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silver fox 1

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Everything posted by silver fox 1

  1. No not really sometimes you just have to do things to keep The wife happy. anyway it's supposed to be her dog Lol
  2. Just got five minutes to myself sitting here with a cup of coffee thinking. Well to cut a long story short the wife has been hinting that she would like a dog, from past experience I know that dogs can be a bit of A fashion so was wondering what the in thing is at the moment as she hasn't said exactly what she wants yet but I know it's coming. So what dog does your other half have for House/ lap dog. sf1
  3. My thoughts and heart felt sympathy with all concerned . A cowardly attack and let the police and the media keep his name to themselves I for one I'm not interested in knowing he's name. Regards fs1
  4. I am no expert in dog training so it's just my opinion have a good look at the seven month old dog first and see if you think you will bond with it seven months is a good age as you have bypassed most of puppy stage and you will be pretty much ready to go straight away with this dog The chewing will be a sign of boredom and if you think about it all a puppy will do is sleep eat and sh for the first six months I think it's more about bonding with the dog then anything all the best with what ever you decide regards sf1
  5. thanks for that mick I picked some up tonight on the way home from work just fitted it to the screen I am going to wait for the moon to go down a bit and then try it
  6. yes I agree David is very good with this stuff I bought my roof mounted spotter off of dave Great piece of kit very happy with it
  7. Thanks for the replies gents I think I will get some different colours and have a play regards SF1
  8. Hi all i've been using my home built nv now for a couple years with great success but never bothered doing anything about the glare from the screen Reading on another thread lately I see that some are using theatre jel over the screens to reduce the glare I was wondering if there's any particular colour that works best I've also heard of people using car window tints as well So what would you recommend regards SF1
  9. Got mine today very pleased with it super quick delivery and a very smooth transaction regards sf1
  10. Just ordered a black one I need one as my old one is falling to pieces
  11. Yeah says on the box They do 2200 fps good luck and let us know how you get on sf1
  12. Yeah sorry Colin my mistake it's 30 grain vmax.
  13. Hi Colin I have a 455 wmr 20 inch varmint barrel I have zero at mine at 100 yards seems to be about right I've been shooting 20 grain Vmax which the gun seems to like or find it great for the longer range bunny and crows. Try some different types of Amo through it bud find the one it likes Don't think you'll be disappointed let us know how you get on regards sf1
  14. Happy New Year to all and straight shooting for 2016 πŸŽ‰πŸΊπŸΊπŸΊ
  15. Yes please Mick I will have this thanks pm inbound regards sf1
  16. How do you know who you're talking to on the phone anyway ? I would've thought the chap Who he bought the gun off Would have run through how it all worked with him after all it was his mate i've taken a few of my mates shooting over the years who have never shot a gun before "Always start by showing them the gun safety first and then how to load and shoot the gun that's how I started don't agree with any more tests we have enough hopes to jump through already without making things worse regards sf1
  17. Yes please PM me payment details regards Sf1
  18. Have a look on on rimfire magic's website they do a nice Remington 700 SPS tactical 1 in 9 twist and they are within your budget cracking rifle for the money regards sf1
  19. Received mine today really well made very happy thanks regards silver fox 1.
  20. Morning Mel P.m. reply to thanks very much regards sf1
  21. I would like The 223wallet please pm me payment details regards sf1
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