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Everything posted by captainhastings

  1. Us country folks have our own seasons for rabbits and hares. I might catch the odd rabbit during the summer for the pot but rarely as for hares never. Lurcher lads don't all go around driving every where like idiots. By and large we get treated like villains when the majority have a great respect for the countryside and wild life
  2. He sounds a character. People like him we need. Hope he keeps on going
  3. Excellent video now that is the type of thing we need in main stream media over here in the uk. Obviously centered around what we have have access to. If you could do similar centered around a rabbit or pigeon, fishing etc. Young folks and even older could not help but get inspired and think yea I would like some of that. It would bring people across which is what we need
  4. Fair price too. Interesting dogs
  5. Just over night stays. You can still fish at night. Make of that what you will
  6. Any thing that gives us numbers and a voice can't be a bad thing. If they swing it as a religion and it offers some sort of protection to our way of life again good. It is a fact we are going to lose our way of life it is just a matter of when. Who would thought a few years ago you would have justify why you shoot a pigeon or a bloody rook is out of bounds here in wales.
  7. It was petplan. Heres the chat 12:24:49 [terry] out of interest does it affect any thing if it was a working dog12:26:45 [Reena] If your dog is getting paid for the work it does it would impact the policy. If the work is voluntary or a hobby it will not have an impact on the policy.12:27:01 [terry] ok great thank you12:27:15 [Reena] You're welcome Terry.
  8. Crazy like finding out tomorrow you can't shoot rabbits.
  9. Out of interest are there any moves to get rooks back in our sites in wales?
  10. Funny you should mention the policeman thing we had one the other day turn up at a perm and getting shirty because we got there first and threatening to check up on us. There was plenty of room so no need to get narky but there go
  11. Excellent nice to see reports. That looks a lovely place to be
  12. Bye and large who really cares. Is it important no. Can't beleave its all over the news right now.
  13. One thing I would add is insurance is well worth doing. My dogs have all ways been insured but then due to furlough I cancelled it. Now I just noticed a lump on my dogs leg at 7 years old. Never an issue all his life. Now the first thing that comes to my mind is how much will his life be worth which is horrible. With insurance you have no worries or at least you have a lot of wiggle room
  14. My insurance company classed working as paid work so eg a proper pest controller. Working the dog as a hobby is fine. That was the difference
  15. Its a no from me less intrusion not more. Just want to be left alone
  16. Yes I put it on my census last night. https://www.facebook.com/groups/270233501137707 If the veggies can do it why not us. I don't care what they eat but I won't go trying to force them to eat meat
  17. All done and I am Free Church of Country Sports as is my daughter but wife wouldnt wear it lol
  18. I can see this "Free Church of Country Sports" picking up momentum. I joined them on fb after seeing it on the field sports channel. Any thing that helps the cause is a good thing. This census lark do you have to wait for a postal thing or can you just go online ?
  19. Just went for a walk and took a five yarder with me. I had heard a rabbit run down this hedge a few days ago so I hatched a cunning plan. I walked straight across the field to the center of the hedge. Popped me little net across. Walked back out and around to the end. Gave the hedge a couple of taps. I had the dog with me but he was on a lead as he wasn't needed but his lugs went up and he was looking down to the where the net was. Bingo I love it when a plan comes together. Even though the rabbit don't look securely netted he was going no where. His head was through and he took a bit of extracting. The net was made by our old friend Tiercel and a double stranded one.
  20. Find a permission with the birds and give it ago. Soon pick things up
  21. On the upside gamebore standard steel will go through all my old sxs's at a push
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