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Everything posted by pigeon-hunter

  1. Well done mate great offer I will be in same boat soon have bags and bags of boys clothes and have a daughter due in 2 months so il be clearing out too
  2. Does it have the internal lock box or shelf. I have a 3 gun cab need to upgrade
  3. This is the 2nd one come up that would of been perfect just way too far
  4. I posted up in the wanted section that same one but no luck might have to nite the bullet and buy a new one
  5. I have used clear pigeon for the last couple of years had no problems with them
  6. I had the same 500-600 moving from field to field struggled to decoy them. But the fields hadn't been cut yet. Will try again when bk from holiday
  7. Well done great offer to a well deserved man.
  8. If only it was on a bit sooner just bought a Hilux twin cab foe same money.
  9. Beardo just ordered myself one of these so next time we meet I want a rematch lol
  10. Haha well at least I thought we won for a couple of days, not going to tell the missis we didn't tho. Met some real cracking guys Ireland, old farrier, beardo, shoot and be safe paul123 and a few more but had one too many beers the Friday nite to remember other names. Scores aside it was all about meeting for a good cause raising money and making new friends well done to everyone who participated.
  11. Blimey you were up early I crawled out my pit straight to breakfast at 730. Great day nice to meet you all
  12. Shame your too far great opportunity. Nice one
  13. Yeah but I would kinda like to look it over lol
  14. Just what I'm looking for just a bit far shame
  15. Bargain shame your a long way away
  16. I'm 3 weeks away from dropping my boy to residential training, been talking about it for a month or so. Finally found someone I was happy with. But now his booked in I'm feeling gutted all ready and I haven't even taken him there yet. Going to be a reck when I do actually drop him off. his my 1st dog and I don't know nowhere near enough to train him myself. So he will be off for 3-4 months
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