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Everything posted by SNS

  1. SNS

    Exit poll

    Am with you. And my plans to sleep from 200am are going out of the window as a consequence! UKIP numbers not enough to get seats but surely ought to be enough to be listened too ? LibDem to get just 10 seats looking a real prospect too
  2. SNS

    Exit poll

    Pundits now saying on the basis of Nuneaton could be a Tory majority
  3. SNS

    Tory majority

    I did get 13/2 for a bit of fun and to cover some of my stakes so may not be a bad outcome if indeed the outcome goes as the bookies predict
  4. SNS

    Tory majority

    Down to 7/4 on Paddy power from 13/2 Wish I'd hedged later rather than sooner !
  5. SNS

    Ed Balls

    Have bunged a wedge on labour forming a government, just to hedge my tax bill though
  6. SNS

    To those we owe

    +1 Precisely my thoughts as I went to vote this morning
  7. SNS

    Ed Balls

    +1 The guy is a clown. He admitted the other week inBrum that he would raise tax to 50% even in light of evidence it would yield less of a tax take than staying at 40%. Because "it's what we believe in"
  8. I was there at 7.05am and was voter number 7 of the morning a chap proudly announced to me. The landed gentry don't need to commute like I do so am guessing the rest of the local votes will be cast a little later in the day. Fingers crossed for our Country.
  9. You boys certainty put in some hard work for these bags ! I walked a good 50 yards to one of my perms earlier but thought I'd leave the 2 birds I saw for another day.
  10. Hopefully Ive managed to attach some pics. I haven't bothered with a shot of the super new centre bit of the dash they have built to accommodate the double din Alpine unit, but it does look absolutely amazing........ And one from the back for good measure............
  11. Your hat seems to have shrunk
  12. Problem is they vary massively - mine is £900 an hour. But then again we do bookkeeping for small businesses for £150 to £350 a month, including VAT and tax returns. Clearly you could compete with the former (though I'm a tax specialist not a bookkeeper), though the latter suggests to me that you should stay put. Smaller regional firms clearly charge lower hourly rates than my firm so my advice would be pitch your price at least what you need to make a decent living - if they say yes, great. If they say you are to expensive then it was never going to work
  13. Congratulations Sir ! You have her wrapped in the makings of a good harvest hide too
  14. More excitingly I've dropped the Defender off at Urban Truck today, over near Milton Keynes - picking it up Friday after a good number of changes / additions. Can. Not. Wait !!
  15. Sounds a very good day, even if your semi auto is causing you problems My neighbour has been very busy drilling for the past week so I may actually get out myself shortly. If I can remember what to do !
  16. It looks like one of those easy cotswolds birds to me. You sure you hadn't found it under your car seat when looking for cartridges??
  17. SNS


    If it happened to be your closest friend that was in this dilemma, what would you tell them to do / think about ?
  18. Now the mud is drying out, be afraid - Stevyg may be able to get across the fields !
  19. Had 3 places and the short priced winner. When I sober up I may recall the names. Top, top day from the bloody marys at 830am to God knows what I was drinking in the plough an hour or so ago. Sadly have to work tomorrow but back Friday.....
  20. Luckily I managed to win more than my wife lost, And despite a quick trip round the 'shops' whilst she bought yet another hat I still came away up. Good old Ruby. Real shame about Annie Power as I'd have been quids in with my Mullins acca - though with a real slice of luck I backed each of the first three on the course handsomely and never bet anything on course in the race she was certain to win, but didn't. Roll on tomorrow as I'm leaving the wife at home !
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