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Posts posted by sodit

  1. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. [pause] Time to die.



    Roy Batty (Bladerunner) makes more sense while watching



    Those lines were actually written by Rutger Hauer (Roy Batty) adapted from the original script and peformed without first telling Ridley Scott, He then decided to use them for the film. When Hauer performed the scene, the film crew applauded and some even cried. This was due to the power of the dying speech coming at the end of an exhausting shoot.



  2. The ironey of the Muslim Extremists is their dead against our way of life an want no part of it at all.

    But when the government tries an deports the none British Born extremists out of the country. They all start

    claiming their human rights and then fight hammer and tooth to stay in this country.

    Now if i hated a race of people that bad, i would gladly be deported to where i came from originally

    to escape from them.

    But when they sit back a think on it, this country is like Mohammad heaven to them compared to where they come from.

    They wont have the luxury they have come to rely on an money in their pockets as they have in this country.

    So they stick to the out skirts of society like parisites slowley poisoning and draining the system into supporting their vile ways

    and beliefs.

    This Goverment is weak and has no balls an certainly no back bone to stick up to them an start saying

    this is our country, if you don't like it then **** off out of here.

    They would rather sit back on their fat over paid *****'s rather then start standing up for this

    country and defend its laws, beliefs and ways of life.


    Could go for a while longer but this topic does get me heated up some what.










  3. We were in Charleston(iirc) and the Enterprise (ship none star) was there and on the opposite side of the dock, our tichy tiny HMS.Invinsible :oops:





    Visited Virginea Beach and the Hermes was parked alongside the Nimitz and they could look down the funnels of Hermes from the flight deck of the Nimitz ???

  4. Once ordered Groin de Porc (yup France) it was a pigs snout including nose and teeth!! Tasted nice but very fatty I was ok until I saw the teeth in the upper jaw and then I nearly threw up. Strange. I should point out I had to place a wine card between me and the missus so she couldnt see



  5. Am not posh and am not a chav.

    So what am i :unsure:

    Though i do dream about pimping up me motor.

    But ive just put the down to mid life crisis. :blush:




    Lovely? :o :D


    Came out 15% chav

  6. :no:


    The shop next to Eastern Sporting had a visit from the Trading Standards and the HSE, his 300bar air banks where 10 years out of date on there test certificates :oops:

    Also they are a cylinder testing station, so I guess he made up his own rules...... :no:





    Not good but my mark one eyeball couldnt see from the shop :lol::lol::lol:

  7. Hi all any one know of any where in Kent I can get a 300bar fill for a good price the one at Folkestone will only do 260bar for £9.95!!!!!! I live in Dover could turn the day into day out so not to worried about mileage with in Kent geting to old to drive further Frank



    Yeah I had a look at there web site they want 9.95 for a surface bottle and something like half for a dive bottle, the place next to Eastern Sporting up in Essex quoted something like 4 or 5 pound odd. Owners a bit of a grumpy chap but ok. I know this is no use to you, just making the point that the place in Folkestone is a rip off.


    Oh yes John Forsey in Welling do refills 0208 304 9922 - 0208 303 5221 http://www.johnforsey.co.uk/index.html


    Hope that helps in some way


    regards sodit

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