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Everything posted by chrisjpainter

  1. Don't tell me you don't sack race up to your pigeon shooting position?! Not even once?
  2. I'll just leave this here. WHAT A BALL
  3. Undoubtedly one of the greatest spinners to ever play the game - even if most of his wickets were against us! A terrible loss, especially after the death of Rod Marsh yesterday 52's no age.
  4. Thank the idiot on here who decided GG's photos were there to be taken without permission and used as his desktop pictures. When pressed about it he said he'd keep doing it... It's not that hard to see past it, once you've let your eyes attune to the image behind it. My problem is I see the first one and keep imagining it on water skis! Great shots. GG. Please keep them coming
  5. That's poor form on their account. It's probably wise on your part to avoid the live one with your immune system. But the whole reason for making sure there's a non-live one is for people in your situation.
  6. They'd offer you the double jab one then. It's specifically for people with weakened immune system
  7. Yes and no. There are two types are available. The single dose vaccine is live but weakened. The double dose vaccine is non live. The live one could give you chicken pox but it happens with one in 10,000 individuals...If you're really concerned, chat to the doc and ask for the double jab Shingrix, not the single jab Zostavax.
  8. Quite. I was unusual in having it at 17. deeply unpleasant and if there's a way to avoid it, take it.
  9. I'd like to see him make a public address from the balcony of a Kremlin wall, somewhere really high up. Then for an unassuming attaché quietly walk up behind him and tip him over the edge to go splat. then just calmly walk out.
  10. This is the problem. There is no oversight that actually makes a difference. BBBoC can release all the findings they want, but the result will still stand. Unless there's evidence of real corruption - and it'd have to be incontrovertible - Catterall will always have that black mark on his record. Appalling decision making. It staggers me how one of them found it so clearly in favour of Taylor. Rewarding a boxer for being on the front foot is one thing, but if he's constantly walking onto hammer-shots whilst doing it, that's another thing altogether! Pretty cowardly of Taylor to announce now's the time he's going up a division. this will be a stain on his record.
  11. No they're Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen; first line of the report ), so not actually closely related to true corvids at all, but certainly seem to be able to match their intelligence
  12. Altruism in birds? Magpies help each other remove tracking devices, #birds #birding #ornithology news via @RareBirdAlertUK This is very cool.
  13. Literally got ours out of a skip three years ago. It's still going strong.
  14. And all evil geniuses. After all, what's the point in being an evil genius if you don't have goons to do all that for you?
  15. Are you in Norway right now then, or more sorting through old images? top stuff
  16. For a 0-0 game over 120 mins, it was brilliant. 4 disallowed goals, some wonderful saves - and a goalkeeper brought on solely for the shootout being the one responsible for his team losing! What more can you ask for. I thought the ref stayed superbly irrelevant to the game, too. He just let them get on with it and only stepped in when genuinely necessary. Well played all round.
  17. Yup. I feel for the ref, because it's his debut as a 6N ref and the first Georgian to ref a 6N. Interesting, given the constant talk about Georgia joining, and I think he's been dealt a raw deal with the rules. But the thing that's frustrating me most now is Ireland's tactics! They've not made the most of the two man advantage, although that's starting to change now
  18. Sigh. This is the problem with slow motion replays and granite rules. Shoulder contact with head: ✅ Force: ✅ time to hit low: ✅ Mitigating factors❌ Automatic red card. The letter of the law is that it's a red card. There was an attempt to wrap and it wasn't malicious, but neither of those factors were relevant in that situation. The trouble is it's so marginal. There was force, but not a lot of it. He did have time, but not a lot of it. I think a yellow would have been a fairer response - especially as it's resulted in Italy being forced to play with 13 now
  19. Rugby's making itself look ridiculous.
  20. It's been a while since we've had such a poor ref too. He really was shocking! You'd have thought the biggest Northern Hemisphere comp could have slightly better refs, but he was so bad and contributed to a right pig's ear of a game. Oh well, time to see how much Ireland win by in their free pass match.
  21. It is...but it's not a complicated geography as such. The mountainous regions are crammed into the extreme Western and Southern areas and there's only 18% forest/woodland. The vast majority of it is flat and with a very good road network, making troop movement and area control much more straightforward. This isn't Afghanistan, with its myriad of gorges, mountains and inaccessible passes. You drive through most of Ukraine and it is soul-crushingly dull for mile after mile after mile...
  22. And each Russian tank commander only needs to blow a house or block of flats apart before being... able to rub his hands together and shout 'Следующий!' (Next in Russian) It's a naive attitude to think that way. Millions of Ukranian citizens will be killed without ever laying a glove on a Russian.
  23. Max Verstappen says removal of Michael Masi as race director 'very unfair' - BBC Sport 🤦‍♂️
  24. The price of genius seems to have come down a touch! Agreed Heart attacks just don't happen to the right people, do they?
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