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Posts posted by pigeonstool

  1. Purely on the grounds that the table mentions species that we don't shoot, I'm wondering if it is of American origin and if so, are the shot sizes also of that ilk.

    That's a bit like me asking you - can you fire a single ball of a 1/12th of a pound of lead in a 12 gauge shotgun ? :blink:


    I would like readers to "work through" the process of shot size selection for a specified target = the ORIGINAL poster question; which was 'limited' to 6s vs 6 1/2s :good:


    Here is a UK based company's info ! = :rolleyes:http://www.hullcartridge.co.uk/products/game/three_crowns_hp.cfm

  2. Have a shufty at this table = http://www.njskeet.com/files/shotgun_statistics.pdf -> look at the energy vs range - that's the "killing power" - e.g. at 25yards is twice the hitting power than at 50yards - (I know it has not got 6s but you cane get a very good idea of what's happening)- my sort of rule of thumb looks like -- 4 no.7 pellets at 40 yards in a bird is mortal - a session on a pattern plate using the same cartridges but different distances give you a good idea of your performance - i.e. the number of pellets in a square foot (or size of a 'target')


    Of course - the diameter of the shot significantly affects just how far the pellet 'penetrates' the 'target' = mortal hitting power


    Shot Size Guide>


    Large shot hits harder, penetrates deeper, and retains velocity better than smaller shot. Small shot, on the other hand, gives denser patterns, creating more multiple hits on the target, since there are more of them in a given weight. Choosing a shot size is, therefore, a balancing act between sufficient energy and adequate density. Use the accompanying chart, tempered with your own experience and the conditions you encounter locally, as a guideline.


  3. Know where you're coming from " bullet boy" - :stupid: >

    I wipe the wax of the rounds before I chamber them in the magazine - then not a problem -- :thumbs:

    I just lurve me rabbit whacker - light accurate easy to maintain - and super fast reloading for a second > third > fourth > + + + shot :wub:

  4. a thought - use a kitchen timer ( CLOCKWORK = el-cheepo market stall) - with a simple trip method - they will like as not run like hellsbells - so if your clock goes off or gets damaged, so what -- THEY KNOW YOU KNOW !!!!


    2nd thought - most arrive by car - which drive under street lights - somewhere ?? - to get to your 'country lane' ?? - as above - sit in yours - and wait


    3rd thought - take up a BIG camera + flash / + camo gear and take wildlife photos - they may even stop to chat to you about it - strangely - most 'wrong doers' as thick enough to do that !


    good luck

  5. I think Pavman is getting close - both 'theory' from the tables and field test on a range with my Remmy BDL 700 showed a very fast drop-off over 250 yds - so I set-up for an 'across a field' shot at charlie - i.e. if middle of engine box is in cross hairs - he's mine :lol:

    I seem to remember at 600yds the drop was over 8 foot :blink: and side winds could push it over 2ft off .. so let's face it - most charlies are shot at the 100 to 200 yd range - so go for a simple point & shoot set-up :good:

  6. 50 gr bullets don't really like speeds higher than 3500 ft/sec - try backing off the load - mine is H380 powder = 38 gr for 50gr bullets !! I'm also confused with your figures as Hodgdon quote =


    Bullet Weight Gr.)Manf Powder Bull.Diam. C.O.L. Grs. Vel. (ft/s) Pressure Grs. Vel(ft/s) Pressure

    50 GR. SIE SP Hodgdon H380 .224" 2.350" 38.0 3562 41,700 CUP 41.0 3742 45,300 CUP


    yours = 2.5355 39.0 3920 39.0 3920


    I use Nosler boat tail 50gr ballistic tips and zero at 175 yds to get a drop 2" @ 250 - this gives me approx zero @ 60 yds > 2" above zero @ about 100 yds ... i.e. a 4" diam point blank.


    your thoughts?

  7. great pressie - have a great day out - I love my partridge days - and dinners :D

    try to remember - silence kills :good: on partridge drives silence is golden :good:

    Have a super day - the beaters are supposed to make a lot more noise than the guns :good:

    they make a lot more noise near a careless gun -- sorry - but being newish to partridge days - they fly low and fast - and bob up and down - and it's all too easy to lose track of where you're pointing :blush:

    I think a good number of us have had a "reminder" of our muzzle awareness :blush:

    Hope you have a lovely silk tie to show off -- and end the day with a 'feather in your cap' :P:P

  8. http://wales.gov.uk/docs/desh/policy/110101conservewcal02en.pdf


    Interesting that in England and Wales only permitted to take, damage or destroy the nests or to take or destroy their eggs >>> but not the bird itself ??







    I'm not going off on some lecture here, and we all started somewhere, and we all had to learn, and there is not one of us who has not made a mistake somewhere ... the BUT is, the General Licence(s) exit, and it isn't difficult to check them each year.


    They do change from time to time, things come off, like the Herring Gull recently, and Starlings (some of the country a few years back), etc, and things go on, like the Parakeet etc!


    If you shoot I struggle to see any excuse for not checking the GL.



  9. To be honest - I was a tad 'tongue in cheek' --

    I have to live with my neighbours and a rimfire + moderator is the best way to keep them happy.

    The 'odd' shot with a centrefire is OK - but if you sit on a hillside/warren and have a 'session' they will think it's Col. Cluster and the whole of the US Cavalry charging down the valley. :lol:

  10. But have they got round to a by-pass yet ?




    Are they for real? Mind you round here people have moved in, took over the whole community, built dozens of mosques, got loads of houses built by the council, got their religious holidays added to the school holidays.....think yourselves very lucky :lol: :blink:

    (this is how it all starts, just the odd little change here and there....)

  11. back to the original post ? maybe ?


    I use this method - but use my cleaning rod =


    ""Load up a dummy round, long enough to engage the lands, with enough neck tension to hold it in place and also allow it to slide back in the case neck when chambered fully. Kinda like loading a match rifle purposely long to always engage the lands. Take a wooden dowel, square cut on the end of course, and with the muzzle pointing up, slide the dowel down the barrel until it rests against the bullet tip. Mark the dowel, flush with the muzzle, with a fine tipped sharpie line. You may want to use a steel ruler to get a line square with the muzzle. If you do so, just remember to use the steel rule when verifying seating depths with the dowel. Now mark several lines on your dowel at spacings you are wanting to try, off the lands, I.E., .010", .020", etc., up from the original muzzle marking. Now make up a dummy round and seat the bullet to where the dowel lines correspond to the bullet depth. Now measure the dummy round OAL for each of the lines you have on the dowel, and record that. It will take a little trial and error, but in all actuality, once you get the first one done and recorded, you could just use it as a reference for the rest of the sample "distances." You then could use the dowel to see if they are coming out somewhat close. Not exactly scientific, but works, none the less. The most important measurements are the actual fit into the lands, and the first one off the lands, then you can base everything else off of that. Let us know how everything turns out. Also, don't be afraid to try further out than .020", as I had a gentleman swear up and down, recently, that his match rifle shot better groups at .090" off the lands than any distance up to being seated into the lands.""


    as my above post - Google the topic and get to understand WHY homeloading WORKS !!

    Messing about with powders only CLOUDS what you are trying to do - stick to a known powder weight - adjust the bullet setup to suit your rifle - then 'consider' other bullet types / weights BEFORE messing about with powder makes and loads - You will only go round in circles if you don't !!

    Make a list of ALL the loads for 243 that target shooters find work (google) You will soon see a 'pattern' of which direction to move forward in >>>>

  12. Why fight it = Hodgon H380 - I use it for 22-250 and a pals 243 -


    ""This was an unnamed spherical rifle propellant when the late Bruce Hodgdon first used it. When a 38.0 grain charge behind a 52 grain bullet gave one hole groups from his 22 caliber wildcat (now called the 22-250), he appropriately named the powder H380. H380 is also a superb performer in the 220 Swift, 243, 257 Roberts and other fine varmint cartridges. Available in 1 lb. & 8 lb. containers."" http://www.hodgdon.com/rifle.html


    Oh - maybe you quest for 'accuracy' and AOL = search out about "jump" = the distance the bullet has to "jump" from it's case into the barrel - most 'commercial' rifles are 'over safe' and give a greater 'jump' distance than a bench-rest/target shooter has in their 'custom' barrels .

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