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Posts posted by pestforce

  1. Pigeon for me, tastes lovely in a bacon and black pudding salad - for the health conscious shooter :lol:


    Sounds well nice I may have to pop round for T :D


    Ps I had pigeon and black puddin as a starter @ my wedding, I had so many requests for me to get some pigeons for friends and family after that (converted) :good:

  2. you wher maybye sat on a rabbit run and it bolted straight at you. had them come towards me many times mostly lamping i think they follow scent on a run :good:


    I thought that might of been the case but it would of KO'd itself by running into the tree !



    Warren. Here +

    Rabbit. Here +



    Me. Here +

    Tree. Here +

    Ps excuse the rubbish diagram lol

  3. Don't know about mushrooms but he did have the munchies lol


    Ps I've also had rats and squirrels run towards my lamp that certainly gets the heart racing especially when in a tight loft space :/

  4. I had the strangest thing happen to me today, whilst sitting against a tree a bunny popped out of the hedge only about 30 yards in front of me and just as the cross hairs were pointed perfectly it spooked and ran at full pelt straight at me hitting me with force in the side he then did a back flip and legged it back into same hedge leaving me gob smacked ! Has anyone else had any loopy animal experiences? .

  5. After years of Pigeon shooting, tomorrow morning will be my first time out with an air rifle since I was a nipper. I will be heading out just before first light and hoping to take some rabbit home. Annoyingly only part of the new permission as I don't get to the see the other farmer until tomorrow later in the day. I know my luck they will all be sitting just over the boundary. If they are then so be it at least it will serve a recon mission for me, and when I get the rest of the permission later tomorrow I'll ask about lamping.


    Good luck mate :good: let us know how you got on :shoot::shoot::shoot:

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