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Everything posted by old'un

  1. No, the murder of Liam is 100% down to the two women in question, ss are 90% at fault for allowing this to slip past them..http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3617748/Mother-GUILTY-murdering-toddler-Liam-Fee-partner.html
  2. Well reading the news items on this case I would say ss are 90% to blame, but I guess we will get the normal statement saying, "we need to learn from our mistakes and make sure this does not happen again" Till the next time.
  3. old'un

    Fox Stole

    Had a back garden!....you were really lucky... the best we could do was use a dead rat that we found floating in canal.
  4. old'un

    Fox Stole

    And most of the men wore a trilby or flat cap.
  5. "It's got 5 star hygiene rating!" ......What the fly has! Looks like you will have to turn a blind eye to it, just don't buy a pork pie from there.
  6. Yep I can see where you are coming from but now you are telling us they sell food to the general public, well lets hope none of the fly's around those carcasses find their way in to the food shop. Could your sister not have a word with them about the situation?
  7. Really he needs reporting for the sake of the neighbouring farmers and the possible spread of disease.
  8. He is braking all the rules..https://www.gov.uk/guidance/fallen-stock But I don't suppose you will be reporting him?
  9. Red-legged Partridge. Partridge sometimes have two nest, that would explain the small number of eggs.
  10. that sounds a bit like the Whoomagoolie bird, it as very short legs.
  11. Move the back wheels to the front of the car and see if you still have the same problem, if yes then check for correct toe in, usually about 1/8'' as ditchman said check tyre pressure, so long as you have none of the faults pointed out by Lord Geordie, wheel wobble is usually down to unbalanced wheels and should come and go at different speeds.
  12. WD40 on the metal bits and silicon spray/grease on the wooden bits.
  13. If you are sure you were on eBay UK and the reset email arrived shortly after requesting a password reset you should be ok to click the link to reset password. What I don't understand is when they reset account passwords they usually send a temporary password so you can access your account. Did the email contain your user name?
  14. ....... ............if they have reset your password they will send a temporary password
  15. Yes...that's why they picked North Yorkshire, its well away from London if things go tits-up.
  16. Will it run a car?
  17. Should there be a picture of Hazzard so we can compare the likeness?
  18. With every statement put out by either side they need to add the words 'might/possible' because no one can give a definitive answer to any of the major questions we all have.
  19. When I asked one insurance company why they did not cover guns they told me my house was a higher risk because criminals might brake in to steel my guns if they know I keep them at home. I replied.....well they may also think twice about braking in if they know I am armed! There was deadly silence....then, sorry we cannot help you....is there anything else I can help you with. No thanks bye. First thing I always ask before letting them get deep into their sales script is...do you cover guns.
  20. Yep..a lot of insurance companies will not (cover) insure guns, you always need to ask.
  21. Just waiting for someone to cut and paste the script from Monty Python's Four Yorkshire men.
  22. Yep...unless they are doing some real damage, had our first young pigeon on the bird table this week, the way I look at it now is these early young birds are my sport on the laid corn and stubbles latter in the summer.
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