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Everything posted by ack-ack

  1. There is one rule to remember and it's as follows: Gold - Always believe in your soul.
  2. Certainly, I couldn't agree more, I've learnt alot from the Vets that post on here. I do get a bit miffed when they start banging on about those that cant afford to keep dogs and tar us all with the same brush. When I got my pair 8 yr ago I was on a right good screw and now I'm not. What do they suggest I do with my dogs now, shoot them?
  3. .........whilst sat on the toilet Joking aside I found a bottle that had done a side shimmy in the shed and escaped capture for at least two years and it was palatable despite the cork having dried out a bit.
  4. Very annoying when another dog enters your space and stirs up your mutts. I make a point of giving other dogs a wide berth when walking unless we are all on leads. I was fishing at a reservoir with a public footpath round it and my two were chilling in the sun. All of a sudden these two collies came flying into our space and my two went mental. Had the owner attempted to call them back I would have at least had a five second warning but he did nothing and it got messy as it frightened the life out of the Patterdale and he reverted to his default under threat setting. This guy then started giving it the big one about my terrier being a menace as he stood his ground. I was about to spit the dummy and the chap next to me told him to F off as he and his F-ing dogs were ruining everybodys peaceful day and we'd all paid for the privilege of being there. Ended up having a good bit of banter with the other fisherman and when the guy came back through he'd put his dogs on a lead. I could rant about inconsiderate dog owners all day long.
  5. My brother was round a mates house when he was in his early teens and they were messing about with his elder brothers air pistol but couldn't find any pellets. After a period of putting rolled up leaves etc up the pipe to no great effect they found that his chinchillas pelleted food was almost exactly .177. Judging by the lesions on his legs they were quite a potent projectile.
  6. ack-ack

    PW Arms

    I only go on there to masturbate EDIT - Half the time I go in there and it doesnt load up properly, I'll type away and nothing gets out. I'll then get a phone call for being a miserable sod and not replying to the other users. I think it all depends on what kit you are running, my laptop isnt worth a carrot.
  7. I worked with a chap who's old fella had a couple of Kebab houses in Woolwich. He reckoned that provided they carved off the outer after it had been stood over night the only bit that would **** you right up was the meat near the spindle. Little bit of Kebab trivia there for you
  8. If you're ever down in he south west drop into Trago Mills. They've got jointed plugs of approx 200mm for £1.99. They aint no Rapalas but they aint far off and if you loose them its no biggy. Great action, bit on the light side for casting with a multiplier but good for trolling
  9. At least she gave you a heads though chap, her practice couldn't do them cheaper but she tipped you the wink, she sounds like a diamond.
  10. Guys, no offence was intended, thats more fur than I've shot in the past year, nice shooting chap.
  11. Was that a bait cast for a certain member of this forum? Set your drag loose chap, when he runs you wont know what hit you!
  12. Just be thankful you took them in your self. When my mrs takes them in she allways comes back with eye drops for the Beagle. They see her coming a mile off. They 'suggest' that it 'may' be beneficial. The poor bitch has got gungy eyes, always has had, nothing they flog us works and its all a rip off. The Terrier keeps her clean and it costs me nixy.
  13. Its going to give thugs passing themselves off as 'have a go heroes' a semi legitimate reason for assaulting bellends on the tube. Awesome, hope they sell well in Canary wharf.
  14. My last rangey had arch boosters made from HGV tires. Looked the nuts on my ratty old Pig but wouldnt flatter your pretty one much.
  15. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That was a landrover extra so that the MOT testers couldnt see that the RxM was falling off. On a more serious note when are you going to put uncut front wings back on her? And the bumper? You got parabolics?
  16. I had a day shooting over strawberrys but had to knock it on the head early as I was getting to many Jams
  17. Nice one Les, did you find out who stamped on them before you took the photo
  18. I should imagine that the processing plant was a top end job. I bet all sorts goes into them, not that it bothers me, anything that tastes that good is good in my book. I could demolish one now, box and all.
  19. Sweet jesus, they've got bad news written all over them. How long will it be before some trendy fool gets shot by SO19.
  20. Fair play to you mate, I haven't broken a PB in ages. Beautiful specimen
  21. He knows the implications of cacking over and hurting his leg, if he's up for it let him go for it. Its a civilised affair anyway. There might be a PW member there that can check in with him to make sure he's okay to give you peace of mind.
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