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Everything posted by straightbarrel

  1. Get yourself a wife like this and buy a dog.
  2. Would appreciate any information on ESS Kenmillto Meg. Many thank's.
  3. I think in your situation it sounds like introducing the dog to hunting/working before the basics were in place. The commands ' leave' or 'no' are really basic things a working dog should be trained/conditioned on from an early age, meaning when in a working situation for real, the problem should not exist. If the homework is done in the early training, with no short-cut's, the rest takes care of itself. The problem with Mick Millers dog ( bitch), is really something that should be taught now anyway, it's part of the dog's early learning,basic training, so not a problem as such, just a stage of training that needs to be instilled 100%, just like recall, just like 'sit' or 'hup'. You are right though as far as the huge novels and every dog is different, although every dog does need the basics in place before doing the real thing.
  4. Whether the tail is docked or not, just make sure you are getting a sound enough animal to deal with. No point in having a dog with a lovely docked tail if it can't do the job he's purchased for. Quality of the dog and his or her recent pedigree history; parents/granparents/gt,grandparents is more important.No guarantees even with outstanding pedigree's but at least it gives you a fighting chance of getting a dog at the end of training that is a credit to you, the dog, and the breed. Three to five days max for docking in England (with proof the dog will be working), no docking at all in scotland.
  5. Seems more like a compromise to me mate. That could work with some dogs,as it has with your dog. The danger is when the dog realises everything it brings to you, you reward him for bringing them, then you have the problem of him bringing all the **** you dont want him to touch, back to you. Some will start dropping reteives in anticipation for nice treats also, this is obviously no good to anyone. If you condition the dog to return with everything it finds, good bad or indifferent, you are also breaking up a natural hunting pattern for game, also very undisireable in any hunting dog in my opinion. Recall is the most important thing to instill early in the dogs conditioning but it also has to understand that when it hunts it hunts, 'leave it' and 'no' etc are also early training/conditioning commands. Reward for obeying the 'no' or 'leave' but never for something you dont want him or her to do.
  6. Be 100% consistant and make sure if you do scruff her she knows exactly what its for. Dragging her off to another post code will only confuse matters. Punish her on the spot and as quickly as you can, if she shows she is learning make a fuss of her or give her a retreive with the tennis ball or whatever it is she likes to be rewarded with, ( as long as it's not a lump of **** you reward her with)
  7. Scruff her. Have ten mins every now and then purposely putting her over stuff you know she will scoff. Make sure you are within a yard or two,with the leader on if need be, as soon as she makes a move towards it tell her sternly 'no' or whatever you use as no,'leave' etc.If she ignores 'no', she will be within reach, grab her by the scruff and give her a shake. The first time she listens and leaves whatever ****y thing you plant, make sure you reward her. She will soon get the message, make sure she gets the message. Give the mustard a mis, you dont want her refusing to pick everything up.Just do the basics mate. 'No' then scruff if she ignores.
  8. And a couple of hundred quid to add to the good medical reason!
  9. You say he's a six year old and also a quick learner? please don't take this the wrong way but; A how long have you owned him? B has he any field/gundog experience at all? Also there appears to be another dog or part of another dog in the picture? Are you also re-homing this one. Thank you.
  10. The scientists say if you put a pea shooter into the swirl of water that go's down your sink,and look through it, you can see the end of space. Apparently you have to make sure theres no hair or anything in the sink-hole first though. Hope this helps.
  11. That's bad news. Sorry to hear it. What was the immediate pedigree of Alfie mate, sire dam grandparents etc? Thanks.
  12. I just think if you are prepared to give advice you should read the original Post thouroughly before doing so. That's all. You also talk in absolute riddles mate, highlighted above.
  13. Kent, You crack me up mate. Take a look at the title of the post.
  14. Change his name to Osama....bin liner
  15. You are quite correct hitfreshairagain, Frank Sinatras dad was a **** singer. Frank Sinatras gt grandfather on the other hand, was an exceptionally good singer, better than old blue eyes in many peoples opinion. The fact he wasn't backed by the mafia like his gt grandson probably held him back. Just proves once again, attention to detail when researching, and give yourself the best chance by studying the background. Now, if you were to guess on the son of Frank Sinatra being as good a singer as say...Frank Spencers son, who would you take a gamble on?
  16. lovely pup. Would there be any recent Edgegrove blood in the pedigree by any chance?
  17. Kent, The points highlighted are the very reason to select pups that have some history of working. Entering water, soft mouth, quiet worker,gun shyness also, all things good to know about the pups family background, all very very important in a working dog, all things I would rather know about before making the massive commitment that is, training a soon to be,working spaniel. Why wait eight months to find out your dog has inherited a hard mouth or gun shyness when with a little bit of carefull planning and preperation you can reduce the risk by buying from known working or trailing stock. The OP says non workers so the last part of you post highlighted suggesting 'not to be concerned' if the pup is from 'casual shooting stock' does not apply, he has said the pup will be from non working stock.
  18. From the original post,not from a working background means to me that the pup will have no traceable working history in the pedigree,if there is a pedigree. If there is a pedigree, without any red in whatsoever, example SHCH or FTCH it would be very suprising. Should the pedigree have no traceable FTCH's in it then safe to say there will more than likely be a high chance of show strain blood there. If the pedigree is completely black, unlikely but no doubt possible,then picking a pup with no history or knowledge about its background at all, is a complete gamble, and one that should not be taken lightly. If his family's dogs are not from a working background, meaning they have no traceable working blood in the background i.e pedigree, then, in my opinion, a first time trainer/handler should stay well clear. WGD, I can see how the post could be taken in different ways and appoligise for my earlier post, however, the question of traceable working blood in the parents is relevant. Even with both sire and dam of the pups being pets, their working background/ history is relevant, the parents need working blood or traceable working blood in there somewhere, to give the OP the best chance of success. Edited to add- The area of confusion is probably the misinterpretation of working background. WGD, to you the OP meant the parents (sire dam), to me it meant within the pedigree.The OP does hint at the fact the dogs are not from working stock.
  19. That database is very outdated, KC mate select have the dog on their database, along with hundreds of thousands of others Thank's for spending the time to look through the web for information though.
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