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Everything posted by bigbird

  1. That's because Facebook has nobbled us all with gundog pages we've all had to set up again
  2. She's not coming home now, his mother is apparently having her :(
  3. ^^ How old's the Cocker, Cookie69? Skinner's Duck and Rice is good stuff but I found my lot also had flakey skin on it - switched to the 23% (they do a lot of work/training) and they're all now like glossy seals
  4. Beautiful, you lucky thing! Would love a pointer but we're all springers and cockers
  5. Ok, I'm no expert but I've had a look back at Beau's previous exploits. "i will do as you suggested with the long lead, i have just come back from a walk around the streets near my home, with beau on a retractable lead. she just started jumping about at first then soon settled down. every junction and every 100 or so yards , tugged the lead , blew the stop whistle , and she sat and stayed untill i told her " to get on " i will continue for as long as it takes , will keep everybody posted." Do you use 'get on' for a hunt command? Just asking as we do and many others. If so it's no wonder she's pulling like mad on the lead for starters. As for retractable leads, ditch 'em Anyway, I'm no keyboard (or even real life lol) trainer but that's what jumped out at me initially. You need to find somebody to train you Hope you get sorted soon
  6. Hiya. Firstly there's no set rule for what a dog 'should' be doing at any certain age, they're all different. Secondly (and no offence) it looks like your Sprocker's running rings around you. A second pair of eyes and advice is always good, particularly when you're starting to get understandably frustrated. Best bet is to look for a good gundog trainer in your area for a one to one. It might just take just one session to set you off on the right path again.
  7. Good idea, that certainly comes easily to me as Paul says
  8. I'll tell Steve lol! Yeh I reckon dogging in should bring her out of herself, as far as she'll know it'll just be a nice walk Fun is what she'll be having don't you worry
  9. Fair point E.w but the dog's a good one, a little soft but that's all.
  10. I don't know He had already had a spaniel and worked it I think but I don't think it was a highly strung trialling bred one like the one he had from me. If people are interested I'll do a new thread when she comes back detailing her progress? (fingers crossed!)
  11. Well I for one don't take my bitches out when in season, purely out of consideration for both people with male dogs and for her possibly to have to contend with over amorous dogs.
  12. It always says no bitches in season on trial and test entry forms..
  13. He does think it's the dog lol. To be fair he came across as a gentle lad, I watched him with the dog when he came to see her and was happy with his mannerisms etc. I think he's just very very novice and because the dog's a clever one he doesn't have the experience to out think her or give her reasons to do things. Oh! Sorry! I blocked out her name with the ****, it wasn't a swear word, my mistake.
  14. My aim is to get her ready to test next year and take it slowly with her. She's a talented little thing, I only let her go as I thought she'd be more suited to a one to one home and owner than with the hustle and bustle here. I'm secretly quite glad she's coming home
  15. Soo, I sold a wee well bred just started young springer bitch a couple of months ago to a chap. I checked up on her and was assured that all was going fine. A couple of days ago I got a message on FB saying 'I'm selling this *dog's name* dog, can you give me my money back?' Well two months is a long time and I know we don't have to but we are having her back. Turns out she won't go into cover unless he throws something in ( ) which is obviously a no no although she hunted up and crashed through cover brilliantly on tennis balls etc here. She'd also taken to legging it to his pickup and refusing to come out, I'm thinking she's had too much pressure. She's been in a kennel for the last month, I'm totally gutted, poor little sausage, wish we'd have known earlier. Ah well. Some time off for her when she returns and try and see what I can do with her to bring her around. If she comes back in a state I'm going to hit the roof :( Just goes to show, one size doesn't fit all I guess.
  16. LOL love it, a girl after my own heart
  17. I'm sorry but I have to disagree. How would you feel if you had a brand new Ferrari on the drive running, taxed and insured in your name with a tank full of fuel but your wife said no...... ... Would you be able to resist the urge?!?!
  18. Agree. Totally irresponsible and unfair.
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