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Everything posted by captainhastings

  1. Just as an update on this. It worked fine that evening after clearing off most the grease but the next morning on the ducks it was icey cold and it played up again. So stripped it down and got all the grease off I could see which was only a minute bit. Then hosed with wd40 and it has been perfect since. So as said above it needs no friction and I assume in the cold even the tiny amount grease was enough to fowl it. So thanks for the advice folks all good now
  2. But you might get run over tomorrow. There was a local air line pilot made a load of money retired and flew cargo planes for a hobble. Bought a harley and crashed and died 😞 poor sod
  3. That is good to hear. But I walked through the village about 3 years ago with a lurcher and a ferret box and barely made it the other side because some one reported me. The police lady was great though. I guess a lurcher and a spade over the shoulder is far worse than a gun 😞
  4. Yea this is the thing. Basc say you can walk around shooting but the days of strolling up the main road with a shotgun are long gone in a slip or not. So when I go duck shooting at week end I will break it down into a shopping bag with couple decoys. I need my waders though so just have to go with that one lol. I did email the firearms to clarify it was ok and they ignored me which I notice they do with questions like that being reluctant to encourage anything. Though in the past they have said follow basc guidance so that is what I will be doing
  5. You can drive for vermin control yes but if you fancy a bit of good old rough shooting or wildfowling on your lonesome you need to walk. So this fine by me. Keeps me sane after grafting all week and affects no one. The anglers can go fishing the runners and cyclists can do what they want so now we have a small degree of wiggle room as well
  6. But you also should not vilify the running dog fraternity. Yes we have our idiots but that applies to all sports
  7. When I have emailed the firearms regarding covid in the past they all ways say follow basc guidelines
  8. In wales basc say since saturday night Outdoor shooting activities as a form of exercise are permissible as long as you can access your permission by foot from your home and return by foot to your home; and ensuring that your shooting activity is carried out alone or with a member of your household or support bubble. So on Friday I am walking down the main road gun in slip for a duck. Causing no harm and meeting no one. As I saw a chap put on another forum which I thought was well put. If I am good enough to work all week and keep the country running then I am good enough for a bit of me time
  9. Hunting with dogs is just so natural in any of its forms. It is part of country life and has been for god knows how long. Do these people want us to go all vegan and never an animal dies again. They really sicken me there views For example what planet is this person on. Just a complete fruit cake ================================== Unbelievable that this has been going on for years! In this day and age to hunt and kill innocent beings, that have as much a right to their lives as humans do, is nothing short of despicable, vile, and disgusting. I sincerely hope that now that the word is out, something will be done about this hunting club. And all others with it. What kind of people think that hunting is a sport, to abuse, torture, and kill animals? Surely such people cannot be fit for decent society? ================================
  10. Have you folks over there seen this sneaking along ? https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/bill-to-outlaw-hunting-with-dogs-in-northern-ireland-a-historic-opportunity-39898115.html They plan to stop all sorts including even a gun dog hunting to close all the loop holes. These nutters are pushing it as much as they can. https://www.facebook.com/huntsabsireland/ There is a survey here https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/7TSS3PF
  11. I am right in reading this that woodcock and snipe are to shoot on a Sunday please ? England and Wales No game may be killed or taken in any county on Sunday or Christmas Day. Game for the purposes of this section means pheasant, partridge, red grouse, black grouse and hare. Looks to be the case by the above but just double checking
  12. It is never as dark as you think it is just let the eyes adjust. If you can set and pick up a 100 yards of netting at night then getting setup to shoot a duck shouldn't be a problem
  13. Door handle yea our guy is right knob
  14. You can shoot in england now In light of the government providing greater clarity on its Covid-19 guidance and regulations, BASC is advising that outdoor shooting activities as a form of exercise are permissible once per day in England during the national lockdown, subject to two conditions. You should only travel locally to shoot which is to “stay local in the village, town, or part of the city where you live” as defined in government guidance. When shooting you should only meet with people you live with, your support bubble; or when on your own, with one person from another household. If you cannot comply with these conditions, then you must not shoot as a form of exercise. To do so would place you at risk of a fine and may jeopardise your shotgun and/or firearm certificate. If you have no local shooting available then you will have to take your daily exercise in other ways. But it beggars belief what the hell is wrong with wales
  15. Looks great another one try thank you
  16. I would appreciate that Sam I will pm you
  17. Mine has the rubber butt as per pic. I have the plastic shims but I think they are for extending it? I just find it long and awkward to shoulder compared to my sxs oh ignore the moderator
  18. Dam right us welsh love a good old get together and a mountain walk during lock down. *** I won't even throw dog in car and nip couple miles up the road to a farm so I let dog have belt around and these idiots just don't care
  19. I wouldn't get a recoil pad for the recoil that is fine but maybe help with fit if that is an issue. But the one thing I like about my sxs's is they handle so well and i shoot well with them due to them being quite short in the stock I think. I have an hatsan semi and it feels like a telegraph pole and I find the stock way too long. It came with spacers but I think they are to extend it not reduce it. So I will look into that as the rubber one it comes with is too chunky
  20. You don't think a butt pad would been the way to go? I think that is what I will try on my two for starters. Failing that I will get one of them trigger guards like your self
  21. Well well funny you should mention that I get that exact same thing off my side by side. Fews shots on ducks no biggy but few hours on pigeons you really notice it I see people mention short stocks but I like a short stock I find they handle faster. Good post flipper
  22. This is the thing. You have the working dog people who would know better. But then you have the pet folks who wouldn't. Then have fb giving a great medium to reach out to folks for selling things
  23. Every one is jumping on the band wagon. Woman on FB now advertising cocker pups 2500 each. Look through her posts and you can see she bought the bitch pup in 2019. She is making them appealing and legally docked kc registered etc. But its just a money maker. So another pile of unproven pups. Just amazes me people pay it
  24. Yes I can see it being a cocker/springer. I like to do a bit of ferreting so hoping it will lend its self to marking. We had a cocker as a pet before the lurcher a right character and to be honest I am looking forward to training a new dog when the time comes
  25. Ah very interesting. That's makes sense to me now I love nose work and watching dogs work there hooters
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