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Posts posted by walshie

  1. How the hell has labour got to do with this all the government are bothered about is filling there own pockets illegals have been coming for centuries but we can blame labour it's nothing the conservatives would not have done is it


    I agree, but the open door policy was started by the last Labour government as a vote-winner. Don't think I'm pro-Tory, because they are all as bad as each other.

  2. do ou honestly think these immigrants are bothered about who runs the country? i bet not a single one of them would vote in a general election!


    Not wanting to sound like a certain member of this forum, but I'd have to disagree there mate. They are going to vote for the ones who give them a life of luxury for sod all. That's why labour let them all in in the first place - for votes - another spectacular backfire.

  3. A mate was selling a car for £2995 and a Somalian family turned up to buy it. The woman handed over a cheque written by the DWP or some other "benefits agency" for £3000. My mate phoned them to see if it was real and they said it was. He asked them why they would buy someone a car and the reply was "It's cheaper than paying for taxis everywhere." :mad: :mad: :mad:


    And we wonder why this country is getting so overcrowded.

  4. The cars are about a hundred yards to the left, behind the board was a fence, behind the fence was an old metal oil tank, behind that is another old metal oil tank, behind that is a compost heap (a massive one) Behind that is a hedge and behind that is a field with nothing in it then there is woodland! Hope that answers your question.....


    Happy hunting!


    Great shooting mate! And I liked your answer about the backstop. Maybe you should put another board up just to be sure. :lol:

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