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killer rabbit (r1000)

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Posts posted by killer rabbit (r1000)

  1. :good: i've fitted an ox mainspring to a b2 (was mine at the time, my brother now owns it & god only knows how he's treating it - he's split the stock :good: ). i had to cut a couple of turns off the spring as i was fitting it & being a bit of a nutter when it comes to these things, i fitted it on my own (not reccommended, even a gunsmith will make any spring replacement a 2-man job) & yes, it was left legal (just) & kicked like a mule.


    my advice - take the ox back & get either a more suitable spring, or have a gas-ram fitted :good:

  2. :good: don't worry, you're not the only one into modding, some of my mods get very radical & sometimes ugly :good: (but that's just me personalising my kit :good: )


    seriously though, think very carefully before you go changing things ie does it justify the extra expense? what happens if things go wrong while modding?

  3. Just serviced my Hills pump.

    Complete strip down, clean relube and replaced the small "O" ring.


    20 minutes from start to finish and that was whilst chatting away!


    Point is that these people who say that the pumps are hardwork etc are talking rubbish :good: , kept clean and serviced they work a treat.



    learn how to maintain your own equipment, it could save you a lot of time & money :good:

  4. :good: i like power hunter in .177, not so keen on .22 - not as accurate for me, you may feel different so try them out for yourself. you could also try bsa interceptor (hollowpoint) or norika (wadcutter) - both in .22 & i've found both to be very good :good::good:
  5. :good: i tend to go for the second shot regardless, just to make sure (at least when it's lying there you have a much easier shot, sometimes take my co2 beretta as a finisher). probably best to use wadcutters or semi-dome for birds as they are more likely to give a quick kill rather than 'drill' a neat hole & miss all the vitals :good: (try not to use pointed pellets as they're usually not very accurate at range).
  6. I reckon picking the nose is the worst, especially if you have a proper go at digging for gold - the 8 second delay, burning sensation followed by the crying is unmistakable.


    Incidentally, I will be growing probably about 100 chilli plants in the green house this year and will end up giving most away to my mates to get them interested in gardening. I will knock a list up for any chilli experts but invariabley all the planter tags come off the seed trays and gets a bit pot luck.


    Best place to get your seeds from ebay and http://www.southdevonchillifarm.co.uk/seeds.html (they take Paypal).


    :lol: cheers for that, just ordered about £20 worth (love me chillies :lol::good::lol::yes:

  7. :yes: i have 2 3l & a 2l all 232bar bottles that i use to pony from my mates 10l 232 just down the road, split the transport & filling cost with him & job done. i also have a webley stirrup as a backup, takes a little effort but you get used to it, no moisture trap on it yet, but has got a dust filter (tip: change the hard felt pellet in your dust filter for a cigarrette filter - the kind used for hand rolling, they do just as well to catch particles & are lighter so allow easier airflow) :good:
  8. :yes: had a spitfire in .177 some time ago, great rifle (very good with most pellets, around 60 shots per charge & shot very well to about 80 yards) - that was until the frontmost seal went (just happens to be the only one i can't get to for replacement :good: ). but i still have the parts if anyone needs spares!
  9. :lol: very nice job :yes: , wonder if mine's going to turn out anywhere near as good (missus broke the forestock for my s200 yesterday while it's new varnish was drying & let me find it rather than tell me :lol: , made it very plain that i'm extremely far from happy :good: - haven't spoken to her since i got back home from work last night)
  10. I didn't think we had that many helicopters. Maybe we've been invaded! Where're my DPs? I'm taking the air rifle into the fields and setting up a resistance movement!


    :yes: viva la revolution!!! :good:


    (do they know something we don't?) :lol:

  11. :good: i'd (try to) invest half, clear the bills, give some to family (probably a few thou. each) to do what they like with, give a little to certain charities, buy a load of land (probably derilict & riverside, there's a fair bit 'round my way) & a) build a house for me & the missus, :good: keep a fair amount of land as private shooting grounds & c) open some of the land as a `live experience' indoor & outdoor shooting club (with an indoor range for those who don't like blood). me & a mate have had very similar ideas for some time, we just need the money! :lol:
  12. Unreal Tournament - makes doom look like teletubbies :lol:


    :lol: unreal 2004 - many hours of fun blasting the **** out of everything & everyone using some insane weapons, there are also shedloads of bonuspacks, upgrades, skinmods & maps available (you can also set the gore level to an inhuman level if you know how :good: - great for the sniper rifle :P ).


    or if you just want a good laugh, go for hogs of war or any of the worms 3d games & use some insanely stupid weapons :good:

  13. :yp: if your having difficulty finding a decent club in notts then look no further, we're an airgun club open to beginners & experienced shooters alike with very decent membership rates & very down-to-earth people! (ok, so some of us are a little nuts, but we shoot safely :lol::lol: some of us are even up for a drink afterwards :good::good: ). give me a ring on 07894 981119 (number posted as my time on-line is very limited at present, it's a work thing. or feel free to pm me - i might get to read it sometime). give us a try, go on - you know you want to... :P:yes:

  14. :good: subject to funding at the time, i'll take any old or damaged s200 or parts (including damaged cylinders) for a decent price, please contact me on 07894 981119 (phone number posted as my time on-line is very limited at present, it's a work thing, but please feel free to post me a message on the off-chance i might actually get to read it!). if you have any other damaged weapons you might want a few quid for, don't throw them out just yet - i will be taking orders in the near future.
  15. All sorted now...


    The local dealer found that there was some dirt in the valves and the service they gave it cleared it out and sorted the problem. All fixed for £22.50 which I thought was a fair price.


    Thanks for the advice.






    :blush: i hate it when i'm right :lol: not a bad price for the service though :good:

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