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Posts posted by Mymwood

  1. Personal priorities and my thoughts on threats to shooting. Initial thoughts.


    Personal; Get to know and understand the innermost workings of Basc, how it works, lobbies, influences and networks. To establish effective methods of communication with members from all shooting disciplines so that I can feed the thoughts and opinions of 'grass roots' members to council. Thereafter to establish means to ensure that member opinion is represented and acted upon by the organisation. To help the organisation recruit a high calibre Chief Exec who possesses the requisite qualities to take us forward. To ensure that the gundog fraternity is seen as a priority alongside other shooting disciplines such as wildfowling and game shooting.


    Threats - not an exhaustive list, again, more my immediate thoughts.


    Existing wildfowling clubs tend to be fairly small. With some exceptions, those clubs have not sought to lease foreshore areas or purchase coastal marshes - quite simply because, under the existing legal framework, there was little to be gained by doing so. But even under the existing laws unrestricted access to some of the best wild-fowling has already been lost and, of course, the threat of future changes is very real. To put it simply, we need larger clubs with the resources, resolve and commitment to meet the challenges of the future and I think those clubs need the financial muscle of a pro-active parent body to help them.


    We have seen the dramatic effects of the EU Habitats Directive and its implementation by Natural England and the Countryside Council for Wales. There is no doubt, to my mind, that many opposed to shooting use this to block, prevent and obstruct the use of the foreshore for wildfowling and if not challenged at every turn this shooting discipline will gradually be eroded.


    Game farming. Attack/prevent the production of stock production for shoots and you prevent shoots operating.


    Animal welfare legislation - aimed at preventing use of dogs for sport. Subtle, cleverly worded regulations that pass into law unchallenged without the effect being realised. Simple examples being the docking regs introduced in Scotland and Wales. A previous poster said the Scottish situation will soon be corrected - this isnt the case, its being studied, no more, and there is no predictions on the outcome of that study. Also the Regs governing the movement of dogs, the detail of which eludes me, have brought in law that seriously restricts the numbers of dogs that a trialler, beater, picker-up can carry and the distances they are allowed to travel.


    Final thought - that I am the only candidate taking the trouble to visit the forums and talk to people. A decision which I trust I will not live to regret.



  2. In a Chief Exec; A question prompted, I presume by the forthcoming retirement of John Swift. CEs should possess qualities such as;


    1.Recognise people‘s efforts.

    Effective leaders praise the work of their managers, the staff, the volunteers and local branches. As monetary rewards are less significant in the third sector, personal recognition is all the more critical.

    2.Develop a power base.

    The chief executive‘s power depends primarily on maintaining the confidence of the council, the staff, and in most cases the broader membership as well. That implies both serving them well and, more importantly, gaining and maintaining their confidence. This requires chief executives to demonstrate that they are in command of the organisation‘s affairs.


    3.Use authority effectively.


    4.Use the power of the position.

    People in positions of power, particularly those recently appointed, often shun the trappings of power. This is an understandable reaction particularly in organisations with a long history such as BASC has. It can nevertheless be short-sighted because, like it or not, the status attached to the post is one source of the chief executive’s influence.


    5.Build a reputation.

    Members, staff and outside organisations who are going to come into contact with our CE will respect chief executives who have a reputation in their field of endeavour. Chief executives who have the expertise to make press comments or give speeches strengthen their position within their organisations. They gain a reputation by networking with co-ordinating groups and by building a profile in their field.


    6.Develop skills and abilities.

    Good Leaders constantly strive to increase their expertise both as managers and as people who understand the detail of their field of endeavour.


    7.Develop clear personal objectives.

    Leaders must have a burning desire to achieve specific objectives. They are clear about what they want the organisation to accomplish and how they are going to help others to realise it. When this is coupled with a passionate belief in what the organisation can do, it rubs off on everyone else.


    8.Communicate with stakeholders ie members.

    Leaders listen to others and the language they use. They put great emphasis on communicating a vision of the future in language that people can understand. The person appointed will take every opportunity to communicate in person and in writing with as many members as possible.


    9.Develop a positive self-image.

    Effective leaders are confident of their abilities. They strive to increase confidence in themselves and in others. They are optimistic. They get into a virtuous circle in which their success feeds their self image, which in turn leads to further success.


    10.Combine vision with attention to detail.

    Leaders judge correctly when to focus on the big picture and when detail has to be given attention.


    Hope that answers your question.

  3. (Wildfowling needs better representation


    Gundogs are already well represented.)


    Of the 17 listed council members on the BASC website as at Feb 2012, 9 show their main interest as wildfowling. Not one member comes from a background of working dogs or lists working dogs as an interest. Exactly how does this equate to WF needing better representation and gundog interests already being well represented?


    As to becoming a member of the Gundog Advisory Committee to gain crebibility... the last reference to this committee meeting was at council minutes in June 2010 when a new chair was appointed to that committee. Since then, no record of meetings.


    I'm perfect prepared to accept that the two aforementioned candidates are of the highest quality and would be a real asset to council. However, I would ask contributors not to resort to personally insulting me and to refrain from using spurious facts and claims to attempt to persuade readers to vote against me rather than for a candidate of their choice.


    I quite understand the argument that wildfowling needs a strong voice and that it is the discipline that feels under the most immediate threat. But, you have three votes, if it is your wish to vote as suggested above then you must do so, but dont disqualify me from receiving your third vote just because you are led to believe that working gundog owners do not need representation, they do!



  4. David, you are a very naughty boy!!


    Seriousy though guys, I've set up a blog to show what I'm about. If you interested in gundog issues do take a look. Maybe you might feel, as I do, that there is already a strong wildfowl

    representation on the council and that there is also a need a new blood, new ideas. In that case, you might give me the nod?


    Its www.martynparfittforbasc.wordpress.com



  5. .. and with regards to the above I fully accept the importance of wildfowling and the threats that this shooting discipline is under. However, there are members of council who already have a huge amount of experience and knowledge of this subject. Game shooting and stalking are also disciplines that are well represented. I would, in no way seek to question the pedigrees and abilities of the previously mentioned candidates but I have decided to stand as my discipline, working gundogs, is not represented and hasnt been for years. Without gundogs shooting would find it almost impossible to continue. They are the common link across all the disciplines and I believe that makes them a link to be attacked. Tail docking is an example of how it could have been made impossible to use spaniels for work. Take away the dog and lose the sport - I want to help BASC ensure that doesnt happen. Mart.

  6. I have a feeling I might know where and who you refer to. Very successful but TOTALLY

    motivated by cash.

    Good advice you give - whilst gundog owners understand the breeds, having a carer who genuinely

    cares about the animals in their care is far more important than training and trials success.

    There are several professional trainers I know quite well that I would not let within a mile of

    my dogs. To many of them the dog is just a tool or a commodity, they exploit the animal and use them to make a living, and no longer feel any emotional attachment to them.

  7. By far the best trainer in that area is, in my humble opinion, Jonathan Bailey. Jon and I started training and trialling back in the late eighties. I moved on into shooting and he kept up with the dogs. He is a knowledgable, agreeable character with a fantastic ability with dogs and, unlike many, the ability to pass that knowlwdge on to novices. Highly recommended. He runs a boarding kennels with his wife now, not sure where. Might be called Churchview kennels if i remember rightly. Mart

  8. Common characteristic in the 'wee' dogs


    I've trained quite a few and made a couple of them up to champs. I've seen this prob quite a few times, often with woodcock, snipe, sometimes with rabbits.


    There is no 'right way' to sort it, only differnet things to try


    They include, as dog stands in front of you, gently step on one front foot of the dog as you take the bird, this encourages them to release


    try wrapping bird in a pop sock, easier release.


    try repetetive retrieves, not too many, but enough so that the excitment of the moment wains


    do you really, really praise on arrival, so dog thinks 'wow i'm about to get praised big time, and gets excited? If so, ease back on it, make it more routine, less exciting, so dog less likely to expect big praise


    just a few ideas to suggest


    good luck





    Breeders for over 20yrs, offer to permanent, responsible homes, pedigree Black Labrador puppies, dogs and bitches.


    Both parents can be seen and are calm, steady workers, good hip scores and clear eye certs.


    Puppy from last years litter can also be seen. Pups go to their new homes microchipped, wormed and with first vaccination.


    Puppy pack including KC registration documents, 4wks insurance, advice sheet, Pedigree certificate, and puppy food will be supplied.


    A lifetimes support, whether your puppy is chosen as a working dog or family friend is offered also, to include discounted boarding and grooming at our licensed boarding kennels.


    £450 Ready for viewing now. Nr Abergavenny, Blackwood in Sth Wales.


    Reply if further info needed

  10. Looking for an opportunity for my son to benefit from the experience of an experienced hand or a generous host with land that needs the pigeon targeted.


    Son is 24, has been pheasant and duck shooting with me but wants to get into pigeon shooting. Certificated and insured.


    I have a few deacs and an old hide from my days living in Herts but dont now have the time.


    If there is anyone looking for a keen apprentice who is safe and a pretty good shot please let me know.


    May be able to offer a day walk/stand pheasant in return this coming winter (Usk area) or some duck flighting on the Usk or on our small farm nr Blackwood.



  11. Looking for an opportunity for my son to benefit from the experience of an experienced hand or a generous host with land that needs the pigeon targeted.


    Son is 24, has been pheasant and duck shooting with me but wants to get into pigeon shooting. Certificated and insured.


    I have a few deacs and an old hide from my days living in Herts but dont now have the time.


    If there is anyone looking for a keen apprentice who is safe and a pretty good shot please let me know.


    May be able to offer a day walk/stand pheasant in return this coming winter (Usk area) or some duck flighting on the Usk or on our small farm nr Blackwood.





    Breeders for over 20yrs, offer to permanent, responsible homes, pedigree Black Labrador puppies, dogs and bitches.


    Both parents can be seen and are calm, steady workers, good hip scores and clear eye certs.


    Puppy from last years litter can also be seen. Pups go to their new homes microchipped, wormed and with first vaccination.


    Puppy pack including KC registration documents, 4wks insurance, advice sheet, Pedigree certificate, and puppy food will be supplied.


    A lifetimes support, whether your puppy is chosen as a working dog or family friend is offered also, to include discounted boarding and grooming at our licensed boarding kennels.


    £450 Ready for viewing now. Nr Abergavenny, Blackwood in Sth Wales.


    tel **********or mobile ******* and ask for Jon

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