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Everything posted by bigbird

  1. All posts are helpful guys don't worry I have plenty of springers and cockers, love them, they're fast and exciting, I just wondered how the Clumber measured up against them.
  2. After reading this a while ago each of our dogs gets an egg sandwich at lunchtime, I figured it covered all bases, protein and carbs with a touch of sugar!
  3. Thank you very much all for your input. Fenboy, don't get me started on the subject of that lab!! I think as I suspected (for now, anyway) they mightn't float my boat but who knows...
  4. I was on fb but came off it Frank Geraghty breeds them, I believe and they're by all accounts good 'uns. Are 'show' and 'working' strains very different in Clumbers? Please forgive my ignorance
  5. The hat's a dead giveaway, Jdog, you shrinking violet, you
  6. That's interesting. Hard to train - how so if you don't mind my asking?
  7. Wow, awesome! And I thought building a show garden at the BBC Gardeners World show for a very strange designer was stressful. Bally well done!
  8. I've always wanted a Clumber Spaniel but I imagine them to be slow and ponderous - do any of you have one? If so am I fostering a misconception? Would love to find out what they're really like working wise.
  9. It was awful quiet without you, not the same at all!
  10. Good point - it could double up as a sledge
  11. I've been looking for one of these for ages!!! Ordering now
  12. Oh no, I'm just about to go to Tescos to do my Big Shop
  13. Lucky they didn't hang onto pup and traumatise him like they did mine. Too bad they didn't think it through beforehand, eh? Idiots, really riles me!
  14. Sometimes 'soft' dogs aren't necessarily soft - just clever. I don't think you did anything wrong. Dogs hate having to make decisions in general, he didn't know his place and you showed him what his place was. He will be happier for it.
  15. Oh sorry, I worded that wrongly!! All our boys are in together and get a bit narky with one another when a bitch is in season!!
  16. Ours are fine together too but get a bit narky with one another only when a bitch is in season
  17. Always check the COI ( inbreeding coefficient) this is easily done on the Mate Select on the KC website.
  18. But yes, the conditions tested for are the same, I'm pretty sure
  19. Think cockers are blood tests and have to be sent to a company in the US or there's one in France. Think the US one won't / can't test European samples any more, don't know why
  20. I think it is, I've sent a pm asking apache to have a look at this Neil
  21. I'm pretty sure there's a vet on here, is it Apache?
  22. That's a broad spectrum antibiotic so it should cover most skin infections so Google says Have you spotted any other lumps or bumps Neil?
  23. Oh no, it's still not cleared up? It does look less inflamed, though.... what antibiotics did he/she prescribe?
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