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About shaun4860

  • Birthday 04/08/1960

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  • From
    Ashington Northumberland

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  1. Sellers are allowed to set any price they wish. If you are interested then pm the seller, if you are not then move along. Nothing of interest to you here.
  2. So was Ireland’s last time 😡
  3. shaun4860


    Blooming hope not 😭
  4. But you all would with Rachel in the stationary cupboard 😜
  5. What happened to the absolute stunner 🤷🏻‍♂️ You know, the one we never got pictures of. Surely she has a fb page we could stalk. 🫣
  6. Nothing to stop you buying stuff but by being a new member people might be a little cautious 😊 We were all new members at one time 😜
  7. Children Let’s not get into a slanging match. Keep it civil please
  8. Will be interested in the bottle if you decide to split depending on price
  9. Can you please confirm the moderator is on ticket
  10. And it’s closed
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