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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. ME's the jinx so it's bound to **** down this year
  2. Did you also know the US President carries 16 automatic weapons on his person
  3. You wouldn't be safe - they can fly
  4. Listening to Avram Grant all season has been like listening to Comical Ali....a class one muppet who's been living in denial. We deserved to go down, manager, team and all.
  5. Noooooo, they must be wrong. Bazza shot 84, can we have the cards checked a few more times please :lol:
  6. Bagsy

    Birthday Girl

    Happy Birthday SS :thumbs:
  7. That did bring about a little snigger from Mungler and myself as we were driving back with Bazza
  8. Excellent night and day. Thanks to everyone involved, Teal and the team done a fantastic job as did Sporting Targets A really good time was had, the weather held out and the South won, I'm not too sure how but hey, bragging rights are ours! Chard was a gent as were all the Northern lads we met, top blokes all of them As for that Martin bloke (aka Ade Edmondson) well, some of what went on at the Priory Marina will stay at the Priory Marina Oh, and thanks to ME and Poontang for the early morning call at 5am
  9. We've toppled the Taliban, taken out Saddam and now bin Laden. I'm more than happy with what we've done to make the world a better place. Yes there have been innocent lives lost which no one wants on any side but that's life. My stance has been that I'm comfortable with what we've done since bin Laden declared war on America. The difference between them (AQ) and us is we don't purposefully kill innocent people, they do (don't mention rogue soldiers, they get what they deserve if caught). Does that make me disturbed? Perhaps it does.
  10. Perhaps so but that's the way I've read the posts. As I've already said, I'm comfortable with what we've done
  11. Vipa, I interpreted your last comment as it was written. You are of course free to your opinion as I am mine. I'm comfortable with what we've done since AQ declared war on America as I am comfortable in the knowledge that bin Laden was taken out last night. I certainly don't buy into your theory that we are somehow worse than them but if that floats your boat then that's fine.
  12. Hmmm, tell that to the victims of 9/11, 7/7, the families of our dead soldiers etc etc... In my eyes the fault lays squarely at the feet of bin Laden and AQ. To suggest what we have done is worse than the terrorist atrocities committed by AQ is rather worrying in my book.
  13. Yep, I'm fully behind the war on terror and am comfortable with the side I'm on
  14. To quote Vipa "Nothing and no-one can justify the loss of civilian life on the scale we have caused!" nut nut.
  15. Vipa, you've just shown your true colours and are clearly a disturbed individual.
  16. Vipa, I suspect the only evidence you'd be satisfied with is the pictures/videos of his mutilated body, if only for your own morbid gratification and even then you'll no doubt remain sceptical. I'm sure the Americans involved in his removal will be thankful for your support
  17. So the President of the United States, the CIA and US special forces have staged a dramatic raid in the heart of Pakistan in the early hours of the morning, then announced the death of the bin Laden simply to have us all over? I get it now I can't wait to see the look on Obama's face when bin Laden pops up tomorrow and says 'BOO!'. I think some of you watch a little too much James Bond.
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