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Everything posted by bigbird

  1. Not as Palatial as Scott's unfortunately Kennels are getting a bit full and I might just...maybe....perhaps...... have bought another pup arriving in a couple of months out of my favourite bitch ever so a rethink will be in order!!
  2. Phew! They are good kids I have to admit, they all work their individual dogs on the shoot, it's so lovely to see them outside with no whingeing or moaning! The youngest (7) and eldest (10) had the very grown up job of picking up with their cockers the other day, they took it very seriously, bless them!
  3. Scott could you pm me a contact for membership for the North West Counties please? Not on fb and can't find one anywhere.
  4. Yayyy!!! Well done Scott, chuffed to death for you!! At least there was game around, last week the majority of dogs in our trial had two very long blank runs and we all walked miles trying to find game. Think there was only five or six birds shot in the whole trial. Well done again
  5. Is it? He did a superb job, he does a lot for the police and detection dog people so he is kosher lol
  6. You will probably find a lot of the high profile (famous) breeders in the UK have experience of selling dogs abroad. The likes of Ian Openshaw (Rytex) and Moel Famau Cockers are two that I know have definitely done so. Also Aelfryn Gundogs I also know have sent a springer over to Greece. It's worth contacting these guys. Hope this helps.
  7. +1 It cost me £150 to have my adult bitch's tail docked and it healed quickly and cleanly. HOWEVER you have to be choosy about your vet. If it ain't broke though no need to fix it!
  8. Aha huge congratulations and a big well done to mum!
  9. Ahhh he looks an absolute poppet!!
  10. Apart from the time he lobbed a Malteser in my eye or, omg, I'm spoilt for choice?!? Lol Oh, sorry, you said 'guest' haha And actually I meant influence on MY kids! Ok, kid.
  11. Says the wind up merchant and worst ever kid influence ever......
  12. 8.30 bedtime here. After they've walked their dogs
  13. And as for the 'no chewing gum' rule, don't get me started!
  14. Apparently I'm the worst parent ever because I won't let my kids watch I'm a celebrity until 10.30 on a school night and they have to wait until the repeat earlier on the next evening. Everybody else's parents let their kids, according to them, God they're hard done by. (They are aged 7, 9 and 10). Oh, and because we have an 'eat what you're given or make your blooming own' rule I'm a bad mother too. And that's just the start. Wondering if I'm too strict?
  15. What is your wife into, OP? I mean hobbies and interests before you lot start lol
  16. Guys. When she says 'nothing' it means 'I want you to use your initiative and buy me something thoughtful, beautiful and above all EXPENSIVE that I didn't know I needed / wanted until you bought it for me my wonderful husband'. 'Nuff said!
  17. Get her a new dog. That's what I've bought myself for Christmas ... Sssshhhhhh!!!
  18. bigbird


    that is all no need to be such a smart bottom lol
  19. bigbird


    We cross posted tightchoke lol
  20. bigbird


    Graham Peter Harry Eddie
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