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Posts posted by sodit

  1. I have a J P Saur and Sohn S x S got it off PW and its a lovely thing, Tim Greenwood serviced it for me and recons its a top quality shotgun, great to shoot as well, anyway I contacted Sig Saur to see if they had any records of the serial no.


    Got a polite e-mailback saying that due to a major fire in the 1940s!! :oops: They had lost all there records of early firearms :/ I couldnt help thinking Lancaster or Flying Fortress arsonists :lol:

  2. Broke my leg a few years back and they were firing the Codeine down me like sweets every time I asked for pain relief. 5 days later I had the worst hour in a bathroom ever :o . Hells teeth!



    I had a fracture dislocation of my right shoulder after the op it was Tramadol and Ipbrufen after passing what felt like a basket ball :oops: i started drinking prune juice (giggle ye not) that worked fine but I was up to a litre a day!! :blush:

  3. Camokid I reckon there is a big difference between people who try and those who mix in text speak. The former tends to not receive any grief the latter do and probably deserve it. Its not down to ability its due to laziness then you get some iffy northerners who type like they speak and well the less said the better :lol:



    I hate text speak especally when i fells in to the tripe of using it

  4. "Starship Troopers was a commentary on Nazi Germany"


    Wot utter rowlocks read the book before you comment about what it means. The film was total and utter **** so bad that I enjoyed it as well. Its a film for entertainment not ******* education


    To compound things my favorite film is Blade Runner Final Directors Cut and once again I have read the book (Philip K D"i"ck. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep)

  5. Why do you want to make it a single shot ? Sorry for the question it just sounds odd to me


    I want to use it with my wife's grandson when he visits us over here I think it would be safer, (WAIT FOR IT) to shoot him only once instead of 8 times :lol: :lol: (THIS IS A JOKE gentlemen admittedly in bad taste), He has not used a PCP before only a break barrel and I think it would be better as a single shot untill he has got used to the idea of 8 shots. Saying that only putting one pellet in magazine is just as good so why spend the money.



  6. I must admit I've got a huge amount of respect and admiration for Prince Phillip, the man's a hero who served in the Navy throughout the war in a variety of campaigns and on a variety of vessels. Got mentioned in dispatches and everything. The mans a living legend and one of the last of his breed. I'm going to be very upset when he goes but hopefully that wont be for a good many years yet.


    He speaks his mind and that offends people because we're told that you mustn't be honest anymore as it offends people. I can see why people don't like but I love him, he's a proper trooper thats been there and done it.


    Prince Phillip I salute you sir.






    As an aside from somebody learning French, its bloody difficult, I mean my England is bad enough. And strangely Canadian French is purer than european French as the French use many English words and expressions ie "weekend" "telly" and "le shopping" where as they are not used in Canada.

    We visited Montreaul some years back when on holiday in Stowe, Vermont and Ann and I came away with the impression of the most ignorant people ever met in a city



  7. Hi lads,

    Something I have been wondering which has never been explained to me before.

    First off, shotgun sight beads, why is is some guns have a bright white bead then others have a red bead and my beretta field gun has an Iron bean of no colour?

    Is this something to do with the target you shoot at? Eg. Clays or birds??


    Next, why is it some guns have thin ribs and thick ribbed sight planes?

    My beretta field gun has a skinny rib, I have noticed sporting clay guns have a thicker rib and trap guns have a monster rib.


    Just wobdering the answer to these if some of you shotgunners know the answer?









    I am no expert but looking at Mike George's The Shotgun Handbook he se's much abridged here


    Sporter Specification: 10mm parallel or slightly tapering rib, small bead foresight


    Skeet Specifcation: 10mm or 13mm parallel rib, small bead forsight


    Trap Gun Specification Up to 16mm rib, small bead forsight and optional mid bead rib. Also the rib can be raised to assist in seeing the target clearly above the rib the second bead is to check gun mount correct as Trap shooters shoot pre-mounted


    Game Gun Specification 6 or 7mm (1/4 inch) rib, small white bead foresight


    The question of foresight beads is manufacturer and user choice and possible the latest idea or fashion


    All of the above is a long winded way to say different guns have different uses and so different specs. You wouldnt use a 2.5lb ball pein hammer to knock in .5 inch panel pins? :no: Well you can but its easyer to use a panel pin hammer. And less pain on the fingers holding the pin. :lol:


    Finally my Ultra XS has a 13mm tapered rib with mid point and end beads and its a sporter!! :blink:

  8. http://www.beretta.com/Accessories/Cleaning/Brushes/Set-3-shotgun-brushes-cal-12/index.aspx?m=82&f=2&id=247

    The spring in the middle of the 3 is brilliant, cleans out any lead in a couple of sweeps, good bit of kit :good:





    Got one of these off the local armurerie but I dont use it everytime as Im worried it could be a little to abrasive. Having said that it dont need a lot of use to remove stubborn plastic or lead that a normal brush hasnt been able to move.


    As a matter of fact the wire coil gets used in the 0.410 as the leading in those barrels is terrible.



  9. I don't think it's only because of length, the comp x cartridges are soft as hell and I don't know anyone that uses them successfully in a semi.



    My Beretta Urika 391 cycles comp x 21gram no problemo until the piston disassembled itself when the circlip came off!! :oops: Then switched to a couple of 28grams my mate had then back to 21gram eleys (didnt know of problem until I went to clean it) and it worked ok for the rest of the session! Mind you the spring in the butt probably needs changing :o

  10. No real tips but good luck and keep at it, remember if you do nick a quick fag (cigarette for our colonial friends)then its not the end of the world. I am lucky, I have quit smoking twice, the first time I kept having the first ciggy later in the day until it was time for bed before I had the first one. That time stopped for 11 years then the dreaded divorce and I started smoking again for two years, and then I met my wife who has never smoked and dumped half a packet in the bin when we talked about it and she said she didnt like me smoking but it was my choice, (must have been lurvve). Now 18 years on and there are times when I still fancy a quick drag, normally after a good meal, but its a cigar I fancy and I know from experiance if I have one I feel like "sh"I"t" the next day coughing and the like.


    For some people its a hard thing and others its no big deal like I said good luck :good:




  11. We are doing well on that front, new potatoes are ready and very, very tasty. We've got a good crop of carrots, salads, onions and garlic and our runner and french beans are doing well. Butternut squashes look a bit weedy and sweetcorn failed completely.


    Best bits are the mass of strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and black currents that we have. :good:


    Dont mention bl***y sweetcorn we have mice that have taken a liking to the roots. Trying everything to catch / eradicate them not a chance. Besides that mostly the same as above plus masses of cherries and loads of plums (victoria) on the way beetroot are good and totally fed up of radishes and of course the weeds are growing strongly (oohh my aching back) :blink:

  12. you don,t tend to feel recoil as much when your on the pigeons because your adrenaline is flowing and your concentrating on the bird.


    but clay shooting its more delibarate and your waiting for recoil,or looking for recoil when testing carts, i,ve gone through 1000 clear pigeon this year up to now and bought more nowt wrong with the shell, and recoil moderately for me,but we are all different.




  13. 21 grams LOVE EM I use nothing else. Dont do any better with 28 gram either :good:


    edit to add following


    Mind you no chance of getting them in France, over here if you dont shoot 28gram + your a pussy, managed to find somewhere that sells 24gram for more than 28!! :oops: So I guess when my stock runs out its back to 28s :no:

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