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Everything posted by lees

  1. Hi, I went on their website but I couldn't find the info, I think it's in the process of being updated.
  2. How much is Cambridge? I've got family round there I could take I assume you can take non licence holders?
  3. Only problem being it costs at least 5x as much, I'd have loved to go on it though! It's not going backwards, just a different direction efficiency rather than speed.
  4. From that you can go on to a BTEC 1st diploma or national diploma (I think the PEO is a level one course?)
  5. Good advice, I did a lower level apprentiship at the same place, but hated the job, however I stuck with it until I finished and that experience got me a job I enjoy (had to train up again but worth it), so don't quite half way through!
  6. I saw them at reading festival (well, axel rose and cover band) a couple of years ago, they came on almost an hour late and played one of the worst gigs I've ever seen.
  7. That's right, the same isle as the elbow grease and replacement spirit level bubbles.
  8. It would have to be a very good one, lead isn't magnetic.
  9. I'm not surprised, I've seen that happens when a hose from one breaks free and flails around if hate to think what would happen if a tank burst.
  10. I ordered a slip from them before Christmas, they then emailed me saying it was out of stock would I be happy to wait 2 weeks for it to come from the suppliers, I said no problem that was fine, 3 weeks later nothing so I emailed them, they said they couldn't get one anymore would I like a different slip so I asked which was the shortest they had as my gun only has 28' barrels. They had a short one but it wasn't on the website, I asked for a picture (had to chase them up to get them to) they said they couldn't get a picture (apparently no on there has a camera or camera phone!) so I asked to cancel the order but when I got home that day the slip I ordered in the 1st place had come, only took 7 weeks, I won't be using them again!
  11. lees


    Isn't that more if it isn't burning properly?
  12. I think it has to be under 3 inches or something like that, and non locking, the make a non locking opinel, not sure how long the blade is though.
  13. I've not used ATs but I've heard they are good on fresh snow but no good on hard packed snow and slush, I've used winter tyres for the last 3 winters and they make a huge difference on fresh/packed snow and slush, as well as when it's just cold and damp.
  14. Ah fair enough, when my grandparents replaced their freezer in the garage with a new one a couple of years ago it wouldn't run in the cold, a heater in the garage sorted it, I assumed it was the freezer protecting its self, the air con on my car is the same that wont work below about 2oC eithe and the manual says its to prevent the external radiator part freezing up.
  15. Good point, probably better off just putting 'BASC insured' or something like that.
  16. haha I used to work with Lewis a few years ago, small world and all that.
  17. Yeah that's the problem, they wont run when its too cold because if they did the condenser would freeze up, a small fan heater with a thermostat set low in the shed will sort it.
  18. There should be a re test, there are so many older drivers who are no longer capable of driving.
  19. I'm impressed someone was using a 9mm for clays, sounds difficult!
  20. I'd go with barrels and stock locked onto different solid objects with cable locks, hidden away somewhere.
  21. St. Michael's mount has an outside area as well where you could do the hog roast.
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