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About lurcherboy

  • Birthday August 25

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  • From
    Co. Offaly, Ireland

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  1. I stand corrected Deeks. I haven't seen or heard of any formal shooting here. On the plus side Bird Na mona are refolding all the bogs around me. There is a wild Partridge protection site based around Lough Boora and they are in the process of setting up another at Roscore. Most of the bogs around me have had all the railway tracks removed and there are lots of ' NO SHOOTING' signs in place. I will have to make some enquiries and see what I can get in to. Hope you and family are well. Thanks for the video old'un, I enjoyed that :) LB
  2. It's been a bit weird weather wise over her in Co.Offaly, Ireland, but there is a definite increase of wild pheasants, and Partridges ( we have greys here ). but organised game shooting as in the UK, is banned here, so this is a good thing for local hunters. How's it all going for you lot outside the UK?
  3. I don't know the age of your engine, but will assume it's a pump to cam belt arrangement. Probably the easiest one out there to change with only two timing marks and a tensioner. Pump to crank is a wet belt and very, very rarely gives any trouble. If your belt has gone/broken/jumped it will be due to fitment and/or incorrect setting off the tensioner. You WILL have bent valves as Diesel engines are very tight regarding piston to valve clearances. This is assuming you have a diesel rather than a petrol engine, you haven't stated which.
  4. See more snipe than I care to count, woodcock aren't so numerous but I don't live in their normal habitat.
  5. Don't know about you bods but this is working well for me and the curs. Government paying out €350 p/w, although only 50% of my normal earnings, it's more than enough to cover household and alcohol tab. No doubt the tax rate will go up after but what the hell, you only die once. How you lot handling it? My 'garden' is several 100 acres of raised bog and I have never seen anyone else on it LB
  6. That's exactly was I was looking for geezer. If I have any issues may I message you for assistance? Lurcherboy
  7. I'm in the south Westley. Did you have to arrange any paperwork with the firearms officer?
  8. Alright bods, Short and sweet so here goes but please only reply if you have concrete evidence or even better, experience. I have four shotguns in the UK which have been written on to other peoples tickets when I sold up and moved to Ireland. Has anyone brought theirs over on a holiday passport? Hit me up if you have done so please. Lurcherboy
  9. Evening all and I sincerely hope I find you all well. So then, It's been a bad year what with Brexit and all those PW members that went to the earth and then there were the ones that got ill and won't get better. I wish all those gone, and those going, my best wishes and their families by deepest sympathy. For those of you that are lucky enough to be young and yet to suffer the heartache of losing anyone special, enjoy life and love everyone that doesn't offend you or your family. Wishing all of you old PW members a merry Christmas and a happy new year. LB
  10. He is living on in his daughter, Charlie, she’s a wild one and a countryman all in one 👍
  11. Fellas, I just found out that Tiercel/Allan Clark passed on. His daughter is on FB as Charlie Dippy Clark if you want to send any condolences.
  12. Some of you will have known Allan from south Wales, probably under his screen name Tiercel, he was a countryman and made purse, long line and trammel nets like no one else could. Even though he was Welsh I was glad to call him a friend and the world is a worse place for his departure RIP Allan.
  13. Please stop fantasising about me HD, it can never happen as I have way too much testosterone or whatever you call it. Yes I am, and no, the Asians may well one day make a 4x4 that can do 4x4 work, but that day has not come yet, but I respect your choice to support foreign goods as opposed to the UK, ***** Message me H
  14. I'm glad to hear that you're still alive Zapp :) There are a few of the OP's on PW that are now pushing up the daisies, the new firms wouldn't know them from Adam.
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