I break your heart? Zappa says "Broken hearts are for ........"
  18. Gobsmacked to say the least. Lorraine put her cert in for a variation to West Yorks police and it came back in the new format with the unasked for AOLQ in the conditions. Well done West Yorks. Finally doing the right thing.
  19. Enoch may have been misguided in some of his views but you have to admit many of his prophesies have come about. he warned us about what would happen to this country as a result of immigration and it has. Well it has in the eyes of realistic members of the community, for those of us that are PC mamby pamby equal opportunists it's a different story but for those people can I ask what about equal opportunities for what is becoming a white anglo saxon minority in some areas of the country? Any party that's prepared to stem this ridiculous era of political correctness, unfettered immigration and preference given to providing benefits to illegals over British nationals gets my vote.
  20. Christ Kent, you do talk some poop. where did you read that?
  21. I resemble those remarks. Oh, and happy bir........
  22. DaveK


    Frank Zappa warns against it as well. Well I turned around and I said "Oh, oh" Oh Well I turned around and I said "Oh, oh" Oh Well I turned around and I said "Ho, Ho" And the northern lights commenced to glow And she said, with a tear in her eye "Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow" "Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow" Read more: Frank Zappa - Don't Eat The Yellow Snow Lyrics | MetroLyrics
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