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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. Possibly "relocated" ones from in town traps.


    Not just traps, various Animal rescue places do the same. My predecessor who lived on a farm, so, obviously not many foxes around where he lived, saw 6 foxes in 1 field one night, shot 4 same time and got the other 2 next night. They just sat there, totally bemused. I have seen 2 foxes vertually side by side on the road edge and have heard of bigger groups been found dead. Just don't realise what a major road is, too used to urban street lights. I do know one fact, that certain hunts still have foxes released locally, I have been asked twice(Not by the local hunt, as we don't see eye to eye for obvious reasons) to trap some, but told them that I don't deal in live ones.



    I was suggesting they may have been caught in live traps and released there, where they got run over.

    Four were run over on the A20 near Leeds Castle about five years ago, one of which had a shaven rump and an area where stitches had recently been removed. :blink:



    I have heard, but never yet seen one, that the animal charities pay to have the dog foxes castrated before being released, has anyone actually come across a fox treated this way?

    If thats what they are spending donations on then what a waste when a round of .223 puts the light out.


    :lol: D2D

  2. right thanks everyone. i was told to never chase the dog or it will learn that it can get away from you... is that right?



    oddly enough its not happened since the last time as i saw her having a roll in the field from the house and had a shout at her, hopefully that will help too. its never when we are out but when she is roaming alone


    this forum is a blessing though.. all good advice



    Dont call the dog to you, just walk calmly but quickly, catch the dog by the scruff and keeping its front paws off the ground take it back to the scene of the crime, reseat it scold it, job done, no fuss, no excited waving of arms.


    Mentally the dog associates being "carried" by the scruff of the neck with its puppyhood and this asserts your top dog status.


    Caution though if you cant achieve this within a few minutes forget the incident and just move on, the dog will certainly have.


    :lol: D2D



    right thanks D2D i will take that advice on board sounds spot on. now then, what with you being a kent local any chance of taking me out when i get my first shotgun?... :blink: not having any luck with permissions here at all


    PM me when you have your shottie and we will go from there, what are you getting?

    Did you ever tell us what breed of dog you have?


    :good: D2D

  3. It may be worth getting your witnesses to write their statements now, whilst matters are fresh in their memory. You can keep the statements just in case you need them later. Also if you are involved in any future accidents it is worthwhile photographing any damage and the driver and any passengers.




    Good advice, thats what I would do in case the Pr*t did try it on in a months time.


    :lol: D2D

  4. on the way to work at shipston this morning, noticed 3 dead foxes within 20 yards of each other on the verge at the side of the road

    eather been killed and dumped or 3 verry unlucky foxes crossing the road :blink:

    more fuel for the unwashed



    Would be interesting to know if they had been shot and maybe just dumped over the side on the way home.

    Its about time the trapping of town foxes and "tranferring"them to the countryside was made illegal as it is with grey squirrels and other vermin.


    :lol: D2D

  5. After replying to an advert in a magazine, i found out the dog i was after had gone, but the gent then explained he had a couple of other dogs he was willing to part with. He mentioned a Black Lab Dog, 4 yrs old, very steady, used for picking up, wildfowling and pigeon shooting. He said that the dog had been castrated as a pup due to a growth, and therefore he is willing to part with the dog for a very reasonable price as he cant use it for stud. I was just wondering what are your views on aquiring a dog of this age are? Bonding with him? would he work for me? Im going to see him this weekend. Any views welcome!!



    Hi Daf, If the dog is of good working stock there is no reason why he should not work for you, BUT before you commit to him have a thorough demo of his capabilities on the whistle, steadiness is a must if you would like a few simple dummy exercises to test him then PM me.

    Some picking up dogs used on commercial shoots are spoilt by the sheer amount of work they have to do and can "hot up" to the extent of losing steadiness.

    The fact that he was castrated is not an issue but just watch out that he is not overweight. Being from a working background he may be ok but many labs do put on the pounds after the snip.

    If you like the look of him, he handles well and you only want him for a bit of roughshooting then go for it, give him a chance.


    :lol: D2D

  6. hi guys well i have took the plunge and ordered myself a swarovski z6 so selling my zeiss which is a Victory Diavari 3-12*56 t* with a illuminated 40 ret this has no marks or damage no ring marks 30mm tube with side mounting ir control. The ret is pretty much a german 4 with an illuminated centre dot which i have used very succefully on foxes and deer. im looking for £620 including postage.


    Lightforce lamp scope mounted 170 striker with the mount complete £50 incl. postage


    Lightforce lamp hand held striker 170 with variable power control on back built on £60 incl. postage


    (both lamps are fine and work.)


    All pms or questions will be replied to asap.


    Still have my leica binos from previous add which some one can make me an offer on they are the compact 8*20 with case.


    I would like the scope mounted striker please


    :lol: D2D

  7. right thanks everyone. i was told to never chase the dog or it will learn that it can get away from you... is that right?



    oddly enough its not happened since the last time as i saw her having a roll in the field from the house and had a shout at her, hopefully that will help too. its never when we are out but when she is roaming alone


    this forum is a blessing though.. all good advice



    Dont call the dog to you, just walk calmly but quickly, catch the dog by the scruff and keeping its front paws off the ground take it back to the scene of the crime, reseat it scold it, job done, no fuss, no excited waving of arms.


    Mentally the dog associates being "carried" by the scruff of the neck with its puppyhood and this asserts your top dog status.


    Caution though if you cant achieve this within a few minutes forget the incident and just move on, the dog will certainly have.


    :blink: D2D

  8. Cheers NTTF, we thought we'd give this brew a try. I asked Fleabag to keep an eye out for something to boil up some hoof in and see what he produced. :yes:


    A few minutes with a hole saw and... we're steaming away - well under pressure with a liitle pressure vent in the pipe top :blink:


    Thats tidier than my shed ;):lol:


    Good luck with the mix, I can vouch for its efficiency.


    :lol: D2D


    It don't seem to pong much yet, when the hoof bits were cut up there was enough to maybe fill a cup, then 2 litres of boiling water helped speed things up a bit. Boiled for three hours.


    I was expecting the hoofs to really stink and did the cutting up with latex gloves. I guess the fox maybe smells something we don't? We'll be taking some out later this week to see how we get on with it.


    Had the trimmings dried out? Its the oil in the hoof that creates the pong, the trimmings dry out in a matter of hours and shrink, they need to be put in an airtight container asap until being boiled, I used a double handfull per 2pints water.it should stink if you have got it right.


    :lol: D2D

  9. hi all my FAO is coming to morrow but i dont know what for ive sent in my aplication form and ive had my interveiw ive a suspition he wants to put me on a supervision order will i be able to own a gun with a supervision thingy or will i have to wait untill ive passed is

    thanks all


    Nothing to worry about, the rules and guidelines are changing by the hour it seems, I have been shooting for many years, in fact Noah was one of my shooting buddies :w00t:


    I know my FAO well and despite that he has to do a home visit and interview me for a one for one variation.


    He and I know its a waste of time but rules are rules.


    Good luck with your visit, I hope you made him a cup of tea.


    :w00t: D2D

  10. Cheers NTTF, we thought we'd give this brew a try. I asked Fleabag to keep an eye out for something to boil up some hoof in and see what he produced. :w00t:


    A few minutes with a hole saw and... we're steaming away - well under pressure with a liitle pressure vent in the pipe top :w00t:


    Thats tidier than my shed :lol::lol:


    Good luck with the mix, I can vouch for its efficiency.


    :wub: D2D

  11. Is it ok to use household stuff such as TCP and Savlon on dogs? Our cockers got a small wound on her shoulderblade which has had a scab come off. I'd like to give it a seeing to with some anti bacterial type stuff but not sure if it's ok to use the above?


    Should I go out and acquire some dedicated dog stuff?



    I use a an antibiotic powder called cicatrin by glaxosmith applied directly to the wound, its very good.


    It comes in a small 15g puffer that fits easily in the pocket/bag.


    :w00t: D2D

  12. I would exercise the pup separately for a while so that you can give it your full attention, on a check cord, when it shows an interest in fox or any other nasty smelling piles allow it to get to within a yard, so that the pup is committed to the act and you know that its about to do the deed, then stop it with a stern reprimand. As time goes by stop it earlier and earlier it will very soon get the idea, but be alert and be consistent.


    It must associate the reprimand with the act, if it is free running and commits the crime before you can stop it dont call it back but chase after it immediately to tell it off, under no circumstances must you punish the dog when it returns to you or it will not associate the reprimand with rolling in the mess but may think its being punished for returning to you which will start another problem.


    I hope this helps.


    :w00t: D2D

  13. Unfortunately the tickets and booking forms for the show will not be available until April


    from the organisers of this years fair regarding caravan parking and tickets

    so who ever told you they where booked up is talking through their ***** mate


    I personally, like many others it seems, dont want to park on the caravan site at the Game Fair, purely so that I can avoid the traffic queues, so tried to get on a site as near to Blenhiem as poss,I called the caravan club site in the grounds, being a member, and they said they had been booked up for months and warned me that I would have difficulty in the area and they were right as I called 8 sites within a 19 mile radius all were full and had been for some time due to the Game Fair being held in the area.


    At no time did I say that the facilities at the CLA site was full MATE!!


    :rolleyes: D2D

  14. I bought myself a box of Eley subs yesterday and went about making myself the bullet pouch I was talking about. Anyway, pouch aside (got one made and it works great) I think with all the rolling about most of the wax has rubbed off of the rounds I was using as a measure for the pouch. I figured I'd try removing it from the rest of the bullets.


    I emptied the rest of the box out on a sheet of kitchen roll, then placed another sheet on top. I then put the complete setup on a pillow and rubbed the top sheet of paper around over the bullets for a minute or so. All the waxy muck has rubbed off on the kitchen roll and the rounds are now slightly greasy but without any of the excess wax that was there before.


    I thought it was worth saying as it has been mentioned before about using all sorts of fluids etc to clean individual rounds for semi auto use (which sounds like a right pain in the ****). This method seems to work pretty well, but without too much hard work involved! I don't have the gun to try them in yet, but with no visible wax it must at least cut down the amount of muck that will stick to the gun and jam it? You could probably do 100 rounds at a time this way, and 15 mins would have 1000 done <_<


    The rounds have been coated by Ely as a lubricant and its this muck, as you decribe it, that keeps the barrel clean, I had a semi and fired alot of Ely subs through it, never once did the rifle jam and I didnt have to clean that often.


    Imo what you have done is completely wrong, Ely even advise us not to have these rounds loose in the pocket to avoid rubbing off the coating.


    ??? D2D

  15. they usually set up a campsite in the grounds don't they? that can't be booked up yet surely!? i thought they didn't start taking booking for that until march time :lol:


    The caravan site is fully booked, I dont know about the camping site.


    :blush: D2D

  16. After a failed login to this site earlier i found that this site showed only 1 post and noticed there was a section to become a moderator and there where 4 being sought for the site, is this still available?




    I think its by invitation only, old boys club :lol: You know what happened to the last man who put himself forward :lol:


    :blush: D2D

  17. This years Game Fair is in the grounds of Blenheim Palace Oxford OX20 1PX weekend 25th/27th July.


    As we have a nice caravan I persuaded the Mrs that a weekend away would be nice, we could visit Oxford etc.


    Imagine my horror when not only the Caravan Club but every site within 15 miles is already booked and its only January.


    I eventually found a tiny site that takes 5 vans just 3 miles away from the Game Fair so Im sorted.


    If you are intending to go and havnt booked accom then look sharp, or you will be under canvas :lol:


    Might see some of you there :blush:


    :lol: D2D

  18. There have been some very good replies, to the original posts. No ridicule, just gentle pointers as to where he may be going wrong.

    This is the correct way to teach people, not take the Michael at every mistake they make, which would soon put off even the most enthusiastic of learners.





    What is a PTA pattern?


    Ha Ha your a braver man than me, I wanted to ask ......... :blush:


    :lol: D2D

  19. I was out this morning walking the dog, we had just turned for home and left the local farmers land. As usual I closed the gate as we went onto the road. We were suddenly passed by the farmer, who stopped his car just in front of my wheelchair and jumped out. My immediate thought "Was what have I done wrong?" He came racing back to me and started the conversation by asking if I still went shooting. I cautiously said "Yes" - to which he replied that did I want to pigeon shoot on all of their farm as they were being hit hard by pigeons and no-one was clearing them. I just about managed to say yes before he was moaning about all the rabbits as well, he then offered me the rabbit control. We carried on chatting and he mentioned about a muntjac that had been attacked by a rogue dog in their farmyard. What a pity I didn't have a rifle - er excuse me but I have and I'm trying to complete DSC2. Next thing I'm offered the stalking as well. When I said it was very kind of him but that I might have a problem as I can no longer drive on the road, he then said that I could use their farm quad to get about if they weren't using it.


    I think Christmas came a bit late for me. I have known this guy for years but only to pass the time of day and comment on the weather in the pub. So it pays to keep on good terms with people and let it be known to the locals that you shoot. I can only say that I am very lucky and just wish I was more mobile, so I could do more... though I think this will keep me busy with my other permissions.



    Well done, its good to hear of something like this happening with all the doom and gloom on here recently.


    Good luck and watch the mud :D


    :lol: D2D

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