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silver fox 1

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Everything posted by silver fox 1

  1. Gun cover. Just General insurance From BASC. How would it be third party insurance if you’re not covered for accident there would be no insurance surely
  2. There is another issue that’s been raised with me,insurance putting steel through a non-steel proof gun it seems to me if anything was to go wrong you wouldn’t be insured, i’ve checked this with my insurance company and they Said that would be one for the gun experts. And we all know what that means.
  3. I’ve just had a reply from the insurance company they’re saying that Home Reloading Loading is fine as long as it’s within the law, As regards to putting steel shot through a non-proofed gun they said that would be one for the gun experts so it would appear you might not be insured Just to add this is only my insurance company your company could be different might be worth checking
  4. Well you did ask, tongue in cheek comment
  5. Hi I’m going to upgrade my Scope on my foxing set up i’m using a pard 007nv, i’m thinking about buying a sightron stac 4x20x50 with moa2 ret, Just wondering what other people are using, i’ve been on YouTube and a few people seem to really like this scope I’m just wondering if there’s anything else out there that compares to this or maybe better
  6. Does that mean that BASC has now become glorified Game Dealer‘s ?
  7. Maybe they’ve been working on it for years and this has come at the right time for them who knows, I haven’t done any research on this as I didn’t know this was out, Hopefully we Will get usable bio degradable wads within this five-year voluntary period, but it would be nice without all the lying and finger-pointing. Makes me wonder these people are behaving like children Spitting their dummies out because they can’t get her own way
  8. I think you’re missing the point the shooting organisation and the cartridge companies started this, I personally I’m not looking for a name or a face to blame, I just don’t like being lied to, you can imagine if it’s the cartridge companies that are lying It means they could be putting anything in the cartridges and telling you there safe, if it’s a shooting organisations that are lying it means they’re just looking out for their selves, they all need to get their house in order now And I for one will not support anybody that lies simple as
  9. Well done to you sir I admire your persistence. Perhaps is BASC have documentary evidence they should publish it. Somebody’s Not telling the truth I can’t be bothered I really can’t to be a member of an organisation that will not tell the truth, The same as I cannot be bothered to buy cartridges from cartridge companies that won’t tell the truth either So I need to get to the bottom of this one for myself, One thing I do know is all the people that shoot and the industries need the right representation and we need it now If you bought a car off of a car dealer and that car blew up the next day and the dealership wouldn’t do anything about it would you go back and buy another car off of them?
  10. Very interesting thanks for the replies, I didn’t get to ring basc today, it’s been a busy day i’ll try tomorrow or Monday I’ll let you know what the outcome is
  11. Basc Will give them a phone tomorrow, just wondered what everybody else does the reloads
  12. Okay thanks, not that I would need to load for clays anyway it’s more if you were shooting in the field With home roads would you be insured, I don’t reload for shotgun at the moment but I’ve been looking into it
  13. Insurance you are provided with when you join one of the shooting organisations.
  14. Hi I had an interesting conversation today with an older gentleman (Well older than me anyway so he must be old) about reloading shotgun cartridges, basically he was saying that if you reload your own you’re not insured, he also said that my local clay ground won’t let you shoot home loads because of no insurance. I haven’t heard this before and never really thought about it until today, So I thought I would throw this one out to the knowledgeable pigeonWatch massive. Thoughts please
  15. Yes I can see your point and agree, and will be speaking to some of the farmers I’ll shoot for to see if they would let us use plastic under the circumstances. Or just buy the more expensive and shoot less by the way I will not pay £1400 for bismuth!!! Yes the world is not silly and people sort of know lead can be toxic but nobody wanted to pay for the scientific evidence, stalemate don’t fix what’s not broken. Yes there is need for change but I think it should’ve been done differently Hopefully it will be possible to get this sorted out within the five years before either the government step in and band it or the tree huggers
  16. Kind of getting a bad feeling about all this especially now as shooting organisations have admitted lead is toxic, I think we have left our selves wide open, looks like we are struggling with this one ( wild justice in for the kill )
  17. The Problem i have is everywhere I shoot has to be fibre wads, I would love to use steel as I can sell the pigeons I shoot for more money, i’ve had eight driven days this year again with fibre wad cartridges, so at the moment I’m snookered unless we are able to change to plastic wad, I know this is a voluntary ban so can carry on shooting lead for now, i’m concerned about the bio wad situation it took a Spanish company 8 million and Nine years to produce The ones that eley have, and Of course these Will be protected so nobody else can use them, which means the cartridge companies will have to start from scratch The question is can this be done in five years
  18. looks like to me they all jumped on the same band wagon and not one of the organisations done any homework, and these are the people we are putting Our trust in The mind boggles And now the finger-pointing has begun,
  19. Exactly why the shooting organisations need to be on top of their game
  20. I agree the problem is what the alternative
  21. 100% agree but there has been a lot of hole digging And it would seem our organisations have gone off half cocked that’s not a good either makes you wonder what next
  22. You couldn’t make this up, The only comfort we have got is it’s a voluntary ban at the moment
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