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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. Dougy


    Well 1/2 hour late home from wirk after pulling a little mature care worker lady out of a flood. My good deed for the day. Then some young muppet comes tare bottoming round the corner. In a BMW what is with those cars. They the the sense out if the owners TUFF LOL I had hazards on waving my arm out of the window
  2. Another thought,dont mix the carrots (lol) if one is18 then the other should be of the same or it will wear it away. Good advice about there cost.
  3. I think 3 inch group at only 20yds is too much of an issue to be a dirty barrel. IMO its not a dirty barrel, it has got to be something loose, the scope would be a first guess, then the mounts, then check the crown for damage, are there open sights on it (try without scope) that will rule out mounts and scope if it has.
  4. Dont worry too much it has to be a simple fix, 77 are a brilliant rifle, not too much to go wrong, bet its either your scope or someting wrong at the sharp end
  5. [quote name=colin lad' timestamp='135 3787033' post='1972685] now that does bring back memories cleaning with sawdust lol we eve used it on the floor back then colin Had a laugh years ago, PHI were out having a visit, yold us to sweep the sawdust off the floor. Next thing she slipped on a bit of fat and went A over T, we put it back down again when she was there.
  6. Jack ive just had a look at your profile to see were abouts you are from, no help there. Can i suggest you try and get yourself aquainted with someone who has RF and CF you will then see a little of what each one is capable of. "Dekers" i think has hit the nail on the head with his last post HMR-WMR or Hornet will do all
  7. As suggested if your going to be using a cleaver i would remove the wheels. If it were me i would not chop on it its too light. If you need something to chop on have a scout round for a decent size tree Ash Oak or simalar that has been felled, chuck some legs on it and you have a decent cheap block for chopping on. A pic of a little block in my kitchen, would of liked a bigger one but the Mrs needs room for the washing machine and ironing board. Oh! by the way its not my dog
  8. Your FEO may not grant you a CF as your 1st rifle,you may be advised to get a little experience with a RF for starters, 22lr 22mag or a 17hmr,small they be compared to a 22.250 or others mentioned but comopared to air rifles and shot guns a totaly different ball game. Where both shotguns and air rifles run out of steam at 100 yds even a RF is very capable of killing at well over 100 so your safety awareness needs some serious thinking about with regards back stops. CF your talking in fractions of miles ie 1/4 plus, easily.
  9. I find it unbelevable,the hunt knew they were being fillmed yet still let the hounds carry on. They have left themselves open to whatever punishment they get coming there way. Foolish to say the least.
  10. You have no mention of having cases stuck in the resizer, this suprises me. Using that much force going into the die must have a fair amound on the way back out
  11. AGAIN, insulation tape about a 3rd up from the bottom of the scope. If you go sunshade it will need to be quite long,shade on the lamp ~large easy to knock the lamp out of line, mounting the lamp under the rifle not easy. Take the mod off,is another option. But the easiest option is a bit of sticky tape...
  12. have a look at "strelock" very good after a little fine tuning, put me on target out to 450yds. Head shooting rabbits out to 350yds
  13. Put some insulation tape over tha bottom of the scope,about an inch.
  14. Good question But i am afraid its lost in the background of bitchy comments for whatever reason. No need, i can only assume the ones that have been removed were little more than childish playground comments.
  15. Great for fishing on the move.
  16. I am afraid to say, i would question the actions of a copper smacking or correcting a child/teenager Only from the amount of misstrust I have now in the force. Yes in the olden days I would of had a differnt view.
  17. All my air rifles, HW80 HW77 HW35E Rapid 7 Saxby and palmer galaxy (now section 5) All but the R7 were sold because of a woman, she said i was spending too much time out shooting, so i got rid of them for 2pence, shortly after she went anyway. A very good, ill be expensive lesson learnt. Never again, they take me as they find me,guns and warts. (i have a good one now though )
  18. Come on we all know you needed a wee
  19. Supervisor for a train maintenace company, only work nights, trying to escape and go back to living a normal life. Just grabbed a bite to eat and a coffee one shift left to do... then see what pigeons are about sunday
  20. I am sure there is a site somewere were you can estimate how much weight loss you get by having it fluted, Try "lija" or simalar. You can then have a rough idea if its actually worth having it done. TTFN
  21. As above,awaiting my second rifle having rebarrel, no real benefit as I was told by "Steve Kershaw" in fact I was told it may even have a negative effect on accuracy if not done well. And the addedcost.
  22. I, thats me, if your wondering who me is on about, or is it "i am on about" never mind. Anyway i get annoyed when people abbreviate this and that into the 1st letter only and expect other people to understand what they mean, it happens in the work place all too often, onlylast week we go into a meeting and come out wondering what on earth is "MM"--- "AMI" and god knows what else they came out with, they think its clever, but in my opinion it would be smarter as senior management to actually learn how to pronounce words if they are having difficulty before such meetings, or provide a pocket guide for simpletons like me (or is it I ) So what i am saying is, a shotty / shottie is nearly there :good: but a SG could mean umptien things ^_^
  23. If all you have to do is moan about people calling shotguns "shotties" "shotty" then i am pleased for you, your life must be pretty near perfect, well done on achieving what you have done in your life But allas you will never reach your goal, there is nothing in this world that IS perfect, And just think if it was you would have nowt to do with your life, so think yourself lucky we are not all "nearly perfect" Have a nice day, dougy
  24. I am sure there is a simple answer to the question. Just ask "BASC" easy
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