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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. If your going for your F.A.C I'd recommend with a budget of £500 that you go for a CZ 452 American in .17 HMR

    Bolt action, deadly accurate, shoot out to 250 yards no bother and thats with the standard factory barrel. Weighs about 5.9 Lbs so you can carry it around for ages, you get a 5+1 round magazine.

    Everything about it's all really good, it's a great looking rifle, reasonably priced, cant fault it.

    Slap a scope that your comfortable with on to it and your ready to go shoot some bunnies!

    I am inclined to talk highly of them seen as I used to shoot with one but you should give it some thought, you cant really go wrong.

    Hope this helps.



    Good advice in getting a CZ 452 except that I would go for a .22 cal Varmint shorter barrel with mod and 10round mags. the cost of .17 ammo is considerably more than .22, for night shooting the .22 is far quieter and does leave something left for the table.


    :welcomeani: D2D

  2. I always find tree rats tough little critters and always aim for the drain box with my air gun are you getting clean kills?


    Shots in the neck seem to be very fast to kill them, a few twitches and they're gone. My best shot entered the neck and exited at the shoulder. The last two squirrels that I shot I ate in a pie (very tasty indeed). It seems that their brains are actually in their necks rather than where you would expect.

    brains in necks :welcomeani::friends::welcomeani:


    Its quite possible, as for years as a lad my father kept telling me my brains must be in my trousers :yahoo::lol:


    :friends: D2D

  3. Hello everyone, just thought i'd pop on here and introduce myself!!

    My name's James and i've been shooting for a few months now. Have always wanted to 'have a go' and finally took the plunge a little while back and booked a few lessons. Best thing i ever did!!!

    I've only shot clays, mainly skeet, though i do have the occasional pop at sporting too.

    I've always been interested in shooting, conservation and the countryside in general, and am an avid birdwatcher too!!

    I'm looking at maybe joining a local wildfowling club too so any information would be great. I live nr Colchester so hopefully there should be a few clubs locally!!

    Looking forward to chatting soon, seems like a very friendly site!!



    Poontang your not French are you by any chance?


    Wrong spelling but close enough :lol::lol:




    :good: D2D

  4. :good::good::lol:ADZACTLY MATE :lol:;) WELL SAID :good::oops:

    Blimey the Poles have invaded the forum now, it looks like civil war is upon us, pack faster, pack faster I tell you! :lol::lol:

    haha you seen how many new members have joined lol,, there gonna kick you guys buts lol :lol::lol:

    No its no use Junior, the mods are now ganging up on you, taking the**** to try to discredit your concern about the way our country is being taken over, I have read about these people many years ago during the second World War, they called them Quislings in that era, their response to their own peoples troubles made them very popular with the invaders, and they had a cushy life at the expence of their own peoples suffering. :lol::lol:




    Yes but most Quislings were dealt with and got there just deserts when the countries were liberated.


    One of the earlier posts mentioned firearms for personal safety, are there any records available that show how many asians have been granted licences to legally posses weapons, that might be a concern :yp:


    :lol: D2D

  5. Our family wear our poppies with pride and give a generous donation each year. Like an earlier post we will only buy from an old soldier as it seems fair to support his effort, standing often on a cold and draughty street.


    Mrs D2D works for a French company with 80% French/Polish nationals making up the workforce, of that there are approx 20 French managers average age 30yrs, NOT ONE IN 10YRS HAS EVER WORN A POPPY, despite Mrs D,s efforts to educate them.


    They are arrogant beyond believe and are firmly and openly of the opinion that the English are stupid and lazy, hence the imported workforce.


    Poppies are a symbol of the sacrifice made by the very many soldiers of the commonwealth and of their blood spilt on the fields of Flanders in the great war and as such IMO represent a memorial to all servicemen past and present who gave their all.


    We must not forget that the proceeds of the sales of these Poppies are used to give much needed support to todays service personnel currently in Iraq and Afgan, who as shown in another post recently are being woefully let down by this government.


    Sorry if I have gone on a bit but this one hits a nerve, the fact that it gets dumbed down in schools etc really annoys me.


    :good: D2D

  6. SAK Mod


    Now you have me worried, I recently purchased a new CZ .22 and the RFD sold me a SAK mod saying it was the biz at a reasonable price and being very quiet, I went along with this, but after following a link above I note that this mod should only be fitted to air rifles. So who is right, does anyone else use this mod on a rimfire?


    ??? D2D

  7. I had PH for ages then a SAK on new RF it is much quieter and lighter.


    :good: D2D

    I presume that an SAK mod is different to a Sako mod?


    Sorry skimmed the post and didnt appreciate the big O on the end :sick:


    I was seriously impressed though with just how much quieter the SAK is compared with the Parker Hale.


    :good: D2D

  8. What do you think is the best .22LR rimfire moderator on the market? I bought a Sako mod just because a friend has one that sounds pretty quiet. I'm very pleased with it, but it's the only one I've seen working, Did I make the right choice?



    I had PH for ages then a SAK on new RF it is much quieter and lighter.


    :good: D2D

  9. Springadors are becoming very popular now as roughshooting dogs, if hes from working parents and properly trained he will be an excellent allrounder with the best of both the breeds in him.


    Keep us posted please.


    :good: D2D

  10. I have never been so humbled as when I went to physio after I broke my leg. After eight weeks in plaster the nurse suggested a few hours a week in the hospital physio dept as my leg had whithered away.

    On my first visit on sticks I saw a five year girl who was adjusting to her new prosthetic leg and an eight year old boy who lost his arm from the elbow down.

    Their resolution to get on with life, the ability to still smile and laugh meant I asked the nurse to not waste her time booking me in.

    I never leave the house without kissing my girls and I never go to bed without kissing them goodnight.



    Spot on and never go to sleep on an argument or bad feeling, it takes two to row but a bigger person to say sorry.


    I have spent months as a patient in various cancer wards and seen children, bless them, die of cancer related tumors horribly disfigured after surgery and many without a hope in hell of seeing their next Christmas,when you see their faces still full of happiness thats when you start questioning "the big man".


    All men no matter where or who they are have a point where emotion will come to the surface, to suppress emotion is unhealthy and to display it is perfectly normal and certainly nothing to be ashamed of.


    :good: D2D

  11. Messing about with fireworks is very dangerous. Attaching objects to rockets upsets the delicate balance and could result in anything but a skyward trajectory - LIKE INTO SOMEONE'S FACE!


    Some small kid reading these posts may try it and cause serious burns to himself and others. Being burned by a firework ain't like a burn from your mother's iron. The oxidising agents will use your flesh as 'fuel' and the damage could go down to the bone.


    Firework combustion is like volcanic lava or fresh welding slag; NASTY. Sight is precious!



    Before I am shot down by the academics, my terminology has been 'dumbed down' for, I hope, maximum effect.


    Have a safe, sensible and enjoyable Bonfire Party.





    I had best not say what we as boys got up to with long cardboard tubes and rockets then?


    Probably where the Ragtops :good: get some of their ideas for homemade kit from, scary stuff when on the receiving end.


    FC is right play safe and have respect for your own and others safety.


    :good: D2D

  12. Today OCT 31st just as the light was fading a sizeable flock of woodies came in quite high and descended to roost in a mixed plantation...... I watched and they kept on coming, I sat in the Landy watching them stream in for a good 15 mins and made a mental note to return when we next had a good strong wind to keep them lower and on a line.


    This is the first time I have seen what I call Winter flocking this early in the year and Im now looking forward to some serious roost shooting in those woods.


    They are feeding at the moment on the masses of Acorns we seem to have, Im suprised they are able to take off and fly perhaps I should have a look in the crop and actually count how many acorns they do eat at a time, has anyone done this?


    :good: D2D

  13. Hi

    I am online at 0425 but that cause I have got in from work and just seeing what Mrs Sweepy been writing the previous night :lol::lol::lol:




    Sweepy, she got drunk, posted lots of sexually explicit stories and pictures, ( which we had to move to the secret Moderators section ) and received her fifteenth Final Warning.

    In other words, just another normal evening when you are on the late shift. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Now then,stop stirring, its bad enough Sweepy having to do a night shift........ only joking :lol:


    :good: D2D

  14. I have done a fair few miles in 90s and mainly 110,s


    I can say i have never had one break so badly it wont drive, i have rolled them, grounded them, flooded them and they have always struggled on.


    I can say that if they are off roaded a lot the check the disks and hubs as the lads who repair ours say they can tell if they have been off roaded as they are groved and ground away.


    brilliant bits of kit and if you dent a pannel then you can just lump hammer it out!!!



    but i would say not brilliant for commuting to slough on a wet morning as the window screen wipers never seem to wipe fast enough (you all know what i mean!!) and the noise is horrible above about 50 and the body roll is fantastic if you take a roundabout a bit to fast!! (trust me i have driven to germany in one!!)


    So in summary brilliant i have driven them more off road that on..grat bits of equipment..... whats the price if you dont mind me asking?


    I know off road tyres can be expensive but spares are availabe everywhere and are not to bad on price


    I know doors can take a hammering.. check for rust and on the sills and chasis as mud sits on the corners and underneath and tends to rot them


    PS to that, check the outriggers they usually fill up solid when offroaded and rot out quite quickly, take a screwdriver or knife and have a good dig out, see how many different layers of soil and sand come out :lol:

    Not an expensive job to put right but it is a reliable indication of the type of driving its done.

    Tranmission can be abused if offroaded and IS expensive, make sure it changes sweetly and there is no horrible syncro crunching or whining in the transfer box in 4WD.

    As you can guess I love them and have had restored Series 1 through to present Def 300TDI.


    :good: D2D

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