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Everything posted by CharlieT

  1. CharlieT

    Online banking

    And a mobile signal !....................something rather lacking in this neck of the woods.
  2. CharlieT

    Online banking

    Thanks, I thought as much.
  3. CharlieT

    Online banking

    Does using "linked accounts" allow your main bank to see balances and spending on the linked accounts.
  4. The instructions as to what to do are written in condition 3 on the front of your certificate. You notify your issuing force of your change of address without undue delay.
  5. Here's another who used one, I still have it in the yard with flowers in it............. That puts the combined age up to 357
  6. Too true, I've just bought a couple of 20kg bags and paid just over £40 each for them.
  7. There are a couple of companies offer a workaround https://www.firearmsmedicals.co.uk/?campaignid=17237414303&adgroupid=140254943447&keyword=medcert&gclid=CjwKCAjw4ayUBhA4EiwATWyBrjg_0ztur5XF0XjB9pifkC6KMhm_dCo134Y0ByS7sPhXdwnQdfohGRoCsJYQAvD_BwE https://www.medcert.co.uk/ https://www.shootcert.co.uk/
  8. The standard rate of VAT applies to the sale of sporting rights where those rights are sold away from the land, see VAT Notice 742 (6.1)
  9. Its value is, as others have said, is anything from a few pounds to thousands. Impossible to say without seeing the land, but I'll take a punt and say upwards of £500/acre plus VAT. Standard Sporting Rights give the owner no control over the land. If you want that you would need to have it tied up in the purchase agreement and expect to pay considerably more.
  10. From memory it's 2.5% customs duty + vat on the goods value.
  11. The application form - Form 201 - is issued by the Govt. Publishing service and is the application form that should be used by all firearms licensing departments. It does not require the applicant to specify the action type.
  12. Edd The best landlord insurance, covering rent losses and legal fees, is worth its weight in gold. Whilst it doesn't do away with the hassle rotten tenets cause, it sure does away with spending hard earned money on legal fees and non payment of rent. They also give sound advice.
  13. That's good news. As I said, an excellent scheme.
  14. Obviously dependent on whether or not your GP charged you for the medical proforma he just completed for you, but it would be a bit rich if you get stung for another GP charge when the police write to him again in two years time as they say they will in their letter.
  15. As you say, at last someone is applying some common sense. A splendid idea that should be followed by them all.
  16. I really am sorry to read this. I always enjoyed his contributions, a proper countryman, he will be dearly missed.
  17. People in vehicle and trailer from a 'shooting party' The people in the vehicle and trailer which fell into the river in Roeburndale were from a "shooting party" and "travelling on private land", police have confirmed.
  18. I fear some think the Queen woke up one morning and thought, oh, I'll make that Blair chap a Knight of the Garter...........whereas the more enlightened know very well that the Queen is "advised" on such matters.
  19. It, the Basc Avian Flue page, seems to be pretty comprehensive to me. I don't really understand what else you expect them to say.
  20. What a splendid post, sums it up nicely.
  21. Like you, I presumed he was referring to that big girls blouse Mandleson
  22. I am so pleased for you. Fantastic news, What a present.
  23. You'd make a cracking good publicity officer for the LACS
  24. Sentiments I've held for some while, together with the socialist view that only those with deep pockets dress in tweed and red coats.
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