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About paulf

  • Birthday 21/03/1983

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  1. Ive just filled up my van with 65 litres derv plus 40 litres of unnleaded for the machines in jerrys and a further jerry can of Derv about to fill my spare van up also. Panic buying maybee but as im selfemployed, no fuel equals no work.
  2. What amazes me is that none of the oficers drew their batons, faced with a dog coming at me id use whatever I had to hand to try and maintain a distance and fend it off. I cant criticize them for trying to get away, they were probably trying to phone for backup.
  3. You could try Zinser bin, buy a small tin to do a test as its fairly expensive
  4. paulf


    It becomes de active within 24 hours on soil contact so in theory you could turn in the soil and plant the next day. However since roundup works systemically it takes around 2 weeks to actually kill the weeds so turning over the ground before this time would just be pointless considering the cost of the chemical. It becomes de active within 24 hours on soil contact so in theory you could turn in the soil and plant the next day. However since roundup works systemically it takes around 2 weeks to actually kill the weeds so turning over the ground before this time would just be pointless considering the cost of the chemical.
  5. The farmer would have at the very least probably suspected ill treatment and at worst turned a blind eye to it. All the farms I worked at had a bolt gun for casualty dispatch, this way always kept in the farmhouse gun safe and we would have to ask for it to be opened. If the staff were not using a bolt then how did the guy think animals were being dispatched? there would have been some form of record of casualty animals. I feel soory for his family but not for the man.
  6. Great to see someone who doesn't let anything get in the way of what they enjoy and takes life as it comes. Its such a shame that others let farr smaller problems rule them rather than conquering them.
  7. I'm not a BT engineer, however the answer to both is yes, have had this exact repair done when a careless grab Lory working for next door decided to rip down our line.
  8. What a waste, never the less one of her own making.
  9. paulf


    I use an old elwell 10lb felling axe, it hold a brilliant edge and is excellent on almost all logs the few logs that are unn splittable I half saw then split with a wedge. I got mine from a house clearance but they often appear in boot sales etc, you can find them on ebay but they go for £70 upwards
  10. Am I the only one who opts out of preference to always reverse? I drive a work van most of the time but thats not a reason why I want to scrape it dragging it along a hedge because some nasty little twerp has no spacial awareness in their nissan micra. I find it farr quicker for me to back up than for some numpty to turn there head over their shoulder and start to try and back up with a full steering lock on going from side to side before either hitting the hedge and puling forward before trying again adnauseum then finally positioning themselves with 5' between them and the side of the passing place and a gap with inch clearance between mirrors. I once met an old boy and reversed the best part of a mile back up the road (up hill), after he showed he was utterly incapable of going back 10' luckily I can use my mirrors so can back up at speed so the whole escapade only took 5 mins or so. On passing me the guy wound down his window and said nice driving..... I said, not really its called being able to actually drive!!!
  11. Mercedes Sprinter for Work and an ML for non work driveing.
  12. A stihl 026, ms260 or the latest model ms261 is what you want, a reliable saw that will pull an 18" bar ok and cut nicely with a shorter bar. Another model worth a look would be a stihl ms390 although this is not as well made as the 261 being a semi pro machine so has rather more plastic about it.
  13. The clothing of both the suspects and the deceased were kept in the same room whilst the blood dried and then stored in deteriorating selotape closed bags...... how can the forensics be compelling.
  14. I would have found them not guilty on the basis of the evidence brought to the caught. The racist ranting does not make them the killers and the forensic evidence was IMO unnsound.
  15. paulf


    These days Im self employed mainly involved with grounds maintance and proprety maintance all very mundane work but its money and I seem to do ok from it.
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