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Everything posted by elgreco

  1. Hi I have just bought a Beretta 486 parallelo. I would like to remove the auto safety (I only shoot clays) is it possible to do this? Thanks Tom
  2. We are booked in for a months holiday in Canada in September. Calgary, jasper, Banff and surrounding areas then Vancouver and up to Toronto. It now looks like a fair chunk of it has gone up in flames, so sad.
  3. elgreco


    The last time I actually saw an episode of Emerdale it was still called Emedale farm. What is happening with this programme to make it have a warning of “upsetting scenes” ant “if you’ve been affected…………” Good grief! Whatever happened to light entertainment? Every soap seems to need to out trump the next on shock value.
  4. elgreco


    My son is living in Leipzig in Germany. We went to visit him a few months ago driving there from the euro tunnel. I was impressed with how many wind and solar farms there are right the way through the country. We also witnessed the recycling centres within supermarkets for plastic bottles where you feed the empty containers in and get a voucher for credit for your shopping. A beautiful clean country.
  5. Hi, are you interested in a swap for a couple Rhino ported extended Mobil chokes? Both skeet. (I’ve still got them) cheers Tom
  6. You fail to see the point. If they are ENTITLED to state aid when working full time there is a problem with the minimum wage. What they spend the money on maybe foolish in some circumstances but it doesn’t mean they are not eligible to receive it.
  7. Over the years wages have been eroded in various ways. The introduction of the minimum wage was introduced to ensure people were paid a minimum wage. This has been interpreted as ’we can get away with only paying this’ by lots of employers now. The profits of large companies are artificially boosted by suppressing wages for workers. If people are working full time for the legal minimum wage and they still have to rely on state aid then the system must be broken. Tom
  8. Are you interested in a swap for a couple Rino ported extended Mobil chokes? Both skeet. cheers Tom
  9. Is that a miniature bike or a huge ratchet? 😉
  10. elgreco

    Online banking

    Yes it does 👍🏼
  11. elgreco

    Online banking

    My son was one of the first employees in Monzo bank which is purely online with no branches. I was an early adopter of the bank as I felt I had to support him after I’d been with Barclays all my life. I’ve found it a breeze to use and now can look at my other accounts on the same app which is useful too.
  12. I have found the easiest way to resize large sized photos is to email them to myself Tom
  13. I think what needs to be done to get more workers into care homes is give them financial rewards they merit. Like most of this type of work, the rate of pay has been kept artificially low with cheap foreign labour and more workers than jobs. This has all changed now and care homes must stop being financial cash cows for owners and shareholders. They need to start investing in the people at the pointy end……. The carers. Once wages are tempting only then will they get quality staff who will stay long term.
  14. I have just had to apply for 3 selective licences in Newcastle, I drew out the floor plans by hand and put the dimensions on. I then wrote “not to scale” these were accepted by the council good luck Tom
  15. If “So” and “Look” etc grate on you I hop you’re not watching Question Time right now
  16. If the wire is going into the switch from above it should be running vertically plumb so avoid putting any fixings there.
  17. I watched a programme a while back about Jeff Lynn of E.L.O. I didn’t realise till then what a talented musician he is.
  18. The old Motarolla startac was fantastic in its day. I wish they made a smart version these days.
  19. Hi I’m just wondering if the gift pack is still available to pigeonwatch members currently. thanks Tom
  20. Yes, a painful recovery with interest rates hitting over 15% over the following years. I remember being ready to throw the keys in at the building society if they went up again. Painful times, I’m pleased I’m mortgage free now.
  21. I believe my watch was initially developed for working in conditions like the LHC
  22. Hi all, is there a way to get TV stations on a smart TV with only a 3pin 240v connection? We are wanting a TV in our kitchen/diner but have no aerial in there and no virgin media socket in there either. thanks in advance Tom
  23. Hi, we are getting a full kitchen remodel at the moment and are considering getting a 4 in 1 tap which delivers cold filtered, boiling and normal hot/cold water. Has anyone got one or can recommend a type and if they are worth buying? Thanks Tom
  24. It was quite a substantial bit of kit I bought, like I say the finish is great but the preparation and spray dust is huge
  25. “Get a spray gun and spray it” they said. So I buy the spray system faff about masking skirtings, fireplace, windows, doors. Get my face mask on and coveralls. Finally ready for the main event. JESUS! What a disappointment, I really didn’t expect it to make such a mess, nice finish but would have been a dam sight quicker and less messy with a roller! Am I doing it wrong?
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