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Gordon R

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Everything posted by Gordon R

  1. They are idiots, but idiots who may blow someone up. I would imprison them for 20 years - no problem.
  2. A fellow poster has mentioned the PM to the owner of Blackpool GC, who denies knowledge. I said originally that it purported to be from Blackpool, but I also said it didn't sound like the owner. I had always thought he was a decent bloke. Probably someone's idea of a joke, albeit a bit juvenile. Still no fan of Claymate. I have always made a loss on them, because of no-birds or targets we couldn't see. I accept that they may be the future and I may have to get used to them, but I find them a pain.
  3. There is good and bad in any society. These appear to be bad and stupid. Given the situation in the world, at best they are incredibly stupid - at worst trainee terrorists. Plenty of time in prison will make them consider the error of their ways. I have absolutely no time for them whatever their pathetic excuse is. I suppose people laughed at the trainee pilots prior to the twin towers. Comic??? Lock them away and throw away the key.
  4. Mexican - very few decent ones in the country. Harrow and St Ives, Cornwall - two of the better ones.
  5. Engine off - select first gear. Turn the starter, the car lurches forward, fires up and you are away. Give it some throttle and ease off - then select third etc. Driving without a clutch is a doddle, but don't get stuck on hill. You have to give yourself more room behind cars. When slowing down, knock into neutral. If you have to halt - switch the engine off. If you can keep going - fish around for a lower gear - you will find one which selects more easily. Done this in Rovers, Discos etc. Twice out of necessity - a couple of times for a bet.
  6. Blaser - I bought some about three months ago from Kelbrook - £93 per 1000, bought some more two weeks ago at £99, bit of an increase since then. They are plastic only - 7 1/2. Graham does Victory Sporter Cartridges 12g 28g x 1000 114.00 GBP http://www.gundeals.co.uk/SHOTGUNS-and-ACC...t_id,categories
  7. Chard - Kelbrook have Eley at £99. Graham at Gundeals - Bolton has Victory at £114 on the GUndeals Auction.
  8. I would like to know what proportion of the legal UK population is in prison. News this morning said there were 11,000 illegal immigrants in prison. That is a lot. If 11,000 are in prison, how many illegals are already here? Are there far more illegal immigrants than the Government admit to, or are the illegals a lawless bunch? We are not talking crimes here, we are talking offences sufficient to warrant prison.
  9. Had a diesel Disco. Not bad - decent performance and economy. Bit wallowy on corners. I had the diff rotting away. It's just that the steel on the rear bulge is a lot thinner than the rest. A cheap fix. If you get one cheap - they can be a real bargain.
  10. Each to his or her choice in chokes. The worst chokes are better than the best shooter. It's just preference. I have just gone back to Teague flush chokes rather than the Briley extended. Just changed XS (Invector plus with Briley) to XT with Teagues. Either suit me fine. I only wanted the Trap woodwork.
  11. Thwaites Bitter and dark Rum - not at the same time.
  12. Quite few on Ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SKEET-VEST-CLAY-SHOO...1QQcmdZViewItem
  13. jay - you could try Graham GDUK at Gundeals forum. He had some nice ones cheapish.
  14. Get along to your local club. Find the person who runs it and level with them. You will find that they fall over themselves to help. Shooters, despite the odd disagreement, are amongst the most reasonable and helpful people you will come across.
  15. Miroku and Browning are the same gun, but you pay more for a Browning in general terms. I have owned a fair number of guns and none have handled as well as Browning/ Miroku. I have a Browning XS with trap forend - I would like to put a trap stock on it - Browning GTi Trap and a Miroku MK 38 Trap. All will last and hold value. If I was buying one, I would buy a Miroku trap with teague chokes. You don't see many, but excellent value for money.
  16. My friend Graham, who runs Gundeals, has a Blaser and I have shot with it. Slightly bizarre as it feels light, but isn't too light - almost no recoil. It seems to handle very, very well. Looks well engineered. My only reservation was that he had a Sporter. I prefer Trap guns and would have welcome a go with one.
  17. Andy - I would not have thought they would fit. Trap stock is wider for a start.
  18. Webber - details about Lupton would be welcome. As for Blackpool - I have enjoyed many shoots there and have always thought they were decent people. Some of the clays have become a test of eyesight recently, but I can live with that. However, I draw the line at the response I received. I am a customer (albeit a former one now) expressing an opinion. I shoot with three others - sometimes more. No-one amongst us likes claymate or claycounters - not because we abuse the club. We do not. It is a fact that whenever we have used the system, at Worsley, we have ended up out of pocket. At Worsley because you can't see the clays on a sunny day. At Kelbrook, we have lost clays because the traps were so close together, we didn't know who they belonged to. Kelbrook is okay when it is not busy. The response from Blackpool is odd. The member has only joined today. It is either someone having a laugh at my and Blackpool's expense or a hasty reply. I will not visit Blackpool again, nor will my son, nor will any friend of mine that I am aware of.
  19. I received this private mesage from Blackpool Gun Club - or so it says. My response is:- I do not like Clay counters, because of experiences at Worsley. I did not imply that you would steal from me. I am not sure what you mean by "my type", but as "my type" are not welcome, I will take my business elsewhere. I have been honest and loyal, but I will take your advice and save my petrol. I think that is four customers just lost.
  20. Andy - you can get them from Browning Winchester (UK) Ltd 37d Milton Park Milton Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4R 01235 514550 Not upgrading. I just don't like the sporting stock and forend on the XS. I prefer the chunkier trap stock. The XS is the later - one allen key - adjustable type. I have already put a trap forend on it. I either want to buy a stock or swap woodwork with someone who wants to sporterise their trap gun. I didn't think anyone would swap just the stock because of matching. You can adjust the XS stock to your hearts content, but I have tried the stock from my MK 38 and it feels a whole lot better.
  21. Bump. I need one now.
  22. Blaser F3 - Rishton has better targets - nothing stupid, better food and nicer people who run it. Many targets at Worsley were hanging in a gap in the trees. Bit like rifle shooting rather than clays. They have a tower, but you have to pay extra to shoot it. I didn't see any reduction on the stands where the targets were absolute garbage. Just strikes me that they are interested in the money, rather than the sport. The approach road is a disgrace and they should have sorted years ago.
  23. I made my own shot years ago, but my success was very limited and I did not persevere. I admire your skill and resourcefulness. Well done.
  24. Worsley is a good case. Okay to see the birds if you are behind another squad. We were not so lucky. On three stands we looked at a pair, then another, then another. After wasting a pound or two, we found that the clays were travelling into the sun and could not be seen from the cage. I have been twice when the sun is shining, but never again. They ask for your car keys as security against the claymate plug in device. You feel like some sort of criminal. What use would such a device be to me. Don't like their food, prices, attitude or targets. We will not visit again.
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