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Gordon R

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Everything posted by Gordon R

  1. If you feel strongly, boycott all Subway establishments. I boycott them because the only two I have been in have been awful.
  2. Hill Street Blues - never bettered. The Tube - for live performances by the Style Council and Elvis Costello (plus TKO Horns). Jools Holland - "Say hello wave goodbye", by Marc Almond - priceless - the lad can really sing.
  3. Got one and bought two for a mate and his wife. Brilliant.
  4. We had a Toyota Prius at work as a pool car. There was a junior race to be the first one to do a handbrake turn it it. The handbrake is a foot pedal, which you press to apply and press harder to release. Had a few goes, but I never made it. Only one of the lads could do it.
  5. Now driving a Vauxhall Frontera 2.2 Turbo diesel. My 88th car. Wife has a Corsa and I have a boys' toy RV Eagle Jeep 2.0litre - looks like a Wrangler. Favourite car was my wife's Cosworth. She didn't appreciate what it was and irritated the hell out of me by saying" It's just a car to me. As long as it keeps going, I don't mind what I drive".
  6. Another Estwing Hammer. I already had four, but my wife said that I hadn't got the leather handle model and it took her ages to find out where to buy them. They are a lot more common nowadays.
  7. JustJoshing - would you be the same anti-fox hunting, but pro-boar shooting **** who has been making a fool of himself?
  8. Jay - clean the pins and swap them over.
  9. I have Akitas - they don't retrieve game, but will do serious harm to any burglar. Forget game, my vote is for a deterrent.
  10. Jay - pins look okay. Sludge - not so good. Clean them up and put them back.
  11. Even in a perfect world, where everyone was equal.
  12. I had a metal splinter in my finger for 18 months. Every time I pressed it trying to get it out, it went further in. Went out for a night out with the lads. Arrived back, slightly merry and decided it was coming out. Several rums later, I got my trusty Stanley knife and put it under the boiling water from the kettle. Started digging away at my finger. Hurt a bit so more rum. More blood, so under the cold water tap and more rum. Woke up the following morning with blood all over the bed and a big hole in my finger which was slightly sore. Still got the scar 15 years later. Got the splinter out.
  13. Jay - Litts will cost a bob or two in postage. Stensby's would be cheaper than postage alone. T. Stensby & Co. Ltd., No. 1 Shudehill, Manchester - 0161 834 6589 ACTION WORK We specialise in action work on English guns such as making tumblers, ejector kickers, swivels and other such fiddly bits. Please contact us for a quote. New strikers £25.00 each Mainsprings English (leaf type) £40.00 each Mainsprings Over & Under Actions (coil springs) £30.00 each Complete strip & clean £40.00 (including checking pulls & ejector work & test shooting) If you want cheaper - A gunsmith in Oldham - Ian - cheap and very good. PM me for his number.
  14. I was helping some mates converting a house into flats. One of the lads asked me to plane a bit off a piece of wood. I held the electric plane in one hand and the wood in the other. Upon contact, the plane flicked the wood out of my hand and took the tips off two of my fingers. Blood was squirting onto a wall two feet away, but they all stood around laughing. One complained that the wall would need replastering, another mentioned new skirting boards. Someone got me some kitchen roll and off to hospital. Big mistake as they then had to pick out the bits of roll. My fingers grew back square at the end, which had to be reshaped with silver nitrate. Not recommended when it hits a nerve. Honestly. Took a couple of years before I could grip properly.
  15. You don't get convicted for self defence. Did he get found guilty or did he admit the offences? The more I read, the worse this gets. Compelled to assault someone, compelled to drink? So much self control, so much contrition. NOT.
  16. "And i'm 6ft 3" so i think i've grown up enough ." - Think again.
  17. Where do they get them from? "I want your opinion as long as you agree with me". I worry about idiots like that getting a FAC. I think a brain would be the first priority, followed by some judgement and counselling for drink problems.
  18. They have revoked your licence :- "I had an fac in 2002 and it was revoked. I have been a little naughty in the past". "Causing an affray (Public disorder) 2003". "Well my ticket was revoked in 2002 because i had a disagreement with someone after a few beers. Drunk & disordarly. The Last conviction (affray was in 2003) So it was revoked before this!" You dismiss two criminal convictions as " a bit naughty". There is no way the Police will share your rose-tinted view. If you get a FAC, I will plait sawdust. When you have a FAC, you know that you have to behave, but you clearly didn't care about those conditions. It's cause and effect.
  19. £23 for a scroll saw on Ebay and cut the stock after two trial runs on scrap wood. Pleased with the result. Just waiting for the mechanism.
  20. Leeds United, despite being a Lancastrian. Going through bad times.
  21. Bought a scrollsaw last night. Two trial runs on scrap wood and impatience got the better of me. Stock is now cut and a pretty decent, easy job it was. Very little sanding to do. Just trying to take a slight bit off to lower the comb as the scrollsaw only took a very thin cut. Just waiting for the mechanism now.
  22. If you go to Browning direct - forend is about £115 and stock £200 for grade 1. A secondhand stock went for £67 today on Ebay and I sold a newish forend recently for £35. So replacement Over this side of the Pennines there are a couple of Gunsmiths who could probably sort it for you. Harry Nich in Bolton and Ian in Oldham.
  23. Too late - just bought a scroll saw on Ebay.
  24. I would not take a weather check from Junior - Junior cowboy. Photo bucket not working. PM me for photos. You can get these for about £60. A mate's son is making me a better copy. It will be my first go and I don't know whether to use a bandsaw or fretsaw to cut the stock. I will make a jig and practice a bit first.
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