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Everything posted by ScubaSparky

  1. A "Heads-up" : A couple of Will Garfits previous books available for a really good price from : paulmorgan-cochybonddu-books Check out eBay item no's 140856981285 140856981361 They are specialist Fishing, field craft / sports & Hunting Book Dealers
  2. A "Heads-up" : A couple of Will Garfits previous books available for a really good price from : paulmorgan-cochybonddu-books Check out eBay item no's 140856981285 140856981361 They are specialist Fishing, field craft / sports & Hunting Book Dealers
  3. Yeah, that's what I thought. It was a clean kill using a Sipe 32g #6 & the bird fell just as the photo
  4. Great days Fun Day / Beaters Shoot on Sat, even managed to create a Pigeon Snow Angel : https://skydrive.liv...ABxXgqjbRDT13us
  5. Payment Sent Jimmy Many thanks Simon
  6. New Donor Campaign : 100 Thousand New Donors in 100 Days http://www.blood.co.uk/news/100k/
  7. I also tried pm'ing you the other week kdubya, but mine also failed. Inbox too full, or a user setting incorrect ? Simon
  8. Hi The Turbo Flapper & Timer arrived safely at 07:38 this AM many thanks. To give me added piece of mind I think I am going to add a Standard Car Blade fuse on an additional length of wire - The Fuse would cost pence as a-posed to a blown motor ! Do you know the wattage of the motor on the Turbo Flapper or what size fuse would be best to protect the motor ? Thanks Simon Thanks for your message, Got hold of the motor supplier last night, he said there really is no need to put a fuse inline as they are designed not to need one but is you really really have to do it then it must be no more than 500 milliamp. Hope this helps, Kind regards - sportingagent Hi Thanks for your reply about Fuse.... Ah your motor supplier (MFA? or similar) says I don't really need a Fuse - so the motor wont burn out if something got jammed. Perhaps I wont bother then, but if I felt compelled to do so a fuse no bigger than 500 milliamp / 0.5 amp will do the trick. I have also remembered to leave you Positive Feedback on the sale ! Cheers Simon
  9. I was thinking more like, if the motor got over strained / over loaded because of seized linkages or if I forgot to break the wings. My thinking is that all 12v devices / circuits in a car are protected by a fuse & so are all devices in the house. Yes I emailed them the other day, I'll post up their response in a min... Cheers Simon
  10. Hi KWGlad you got sorted & purchased a new Flapper of a different make / design.Let us know how you get on with it please.SimonBTW I tried pm'ing you, with similar msg, but I think your inbox is full.
  11. Me too Burt, John Humphreys took me (& other school children from Bottisham Village College) there one summers evening. Lovely well kept lakes. Really nice chap, met him there & I think it was his father too. John wrote an article about the eve in Shooting Times, iirc I featured in one of the snaps ! Simon
  12. Doh, sorry I didn't read all the replies before I put that on !
  13. Check out their fixtures calendar on their website : www.Cambridgegunclub.co.uk
  14. I was going to go today too, but there is no sporting practice on today, as there is a Competition on....
  15. Motor burn out, that's why I started the Thread the other day asking about the protection fuse. If the motor jammed, it would blow the cheap fuse instead of the expensive motor.
  16. Shame the motor rotor/cam isn't made completely out of brass ! Should be a simple 2 screw job to replace (grub screw+setscrew with nylock nut), once you have been sent a new one from AA Decoys. Even if you have to pay for it it shouldn't be any more than a couple of pounds. While you are on the phone to him, can you ask him how much a spare one would be - handy to keep just in case. Or does anyone know if they are available in maplins or other hardware shops ?
  17. That was a mess, but wow what a difference you have made to it ! Do you fancy coming over & talking my garage? :-)
  18. How have you got on with taking a photo of the broken bits or more importantly phoning AA Decoys for some replacement bits / spares ?
  19. I haven't brought any of these, but they may be of use : 10 Pack Pigeon Sillos UV SLIP OVER JACKETS http://www.ukshootwarehouse.com/10-pack-pigeon-sillos-uv-slip-over-jackets
  20. I managed to buy one of the Originally Designed Rotor-coy / A1 Decoy Turbo Flappers from one of their 99p Start price eBay auctions. I was lucky enough to win it for £42 + p+p. The build quality is really good, with a nice Powder Coat finish. Not had chance to try it out in the field yet, but it looks like it should be reliable. Maybe A1 should drop their price to £60/70 to be closer to their competitors AA who copied their design.
  21. Re: Patterns, I noticed the other day Pinewood's website has several variations on it. Think I'm going to print them all off for reference !
  22. There's a good youtube video by Will Garfit, someone posted the link on here the other week
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