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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. well i did have to have a word with the other 2 just in case they started the usual baracking just mentioned that i will be seeing the FLO before them tell you what though I WAS WELL CHUFFED got a bit nervous on the last stand took the low tower as the last and ultimate big 25
  2. thanks for the comments chaps, i did ask in the club house for a badge or a prize for getting a straight but she just said "well done" and took my money maybe because i'm normally that cheeky she thought i was avin a larf. dont care was chuffed enough. as for the straight 50 "Bloody hell its taken me a year to do a 25" 100 now thats being silly well done DD for the straight 10/10 x 2
  3. Just to put the facts rite shot my first 25 straight on skeet today at Doveridge well chuffed
  4. if you shop round you can get some cheap roach poles. i got 4x 7mtr poles and only £7 each
  5. still on unless its Peeing it down. Miffy i just find it difficult shooting in the dark. and i was tired last time and was using different cartridges, and i had just cleaned my gun probably not removed all the oil from the barrels, and it was windy. and i think my laces were undun, and my shirt was too tight, so no its not ALL your fault that i didnt shoot well, but you being there could have been a contributing factor.
  6. Anyone fancy a blast i know its short notice but just got the urge.. 10 --10.30 ish
  7. come on Paul study the photo check out the stance and the position of the hands the angle of the elbows. Blokes dont pose like that for a photo its deadeyedicks house maid
  8. thats good in it bet it doesnt do the mic any good on the camara.
  9. you could have got one for £99 from Lidles but reading your post dont suppose you would bother saving a few £££. enjoy your new found hobby.
  10. that about sums it up. yes they do have an effect on the velocity but its not worth bothering about. your talking about 10/15 fps
  11. Watchin that, I bet next door thought they'd got a loony as a neigbour. still LMAO. As someone posted in Wicked's thread on his new toy...... I take it he wont go off roading in his "OFF ROADER" !!!!!!!!!! wouldnt the new "surf" cope with that little trickle of water ?:thanks:? cant make it tonight sparkie have to work
  12. Nice one Sparkie. that practice the other night paid off.
  13. LOOK WE ALL HAVE OFF DAYS. :blink: i shot better the first time i picked up a shotty. thanks for rubbing it in Sparkie
  14. I would like to come aswell if its ok or is it invite only ?
  15. Sounds good to me... soon as this wind dies down though Ive or the bullets won't make it to the target Miffy "double KNICKERS" ive found by lubricating the barrel with a good dolop of ear wax off me cotton buds, works bloody wonders, im getting about another 1000 feet per second out of them little bullets so the wind hasnt the time to make any difference wont be for about 3 weeks cus i,m on shift the next few weekends.
  16. sorry to hear that matey, as said by Miffy if you need owt give me a bell do owt to help if i can, on the legal side of course. Dougy
  17. cheers chaps.. Got a new way of cleaning Hang on "Ive" before you give me another ####ing. i just shuv a cotton pud up her to get the big bits out. luckytrigger//. I hadnt been out for weeks due to the bad weather and was getting a bit itchy, been taking the hmr out of the cabinet for an airing and a stroke (as you do) and just had to go out and do some stuff as ive got 1000 new shiny Fedarals to get rid of. The field i shot in hadnt been lamped before and the 4 i saw were good sitters. i missed one bit of a poo. It was a bit of a pain INTA as the land goes up and down and each time i got down for the shot i was too low and had to get onto higher ground to see mr bunny. Any way enjoyed the short outing, thats what its all about pavman.// have to post your recipe sounds different "chilli and leeks" on nights sat so not sure will try have to see how i feel. as for whooping your *** on the skeet AGAIN will give you a couple of weeks to get some practice with your Cinergy. Get that stock sorted then you have NO excuses Oh and fibre wads wasnt it
  18. KNICKERS that 25 is coming soon. thinking about it i'm sure my average is better than yours
  19. i was parked off the road in a gate way on the A 50 he thought it was a bit sus so he pulled over to have a look. i did ask if he was called but he said not. checked all my paper work and was ok. aked who my FLO was and told me that he was'nt Derbyshire, i said that i didnt know him as i was Staffs, seemed a nice chap Photo copy of all i have Hunter, as much as possible. was impressed with the shots all head shots 2 of them only 4feet apart just goes against what folk say about the HMR being too noisy. best one was 140 yds ish that was the bottom one. I know the land so have a good idea of the distance. aimed just at the base of the earas you can see "bob on"
  20. being as the weather was a bit better i thought ide pop out for a bit of shooting. just as i got back to the car PC plod turned up to see if ide had a good night. he was quite interested wanted to know all sorts checked all paper work had a peep at bunnies and stuff said farewell and all was good.
  21. If your hitting the odd 24 and only been shooting since July then i would be well chuffed. well done All i can manage is at best 23 i seem to loose it just after the middle stand. Went today and with the wind and other distractions ie; the wrong colour cartridges and people behind asking if i had missed any ( MIFFY SPARKIE) i am sure that i could shoot a straight every time Any way anything in the 20s is a good round as far as i see well done and go for the 25 straight ill have a party ratboy quoted:- Have skeet rules changed over the years? The reason I ask is that I found 2 or 3 sites that seemed to show different birds at different stations.the day i do it dont know about the rules there but most of us shoot in the UK there is a difference between the Olimpic yes as the birds are allot quicker.
  22. Not 100% sure:- stand 1 ; 1 high 1 low then pair taking high first stand 2 ; 1 high 1 low then pair taking high first stand 3 ; 1 high 1 low stand 4 ; 1 high 1 low then pair. stand 5 ; 1 high 1 low stand 6 ; 1 high 1 low then pair. not sure if you have to nominate high or low for the pair stand 7 ; 1 low 1 high then pair taking the low first
  23. Fedaral "V" max £9.00 - 50. Picked up 1000. dont like to run short. i have seen them for £11.65 robin B******.
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