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Everything posted by bigbird

  1. Masses of good names to look for: (that I like, anyway) Edwardiana (tend to be extremely hard hunting and not always for the inexperienced) Boundarymoor (stylish, biddable) Hollydrive (avoid Kurt if poss if intending to breed to anything other than health tested) Helmsway *highly recommended* Cowarnecourt Countryways (cracking allrounders) Samsir Rosebay Clarburgh Art (but those with a lot of Art can be soft) Tynywaun Rytex Badgercourt (usually to be found 3 or more generations back in a pedigree - can be hard headed lol but hellish good hunters) Larford Saturn Spirit (very hard hunting generally\) Buccleuch (although offspring by Pepper can be soft) There are tons of good names out there, can't think of them all!
  2. Why not take him, he doesn't have to do every drive after all, see how he goes
  3. Don't worry, there'll be no pressure to 'perform' I'm taking her and my other 'remedial' dog next time to alternate - could be interesting lol
  4. Yes, just over. I don't as a rule take them working on the shoot at that age, it was more of a socialisation exercise than anything else but I figured as she was having such a good time it couldn't hurt. She hasn't started any formal training as yet. PS Many congrats for the other day
  5. Steady on cocker boy, it's a four hour round trip plus lesson, if you're a busy person that's a whole day you've lost. Agree with wgd, offer your services as a game carrier at a trial, they'll probably jump at the chance lol, mainly because nobody else wants to!
  6. Thanks all, she will, she's just going to be a very slow starter which is fine
  7. I hope so - Norman Blakeney is running on and competing her litter sister, here's hoping mine comes as good
  8. Ahhh thank you fieldwanderer!! Little update on her here - http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/topic/297519-well-knock-me-down-with-a-feather/
  9. I took the little black and white bitch I advertised here: http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/topic/297195-black-and-white-springer-bitch-12-months/ to the shoot on Saturday and blow me, she only hunted like a little Trojan beating and even picked her first bird! She was even quite sociable with all the other people and dogs - she wouldn't even walk past them by herself last time I took her. She only legged it to the pickup once and that was towards the end of the day when I think it was all getting a little bit too much for her so I put her away. Thrilled to bits considering two days before I thought I'd never be able to do anything with her, so chuffed I even had a tear or two in my eye I'm trying not to get too excited about possibly eventually trialling her...but....you never know..... Anyway, not going to rush her so we'll see what happens :) Sorry to blather on but I just can't believe it!!
  10. Wow really helpful post, this amateur has duly noted! Great pics too
  11. I'm doing iosh at the mo, urgh I hate it! Just the project to do now though, fair dos to you going further !!
  12. We have offered her to a friend of ours, if they decide against it we 're bringing her indoors and persevering
  13. Ah thanks guys I was worried I might get some criticism over this post but your posts made me feel a lot better about it!
  14. bigbird

    Red Bull

    I think it smells like vomit, bleurgh
  15. I have available to a very good pet home a beautiful little black and white springer bitch. She is very loving and affectionate but also very timid and soft. She's a super character but can take no pressure training wise whatsoever, she even finds sit and stay very worrying although that's improving slightly. She would make an ideal lady's companion and lapdog. Maybe in time she might settle into being a gundog but I have no guarantee she will. Unfortunately it's especially disappointing as we she DOES decide to hunt she's fast, bold, stylish and fears no cover just like her FTCH sire! Now, she is not without an issue or two, the main one being that if she's off lead out on a walk she will suddenly decide at some point she's going back to the pickup / home and leg it there. There's obviously no point whistling/shouting when she does this as she's hell bent and it would be just teaching her to ignore recalls. Walks are going to have to be done very very carefully and obviously away from traffic etc and on a lead for the most part. She would also suit a home with not too many dogs - she finds my rowdy lot rather intimidating and I just don't feel she's happy in a busy kennel environment otherwise I was going to keep her. She's houstrained and is quiet and clean living in or out. If you're interested she's available for £300 but a smashing home forever is far more important than price. Please pm me in the first instance for a contact number to discuss and undergo my version of the Spanish Inquisition lol Thanks. BB North Wales / Cheshire area.
  16. Twitter seems up to date I noticed - they are / were on FB too
  17. Good session! I'm yet to manage to shoot a crow. Love the title
  18. Please visit this link and give any support you can http://www.nextgenerationfieldsports.org.uk/index.htm
  19. Yes that's a great one, I think I need a wide angled lens...
  20. Thanks all! Yes we do invite other kids as do other members, often a problem is that they're not used to getting wet and cold! On the other hand, you rarely see a newbie child getting squeamish about shot game
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