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About gazzthompson

  • Birthday 16/11/1990

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    Norfok, Watton.
  1. http://www.basc.org.uk/en/media/pressreleases.cfm/prid/E8BA0D0C-8B36-42A1-8336500C5C5F068A Ammunition requirements have also been simplified; under the new system it will no longer be mandatory to declare how much ammunition can be bought, only how much can be possessed
  2. Another case of people should be raising their own damn kids, not the government!
  3. Churches have to "opt in". They are not being forced into marrying people.
  4. If you don't like gay people because they are gay. By definition you are homophobic. Acting on it is irrelevant. If you didn't like spam because its made of spam, you are "spamophobic".
  5. people being "fags" or "poofs" is not a legitimate argument. Animals cannot give consent (Is this seriously an argument?). and churches are not being forced to do gay marriages, they have to opt in (except CoE which is banned from doing them by law as "protection" because they threw a hissy fit). Once again, not a single legitimate argument against gay marriage.
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-23320624
  7. I have ulcerative colitis, other than ****ting myself every few months it's no trouble (yet). The need to go to the toilet is a inconvenience but it doesn't run my life.
  8. Ruger 10/22 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/00/Unmodified_and_modified_Ruger_10_22_rifles.jpg
  9. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1986002,00.html
  10. Death penalty has no place in a modern, civilized society. Prisons should focus on rehabilitation first and foremost, bring the reoffending rates down vs this "hard on crime" rubbish rhetoric which fails to address reoffending rates (see Norway vs US ). Prisons serve society, reoffending rates should be priority not people's personal satisfaction About being "tough on crime" which seems to be a pointless , expensive exercise.
  11. No, lets not learn from the "tough on crime!" rabble because it fails.
  12. Yes lets copy the prison system of a country with a shockingly high re-offending rate!
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