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Posts posted by sodit

  1. Tesco value scotch whisky. Had to try it, half the price of a half decent blended. Uncomplicated, unsophisticated, smooth, pleasant after taste. After they've been in a hippy for a few hours they all taste the same. I've decanted it into higher end bottles and passed it round after dinner and I **** myself as everybody waxes lyrical about the attributes of a nice Glenfiddy.



    Ohh you bad lad :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Its the same with wine amazing what you can get away with with a couple of empty bottles :yp: :yp:

  2. DO NOT USE BRUNOX TURBO SPRAY to soak the cleaning pellets. I have like a twit and am probably going to have to send my rifle back to Falcon as the barrel is now loose :oops: . Reading on the internet (after the event as usual) it seems that the barrel is held in place with some form of loctite and Im guessing the solvents have affected it.


    Very grumpy Sodit :angry:

  3. The reason semi automatics often, though not always, give less perceived recoil is that the shuffle action of the breech opening and closing has to take some of the abrupt recoil of the fired shell away from the gun in order to work the action. Gas auto`s are famed for being recoil friendly so long as weight is not compromised, i.e, shoot a light semi and you`ll still get bashed.


    When the last shell is fired the action stays open facilitating the loading of the next two or three cartridges, so if you think about it, the forward motion of the second shuffle is therefore lost. This is the reason the gun feels harsher; the bolt slams back and stays back.


    Fair enough but I have never noticed any diff between cartridge 1 and 3. Mind you my Urika 391 cycles 21gram and there is little recoil when shooting those :lol:

  4. I wear the Doyle specs, got them from Newark last year. Pack included 4 different coloured lenses, 1 set of arms and three silicone nose bridges, as well as a frame for Prescription lenses (I wear glasses) got my lenses done by ****savers. 18 months on and still no problems at all, total cost was about £60 including having the lenses ground. :good:





    I have the same but I find that they sometimes steam up as they are a bit wrap round (my fault as I am the original fat bâtard) but have started using an old motorcycle visor anti fogging spray I found in the garage that makes a difference. Also the Doyles aint to heavy and not a financial disaster if I lose them


    (Sweaty in the summer) Sodit

  5. Nobody lasts long in Scotland, the life expectancy is lower there than anywhere else in the country. For some reason.


    Deep fried Mars bars and Pizza dont help. :o Mind you Haggis, Tatties and Neeps is lovely should have Burns night 4 times a year


    Tin hat on and bunker dug waiting for flack



    :yp: :yp: :yp: Sodit

  6. There is a disaese that cold cause this but i cant remember what it was called. keep an eye on the pen and if it dies or more start doing either get a experienced keeper to have a look or a frendly vetenary surgeon of you could loose the whole pen full.


    I,ve read about poults having "the staggers" I think it was called

  7. Sorry to go sliightly OT, but as a bloke who's never had a semi (but thinking of getting one) can one of you learned gents let me know why loading a third would give you less recoil?



    The idea is more weight for the gun with the extra cartridge(s) which would (in theory) reduce recoil. Having said that have shot mine with three loaded I have never noticed any difference between the first and the third shot. I cannot comment about five and eight shot as I dont own one.



  8. When I was working I put a fork through a yellow gas pipe - called gas board - two blokes turned up - both smoking - bent down and looked at it - one guy went to van other put his fag on kerb and cut pipe through - stuck his thumb on gas end while his mate put a plastic straight connector on other end - all the while the first bloke was smoking - - when I came back from 100 yrds down road he said gas will only explode with right gas to air mixture otherwise you get a jet of flame. Yea right. :huh:





    Actually believe it or not he is correct! But you wouldnt get me doing it. Smokings bad for your health :lol: :lol:



  9. Police forces are not rotten to the core. They are rotten FROM the core. Stevens is just one of many Chief Constables raking in lucrative little earners. And what has changed since the MPs expenses scandal?


    As for this Murdoch business; politicians are now seizing the oppertunity to rid themselves of their links to News Corp. For many years Murdoch has decided how the UK vote, made and broke governments and made policies. He has been more powerful than anyone else in this country. Now he is on the back foot the tosseurs like Miliband are lining up to have a pop whereas two weeks ago they would have been licking his boots.




  10. We live in the 7 Valleys area in the Somme, well the French Air force and I think the RAF use this area for low flying the one day a jet came in low and I mean so low I was counting rivets and then seemed to stand on its tail more or less right above me in the garden, :blink: the jet wash was phenomenal and my eardrums were rippling with the noise totally awesome power.


    Also many years ago I lived in a place called Pensilva on the side of Bodmin moor not far from Caradon hill and the RAF jets used to go through the valley about half a mile maybe a mile away and from the front garden you could look down into the cockpit. :huh:



  11. We have now and then a SBS guy who stays with us, he is a friend of a mate who lives in Poole (home of the SBS). For his little 2 or 3 break he goes for a run with a heavy pack, don't know how far but he is normaly gone 3 or 4 hours. Gets gets back has a shower and some lunch then goes off on his bike for the afternoon often to Lands End and back about 80 miles round trip and then a sea swim of a few miles. All before heading to the pub for a good few pints. I have never felt so safe as when on the beer with him :good:


    His work is never mentioned, he may say he is away for the next few months so we will catch up when he gets back. He is a very nice quite guy.





    I was on submarines for a lot of my time in the navy and now and then we would carry SBS for excercises. Well you dont have a lot of fitness gear on a boat but we did have a excercise bike. Until one of the SBS guys came back aft and proceded to in about 15 minutes wipe out the friction pads to the extent they were smoking!! These guys are fit and in the whole fairly unassuming they have been there done it and have nothing to prove to the world. And as above great fun on a psisup.



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