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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. I suppose he's having a game of pool with Elvis and Michael Jackson then. Sometimes I think the cynics and conspiracy theorists are nuttier than squirrel poo.
  2. Not heard much of him lately, RIP Henry.
  3. Fair do's. But if the terms and conditions are clearly displayed (and I accept many aren't)and you choose to ignore them then what is to be done? I dislike parking charges/fines as much as the next person and have fought my fair share, but it's sometimes worth having a look at the flip side of the coin. If I were providing a parking service and customers weren't paying I'd want a deterrent and means of recouping the loss, difficult as it is. On another point, I have also lived in a private road where residents suffered greatly because of inconsiderate parking by others. It's no joke when you can't park in your own drive and are powerless to do anything about it. Believe me, I've been there and it's not fun. Parking tickets aren't nice but what's the alternative for private land owners?
  4. As said, just another slant on the argument. If regularly using a car park without paying then they are suffering a loss, as well as having to spend time and effort chasing non payments. Doubtless they'll make up for the losses by putting the prices up for the rest of us and so the circle of life continues. Rail fares wind me up but I don't bunk the train
  5. Interesting. Out of interest, if you provided a service which a customer refused to pay for how would you feel? In my books it's a bit like taking a Mars bar and refusing to pay, after all they probably won't follow it up as it's not cost effective but that's still theft. Just another slant on the argument against private parking fees.
  6. Don't worry about everyone, just those of us in the Premier Inn the night before
  7. Exactly. Though I'm not so certain all is as it seems with Fortune's threads.Very bizarre.
  8. Squads are up, fill your boots Sparkie and Miffy, you're going daaaaarn :lol:
  9. Makes me laugh really. Many complain about the country loosing it's identity and that we're not British anymore, yet bemoan the monarchy and everything it stands for. The Blair years done irreparable damage to our country, undermining our values, giving away many of our rights to self govern, handing power to Europe and leading us ever more towards a republic. I'm glad neither Blair or Brown were invited to the wedding, they are the cause of much which is now wrong with our country and took the Great out of Britain. Long live the Royals!
  10. Celebrations all round, proud to belong to the British Kingdom.
  11. I'm curious. How did your experiment relate to dealing with conflict in a 'management situation'?
  12. Flip and double flip, family function on the 22nd
  13. Oh give over. If you took the time to read mine you would have seen a reasoned response along with a possible answer to your question
  14. I thought it was Yorkshire too Looks like a plan in the making
  15. Fortune, this is irrelevant unless it's the same dog. As has been said either take another route or speak to the owner about your concerns. It's on a lead and it appears he's at least trying to control it. You won't always avoid him but it's easier if he's aware of your angst, he'll be more inclined to try and avoid you too. It's better to try and resolve a problem before it escalates unnecessarily. If the owner gives you a mouthful then at least you've tried to be civil. In this circumstance don't do anything stupid, swallow your ego and walk away. In answer to your question there's little you can do short of carrying a weapon. A walking/thumb stick could be very useful if used in the right circumstances but why let it get this far?
  16. Times are in chaps - Team A are kicking off at, wait for it........8.30 :wacko: We need to book in by 8am so have an early night, leave the ol' chaps alone and get that sat nav sorted Mung Markio had great delight in telling me Team B will be starting at 9.00 so they'll be following up the rear as always Sorted innit :thumbs:
  17. Isn't that the same DNA that wears a t-shirt when it's -7 outside? Well 'ard :lol:
  18. And to top it all - they all shoot and hunt too
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