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Everything posted by smokinggun

  1. They look great, on a similar note will there be any chance of getting a PW member polo shirt anytime soon as i would really like one after seeing the pictures from the last batch? Just ordered 2 of these paid with paypal, thank you.
  2. Ah i see i must admit i guessed the I part as i couldnt see it very well, i am really chuffed with all that info on them now cheers.
  3. Thats great thanks Andy, its nice to have the date to i was wondering about that, really appreciate the help and info, i really like them both and they seem very well looked after so i wanted to make sure i only put the right carts through it. Cheers again Thats great, another piece of the puzzle solved thanks EdSolomons.
  4. Cheers for that Motty at least i know now, any ideas on the other marks?
  5. Hello Andy, thanks for the reply mate, i have looked and on the over under the top barrel has 2 stars and the words CAM.70, the bottom barrel has 4 stars and KGI.500 they both have 18.5 stamped on each barrel, also on the flat under the bottom barrel by the serial number it has PSF with a star in a circle above it and FINITO also with a star and circle above it and also a box with what looks like AE in it a but i cannot see the 12/70 or 12/76 mark anywhere. On the side by side shotgun the left barrel has 1 star, the right barrel has 3 stars and the words KGI.250 they again both have 18.5 on each barrel, on the flat it has +SGF+ on the left side and Cam.70 and on the right side of the flat it has PSF and Finito, also AB in a box. Does any of this mean anything to you? Once again thank you for your help.
  6. Hi Guys, Hope you can help me i have recently bought 2 shotguns both 12 bore, one is a lincoln over and under double trigger and the other is a FIAS sabatti side by side but i have no idea what the chamber length is? is there a mark or stamp that should tell me as i dont really know what the marks mean, the guy sold me 2 3/4 length cartridges at the time and i'm pretty sure he said the lincoln had 3 inch chambers. Any help much appreciated fella's i'm not at home at the moment so cant check the marks but will look later. Thanks again
  7. I am a very new shooter but i have been using 3 in one oil as my Dad who was shooting since his teenage years told me you only need a thin oil and he just used a cheap dropper can of thin oil on all his guns which kept them in good nick.
  8. Thats great buddy glad it went smoothly, my certificate took just under 2 weeks from the visit to my letterbox which was the worst wait as i had a deposit on a secondhand gun and really wanted to collect it. At least your in time for shooting this season mate, enjoy yourself
  9. If it's anything like mine it will just be a general chat, they'll explain to you about the process, show you a dummy sgc and explain what gets filled in and where, explain about you now being on the police national computer and ask about your experience shooting if any, then answer any questions you have, Most important thing is dont think its some sort of test or interview because its not, you've got this far so they are already geared to give it to you they have just gotta check your a sensible bloke. Good luck buddy
  10. The RSPCA do some great work taking animals that are badly treated away from morons that shouldnt have pets and finding them good homes but yes they also have streched budgets the same as all of us and sometimes have to put animals down rather than it starving on the streets, i have had a cat from them myself, they also help people with low incomes get the vaccinations and vet care at a reduced rate so even the poor can experience what its like having a pet and give it a loving home. it is really bad about your uncle and to lose any family member is heartbreaking.
  11. I listen to stuff like, Def leppard, Nazareth, The Darkness (one way ticket to hell album), Whitesnake
  12. Nice one thank you mate , i was getting worried that if i turned up at the clay club with something incorrect for shooting i.e chokewise it would make a massive difference and cause probs when shooting but i wont worry now as long as it fits me and i reasonably like it, Once again thanks for your help buddy you've already given me lots of great advice since i've joined here.
  13. Thanks Imperfection i'm really happy, think i was grinning like a idiot after she told me she's happy for me to have it, Thanks for the list i'll have to pop along them all and see what they've got, to be honest though as i am just starting and am on a budget i am looking for something cheap to start and will upgrade as i get better and save up, probably only couple of hundred for a cheapo starter over under, as i said before i am really hoping to find some permission land to do a bit on to so something that i can practice with for that and clays, The only thing i dont really know yet being a newcomer is when looking at shotguns i dont really understand the choke lingo eg. Fixed at full choke, half choke, multi choke etc and what i should look for in my starter price range thats good for both, Theres some baikals i've seen around 150-230 squid but the choke lingo really needs explaining to me so i dont buy something useless.
  14. Hi Folks, well i have just had my FEO visit and am chuffed to bits it went great, The lady was lovely and explained the whole process of the application, even every part of the shotgun certificate itself and what to get filled out when buying/selling etc, she said she would be recommending i be granted the certificate as she was happy with me that i'm not a moron (not to much anyway) and i should have it within 2 weeks, Also give me a heads up on where all my local gunshops are, she seemed pleased with the cabinet and cartridge box and wrote down that it holds 3 guns, she gave me her card and told me to call if i had any questions then bid me farewell and said she would see me again in 5 years. One thing she did tell me which i was unaware of was that although i can take someone without a certificate shooting with me at the clay shooting club it is illegal to take them shooting on private land when i get permission on some, even if the landowner is okay with it its still illegal apparently unless you own the land yourself and then its fine which i had no idea about. Just wanna get my cert now as i'm fed up window shopping on gunshop websites and cant wait to get out to buy one.
  15. Okay thats great thanks for that, nice to have someone who's spoke to the people i will be meeting. As i said she seemed very friendly on the phone, i think i was just expecting a bit of a grilling so its good to hear otherwise. Thanks again buddy and i will make sure to have the choccy biscuits ready
  16. Hi Imperfection, yes i do live in the fens and that is the woman that is coming, cheers that makes me feel a bit more at ease, what sort of things did she ask you on her visit to yourself?
  17. Cheers guys i'll let you know how it pans out, phaedra1106 i'm going to the shops today for some weekend bits so i'll put that on the list
  18. Thats great thanks for the quick reply, hopefully i will be told then as well, cant wait now i have stopped going to the clay range till i have my own gear now as it is a lot of money compared to taking my own stuff so fingers crossed it will be done and dusted in a week or so.
  19. Hi Again Everyone, Just thought i would update, i have now took the advice of the people on here and bought a full size cabinet rather than a breakdown one, it took a bit of head scratching and thinking to make it fit where i wanted it but its all bolted in, It was a 3 gun Brattonsound, looks brand new and only cost me £55, i know some will say its still to small but with the budget i have and the space in my house its a good start. Also welded up a thick steel box fitted with a big padlock for Cartridges although i know its not needed i wanted to say i've done all i can to keep everything out of reach from all but myself, Now just waiting on my FEO visit which is this coming tuesday 25th, not to bad i thought as the application got to them monday 3rd october (cambridgeshire), The FEO is a woman and seemed very friendly on the phone so fingers crossed it goes smoothly, i have been reading my basc leaflet on safety practice etc and have been going to a couple of clay clubs and just signed up as a member to one. Just gonna get myself a cheap over and under to start while i continue learning and hopefuly improving, the next thing on my list is asking my friends etc if they know anyone who will let me do a bit of shooting on their land, pheasants, pigeon etc, I will keep you posted on tuesdays outcome, Are they likely to tell me straight after the visit if i am successful? Cheers
  20. sorry mate no its already been sold now to someone my wife works with, thanks for the interest.

  21. Yes it is a small 2 bedroom starter home , I think i will take the advice offered on here and just submit my application and let the Firearms officer make a decision on the best place, that way perhaps they can suggest somewhere i can fit a larger cabinet. Cheers for all the info guys
  22. Cheers guys i appreciate all the advice, On another note i have been having some one to one starter clay shooting lessons but i am not a member at the club yet as it doesnt save any money unless you are using your own equipment so will i be okay when the FLO visits just telling them that or should i join first before i apply for my certificate, Just seems a waste to join before i can reap the benefits of being a member. Cheers again
  23. Hi semiautolee, No my upstairs is part built into the loft so the ceilings next to all the outside solid walls are sloped meaning you cannot fit a wardrobe against them as the slope comes down to low, they put skylights in each room rather than windows in the walls so as i say its quite difficult, The only cupboards are the understairs, and the airing cupboard but there isnt any room with the boiler. Hi Dan-250, Yea i suppose that is another idea i hadnt thought about doing it that way, i will look into that idea to, Cheers
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