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Everything posted by ack-ack

  1. It all depends on how suitable the person is for the job. I worked along side a lad with learning difficulties a few years back and he nailed us on quite a few of the daily routine jobs but he would have been pants in the office. If I was a small business and the law stated that I had to employ somebody because of their physical status before their ability I would feel that renumeration should differ from the able bodied employees IF their disability was resulting in a dissproportionately low work rate. I worked along side one of the fattest women I've ever seen on the aforementioned job also and due to her age she was in the same wage band as my brother who used to do three times the work that she could, it was very de-motivating for him.
  2. By tuning in to British TV and reading the papers the Taliban can gleen enough intel to win the war, its ******* ridiculous. We've also told the Libyans that we cant keep our jets flying without breaking others for spares and told the Argentines that we wont have a viable carrier until 2020. We may as well be saying to the world ' why dont a few more of you start on us and watch us fold up in weeks'. If our forces are going to be committed to defend the undefendable and win the unwinnable then at least give them the tackle they need to do it and censor the press more. Scrapping the Harriers and the last of our fixed wing carriers and then giving X billion in overseas aid to countrys that squander it is senseless, telling the world all about it is just plain ******* stupid.
  3. Perhaps he thought he was on his alzeimers forum
  4. WHAT??? They're training him to be a highly judgemental vet??
  5. No problemo chap, have a good weekend.
  6. Read your posts before you post mate. From what you said in your OP you left an old man to get a kicking because you were worried about your job and certs. What are people meant to think?? Dont start getting the **** when people jump in based on the facts that you have given in your OP Your last post paints a different picture, one where there was little you could do other than what you actually did. Nice going, hope the old fella is okay.
  7. I dont think that you are helping your self here mate. You saw an old man getting a pasting from youths. First natural response is to want to help the poor man isnt it???. He was in immediate need of help. You may have lost your job? Any job that would sack me for helping out an old man getting a kicking I wouldnt want! The poor sod could have been killed. Good samaritans do sometimes find themselves in the dock but its about being true to yourself. If he'd died whilst you were running through the potential doom and gloom scenarios you would feel like a right ****. Nobodys saying you should have gone out there and brayed the ***** to within an inch of their lives.
  8. Apologies, I read that completely the wrong way, thought you were intending on taking matters into your own hands.
  9. ....and thats when you will loose your FAC.
  10. We had a huge wasp nest on the farm a few years back and such was its location that it was causing massive logistical grief. After the workers had pondered what to do with it for days the guvnor dissappeared off to the work shop and a few minutes later we heard the widow maker (the ancient loader tractor) start up and then it drove into the court yard. He edged in to the nest that was at height and positioned the loader right up tight to it then shut down, jumped down and went in and plugged in the long reach vacuum that he'd lashed to the loader arm. Heath Robinson would have been proud. Everything going in or coming out ended up in the hoover and after two hours there wasnt a wasp to be seen. He was looking well pleased with him self so I said 'that worked a treat John but how are you going to get the wasps out of the hoover?' He said, 'well.... I'm not.... you are!'
  11. Anytime your in Kent drop me a line. Haven't been to Stowting for ages and would love to head up there in the summer, great evening ticket water and great ales at the Tiger Inn a stones throw away.
  12. If an old fella was getting it I dont think I could watch that. I'd like to think that I'd steam in. Balls to the SGC, sometimes you have to make a stand, especially when its somebody who may well have done his bit during the war for our freedom. If it was a youngster I'd be more reluctant. A youth was smacking his mrs about in Canterbury one evening about 15 years ago and she was a in bit of a state, nobody did anything. I was with my mrs and she looked at me as if it was my job to intervene. I walked over and asked her if she was alright and the pair of the scum bags started on me!!! Never again.
  13. The only stillwater trout I've had that didnt taste muddy were from Stouting nr Hythe, Kent. Tiny lake fed from chalk springs straight out of the downs and gin clear. Great pub next door.
  14. My 1100 from the sixties is called 'the sweeney' as it's the ugliest thing I've ever seen and reminiscent of the things the 'slags' used to wave about whilst wearing hosiery over their heads in the popular seventies tv show..
  15. According to Johnny Scott in his and Clarrissa DR's game cookbook (2004) there are approximately 300k pigeon shooters in the UK. Nice book if you fancy a gentle introduction into cooking your quarry as well.
  16. If some self righteous bell end in a bow tie started giving it the big one to me and I was DC it would be a case of, 'look mate, I'm the PM now **** off or I'll cut your budgets so much that you'll be recycling the hypodermics, having to use the bum wad on both sides and you'll have to weigh in that ******* great gas guzzling jag with the golf clubs in the back to offset your massive wage cut, understandi?'.
  17. Beautiful bit of classic kit that can still mix it with all the new stuff but if you don't like left hand winders then you wont like a 300.
  18. ack-ack

    Falcon Air Rifles

    Got a mates Falcon Raptor on loan at the moment, excellent quality and a cracking little gun but its as light as a puff of wind and as such I struggle to get a good grouping after using my HW which aint no featherweight .
  19. I cant wait, all the boring ******** from the pub will have something else to do rather than bore me with their tales of catching inedible poxy little fish on size 18s. Wahey!!!! Edit: Only messing, tight lines gentlemen.
  20. Do you reckon the markets got a resident T.O to check the produce is all in gauge?? :lol:
  21. Just what I was thinking!!! 'excuse me sir, these guavas that I purchased from you not five minutes ago in good faith ago taste decidedly dungy, on closer examination they appear to be covered in feculant matter, I demand a refund!!!'
  22. Love them but they do tend to go through me like a hot knife through warm butter. Not one for a long car journey!!
  23. It doesnt, I tried blanching it and pickling it and it was different for want of a better word. Not unpleasant but needs work.
  24. ack-ack

    The pipe

    I saw it and thought it was a brilliant bit of TV. It was totally one sided but then Shell didn't want to participate so thats their hard luck. I've not seen folk as passionate about their cause for a long while, their campaign over four years didn't really appear to falter and to my knowledge is still going. I bet there's an atmosphere in that community now thats not a million miles away from post occupation France, those that helped the cause and those that took the shilling and fought it. I'm surprised that after the credits rolled there wasn't a 'dedicated to etc etc', the chain smoking crabber skipper had heart attack written all over him. One thing that was clear from the start was that Shell were having whatever they wanted and the community were on their own. Pretty sad stuff. ps - Couldnt quite get my head around one of the ladies accents, sounded half german, half Irish. Truly bizarre.
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