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Everything posted by bigman

  1. just dieseling slightly mate , bit of lube getting in front of the piston washer if it continues strip down clean an re lube properly will do the trick ,
  2. nice iv just ordered myself one
  3. Being a complete noob to pigeon shooting iv still loads to learn but trying to pick up as much info as i can , this may sound stupid but when decoying pigeons do they normally come in to land ? only reason i ask is when im out doing it i find ill get a lot of birds crossing from side to side but not coming in to land , most of the time there moving at quite a pace , iv had a few come right in over the top and come in to land there nice confidance boasters as i can normally drop them no problems , seem to be having little bit more sucess since added a loan rook to the small 6 bird pattern
  4. who supplys the hushpower barrels and mods mate?
  5. looking to buy my first net whats the best to go for ? the stealth camo net on the bay looks ok
  6. bigman

    new pellets

    even if they are a good barrel gun match then they will only be as good as the man behind the trigger , personnally i think they are a waste of time , why so heavy i use 8.4g with no problems , iv seen a test group shot with these on another forum and looked no better than anything else , Clubshot send me aload ill test um properly for you not just on paper in the back garden
  7. are skeet chokes tight then bud ?
  8. bit of clay and pigeon shooting ,
  9. Well iv pattened my new to me shotgun an as thought the chokes are very tight compared to my friends 1/4 an 1/2 it seems mine are full an 3/4 as stamped on the barrels , when i brought the gun im sure i was told it was 1/4 3/4 but never mind as its a fixed choke im wondering what my options are ? maybe another barrel to swap out with the others its a winchestor 101 xtr pigeon cheers
  10. thanks for the info , i went to lakenheth last weekend really enjoyed it even in the rain
  11. welcome mate iv not long joined myself
  12. Lovely job thanks , iv just molyed my hinge only a wee dab mind
  13. Im wondering if i should apply small amount of moly to the hinge pin area after cleaning the gun ? should it be lightly greased or dry? is there any other areas that should be liglhty greased with moly? thanks lads
  14. hi bud what chamber size will it take?
  15. yeap probelm sorted now mate thanks , i like fenland theres always plenty to eyeball in there
  16. im new to shotguns myself , i was told to remove the forearm an if theres any movement in the barrels steer well clear
  17. Are these considered anygood? its a 101 xtr pigeon grade in very nice condition cheers
  18. bigman

    HW80 HELP

    probably to late now but looks like the cocking shoe? or slipper?
  19. thanks to all your replys guys , ill run it in the shop at the weekend and see if i can get in checked
  20. very nice , my grandad was the keep of spicers shoot for many years used to fish at whittlesford lake too
  21. Theyv had a bad press alot of them seem to develop problems reg noramlly, probably abit of user error thrown in too there not my cuppa tea for the money id go for a s/h rapid an be done with it
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