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Everything posted by bigbird

  1. Yeh, I've written them on the pedigree since the photo was taken. It was still unexpected, though. I've forgotten what our point was now, Bazooka lol Yes, MB, you're right Methinks you're a MyKc addict like me
  2. Got everything here crossed for you. Well done for testing
  3. Sorry for pic overload She does everything at one speed - flat out!! Still...for a few seconds...
  4. Blooming love this dog, she's gone from a very soft dog that we weren't even sure would make a gundog to a bramble bashing lunatic. Just adore her!
  5. 19 months old I think, I'll attach pedigree. Bitch line is weak, sire's line not too bad but we were not expecting what we got :)
  6. Oh are you? Fingers crossed for you! I still own (on paper) the only health tested clear bitch by Kurt in the UK. I hope yours is clear!!
  7. So, the KC has issued a one gen pedigree, OP? From MyKC it's very very easy to make yourself a Pedigree form just by tracing the dogs back. If you'd like to send me her registered name I'm happy to do that for you. Don't forget, just because a dog may be fantastically well bred doesn't mean it will make a FTCH and because it's not doesn't mean it won't, either. A lot of people on here will vouch that I bought a not fantastically bred ESS bitch pup as a 'practice' dog to train up and run on our shoot etc. This bitch has turned out to be better than many (if not all) of the FTCH x FtW or whatever pups we've bought subsequently and will be trialling this season if we get a run despite her nonedescript breeding. It must be frustrating not to know the truth, I'll give you that. Behaviours such as you mention are pretty common and more than certainly a case of reading body language more minute than the human senses can pick up in the case of the terrier. She certainly does sound like a super dog!
  8. And worryingly half brother to Kurt - on Poppet's side. Hawk's clear on all counts so that's a plus.
  9. Ah ha! Don't be tempted to 'test' her, just enjoy her
  10. As Kent says, a 'faulty' gene is usually (although not always) recessive which is why it's more likely to express itself within a small gene pool. However where a lot of people go wrong is thinking that there's always, say, a gene 'for' cancer, or a gene 'for' obesity. Whilst there are obvious examples as carriers for PRA etc this isn't the case in every undesirable trait. Several genes may work together (or against one another) for, example obesity. A predisposition to obesity could be caused (thinking aloud) by several factors, including appetite, activation of 'stretch receptors' int he stomach, brain function in reading these signs, speed of reaction to this, sense of taste, sense of smell etc all of which are affected by waaaaaayyyy more than one gene. Phew, that was heavy and it's Friday night! I know I've rambled but I hope I make sense!
  11. Yes I didn't mean the actual 'Police'. Ha! Maybe the KC could spend some of their 'hard earned' money on it!
  12. LOL only just realised I've spoken to you on the GTF too re HK
  13. I don't think anyone who'd buy a dog out of a car boot would be too concerned about papers and it would be horrendously expensive to police
  14. At 11 weeks old she should just be being a pup and bonding with you.
  15. Yes, very nice bloke I've just booked a new pup, too, by Countryways Flash. Can't wait Best of luck with your chap, you've cracking breeding there
  16. Just love these dogs. Know naff all about them or their training though I'm afraid!
  17. Is this one of Richard's, gazbev?
  18. Very true - there's a certain extremely well known ESS Sire who has sired umpteen litters, despite him being a PRA carrier (although he himself has not been tested). Who knows what offspring are carriers - or worse?
  19. Oh I'm so sorry. He's a beautiful dog!
  20. He's beautiful but we're not 'doing' Labs any more, otherwise I would!
  21. Tagkai, Nick, both nice people and breed thoughtfully producing some cracking pieces of kit! There's loads of good breeders and of course ones to steer clear of but I'm not going to risk naming any myself!
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